fostered jasper out for the day

Discussion in 'Labrador Chat' started by lynnelogan, Oct 21, 2013.

  1. lynnelogan

    lynnelogan Registered Users

    Apr 10, 2013
    had a very busy day yesterday.....fostered jasper out to my daughters, not a doggie friendly house, he did quite well, :) only stole a tea towel and a toy, son in law took him out for his first walk, he said he had pulled him like a train,he let him off the lead for a run, he spotted a jack Russell dog and he went completely deaf (i had give instructions not to let him off the lead )......low and behold second walk my son in law let him off the lead again, this time a bit better behaved, .......he was at there house all day 2 walks/runs and never shut his eyes all day.....i am sure the little love thought we had abandoned him, mark gone for over 2 weeks then me leaving him for the day, although logan was there so he had plenty of fuss.........this past week i feel like i am going backwards,......going off now to take him for a run, for the first time i am dreading taking him out :(
    the weather is shocking, rain bouncing down, i am just praying there will be no other dogs out :(
    i have done really well training him to walk to heel,and he as lost it.....recall fantastic when no other dogs around, :) sees another dog and i may as well not be there :)
    i feel so down and disheartened :'(
    i think i am going to have to go right back to the beginning,.... :mad:
    i don't get many visitors but when i do he turns into a very misbehaved boy,......i think i have been to soft with him, i have no escape route, :(
    when i get visitors i put him in the kitchen behind the baby gate until he calms down,....i cant shut the kitchen door or he would be uncontrollable , he makes the most ridiculous noises , not a cry, howl or a yelp, its like loud talking noises,........i cant put him out side and shut the door,he would try to burst the door down, i never leave him outside with the door shut.......i am going have to start being a bit harder with him, :'(
    going off now, feeling so miserable :'(
  2. kateincornwall

    kateincornwall Registered Users

    Mar 4, 2012
    Re: fostered jasper out for the day

    Chin up Lynne , Jasper hasnt lost it all, he just needs reminding :) Its a rare pup that doesnt have lapses where training is concerned, its just down to us to put them back on track again, but its not like starting from scratch, he will have retained loads of information, just that at the moment, he is chosing not to put it into play , but he is a young lad still , just slowly slowly steer him back with the help of treats and lots of praise . It is disheartening when they seem to slip but all isnt lost, I promise :)
  3. Oberon

    Oberon Supporting Member Forum Supporter

    Mar 6, 2013
    Canberra, Australia
    Re: fostered jasper out for the day

    Oh, how frustrating.... They can go through unruly phases... I'm not sure that it's a matter of being harder with him. More a case of a training solution - going back to a few basics as you say (e.g. treats for sitting quietly when other dogs pass but at a distance he can handle without being totally distracted).

    Don't worry - you will get your good dog back :) He's just got teenage boy brain.
  4. tartanmouse

    tartanmouse Registered Users

    Jun 27, 2013
    Re: fostered jasper out for the day

    I have read that dogs can have a rebellious teenage stage, and it's just a case of sticking with it..x
  5. Karen

    Karen Registered Users

    May 24, 2012
    Re: fostered jasper out for the day

    Dont be downhearted Lynne, you have been great with Jasper, he is a young lad and they sometimes behave like hooligans... Just keep up with the training, and maybe do a bit more 'proofing'. Supportive hugs from me!
  6. lynnelogan

    lynnelogan Registered Users

    Apr 10, 2013
    Re: fostered jasper out for the day

    back from my morning walk, other dogs out, thank goodness, weathers that bad here i don't think anyone else would be brave enough :)
    he walked ok ish, me stopping every 3 or 4 steps to remind him not to pull or we would be going back home :) he had a good run, did some retrieves, sit, wait of course with training lead on :) i do let the lead loose but always near enough to stand on it if another dog appears :)
    i am sure he is missing his dad :(
    just treated him to a boiled egg :)
    all in all apart from the weather it was a pleasant walk :)
  7. Oberon

    Oberon Supporting Member Forum Supporter

    Mar 6, 2013
    Canberra, Australia
    Re: fostered jasper out for the day

    Great to hear :) I bet he enjoyed his egg.
  8. jade805

    jade805 Registered Users

    Mar 5, 2013
    Re: fostered jasper out for the day

    Amy is going backwards too! She is trying at pulling again and has also started to stop and refuse to move??
  9. lynnelogan

    lynnelogan Registered Users

    Apr 10, 2013
    Re: fostered jasper out for the day

    like they all say it is just there teenage years :)
    we got to just keep working on the training :)
  10. bbrown

    bbrown Moderator Forum Supporter

    Jun 13, 2011
    Re: fostered jasper out for the day

    You've set such good groundwork Lynne if you stay consistent and firm it'll all come back into line :)
  11. lynnelogan

    lynnelogan Registered Users

    Apr 10, 2013
    Re: fostered jasper out for the day

    i am a very consistent person, i wont give up......i will just keep up the training :)
  12. kateincornwall

    kateincornwall Registered Users

    Mar 4, 2012
    Re: fostered jasper out for the day

    Go for it Lynne :)
    I think it was Pippa who once suggested to me ( sorry Pippa if it wasnt you !) that the teenage rebellious stage actually doesnt exist . It was explained thus :
    We set off training our pups when they are like little sponges , soaking up all the info and reacting well , we make really good progress with training and then , we relax , we think that we have cracked it ::) ::)
    The stark reality is that training is an ongoing regime and ok , once adult and reasonably sensible , we dont need the intensity so much but we simply must keep the odd reminders in place , repetition etc .
    I made the same mistake, thinking I had a well trained young dog and sat back on my laurels and of course, this is when they show us up and behave like hooligans :-[ :-[
    So , whilst we dont want little robots, we do have to bear in mind that training is a lifelong necessity , fun sessions, short and sweet and not getting paranoid if it goes wrong from time to time ;)
  13. Dexter

    Dexter Moderator Forum Supporter

    Apr 10, 2013
    Re: fostered jasper out for the day

    Ah Lynne,I'm just catching up on your post.....don't lose've got really good foundations with are used to sharing the work,walks,training and everything that goes along with owning a dog with Mark and it's a lot when you then have to do it all in your own......when is he back?just try to get Jasper doing something simple for you,it will get him listening to you again and you will get your confidence back.....
    Your son in law is a bit naughty letting him off when you told him not too,especially if Jasper can switch his deaf ears on....I bet if it had all gone wrong it would have been Logan that would have regained control ;)
    Don't lose heart and don't stress yourself out if it feels too much,survive and do what you can and make a plan to share Jasper's revision when Mark gets back.........get Mark to agree to retraining lead walking before you tell him you've been letting him sleep in his bed though! X ;) ;) xxx
  14. lynnelogan

    lynnelogan Registered Users

    Apr 10, 2013
    Re: fostered jasper out for the day

    kate i have read that dogs do go through the teenage rebellious stage between the age of 6 to 18 month
    Mentally, dogs at this stage may exhibit selective hearing, meaning they chose when to listen and mostly when it is convenient. They may have an attitude such as:"So, what happens if I decide not to" and may be slow in responding to your commands. Just as kids, dogs require their owner's guidance. As an owner you must gently remind them that "sit" still means "sit" and that they must behave in the same manner as before.

    While it is great to know that canine adolescence will ultimately end, it may feel like forever for an owner used to having a puppy that has always listened and did everything to please their owners. As challenging as this phase is, persistent owners will see the light at the end of the tunnel if they maintain calm, and remains consistent all the the efforts will pay off and the dog owner bond will be better once the dog matures into a well stabilized dog with a great temperament and a big will to please its owner.

    angela, i think i have got my self over tired,....i have spoke to mark about his training and told him we have got some hard work to do when he is home, (just what you want to hear when your on holl ).....i have told him he is in his bed heheheh,
  15. Dexter

    Dexter Moderator Forum Supporter

    Apr 10, 2013
    Re: fostered jasper out for the day

    Be careful Lynne,he might stay another week!only joking,he'll give you a hand when he gets back with your cheeky four legged lad! X
  16. charlie

    charlie Registered Users

    Sep 29, 2012
    Hampshire, UK
    Re: fostered jasper out for the day

    [quote author=lynnelogan link=topic=2980.msg31514#msg31514 date=1382360217]
    kate i have read that dogs do go through the teenage rebellious stage between the age of 6 to 18 month
    Mentally, dogs at this stage may exhibit selective hearing, meaning they chose when to listen and mostly when it is convenient. They may have an attitude such as:"So, what happens if I decide not to" and may be slow in responding to your commands. Just as kids, dogs require their owner's guidance. As an owner you must gently remind them that "sit" still means "sit" and that they must behave in the same manner as before.

    While it is great to know that canine adolescence will ultimately end, it may feel like forever for an owner used to having a puppy that has always listened and did everything to please their owners. As challenging as this phase is, persistent owners will see the light at the end of the tunnel if they maintain calm, and remains consistent all the the efforts will pay off and the dog owner bond will be better once the dog matures into a well stabilized dog with a great temperament and a big will to please its owner.

    angela, i think i have got my self over tired,....i have spoke to mark about his training and told him we have got some hard work to do when he is home, (just what you want to hear when your on holl ).....i have told him he is in his bed heheheh,

    Lynne, Charlie is almost 3 years old and I am still waiting ::) You will get there with the help of Mark. Hang in there. Helen x
  17. pippa@labforumHQ

    pippa@labforumHQ Administrator

    May 10, 2011
    Re: fostered jasper out for the day

    Hi Lynne

    Dogs have to be trained to recall away from things that attract them. Teaching a recall is a complex thing. It isn't a case of understanding the command. It is a case of understanding that the command applies in many different places and under many different circumstances.

    And yes it is me that does not believe in the teenage phase, at least not in the sense of something that a dog will grow out of.

    Dogs become much more independent towards the end of the first year as they mature and adult hormones kick in. But these changes are permanent, and tend to coincide with a time at which many of us thing we've 'cracked it' with regards to training

    Thus the naughty stage begins :)

    Experienced trainers tend not to have problems with 'teenage' dogs because they are consistent and proof their training effectively.

    Proofing means teaching your dog to recall under all manner of different circumstances, and the best way to do this is to 'set up' fake distractions or factors of difficulty (such as a friend holding a piece of warm roast chicken :) ) and teaching the dog to recall away from that.

    There are lots of articles on this in the recall training centre on the main website.

    All Jasper needs is some practice. You will get there :)

  18. lynnelogan

    lynnelogan Registered Users

    Apr 10, 2013
    Re: fostered jasper out for the day

    pippa i have been teaching him the recall from your book, following it step by step over a period of 6 months,...i can recall him from every thing apart from another dog, i could have a friend dangle an whole chicken under his nose and i can recall him from that,......i have never stopped or relaxed with his training .........not one day have i missed doing any recall training, to me it sounds like you are very negative towards me and positive to others ......just seen you comment on another recall post with a very positive attitude,.....i am sorry but you have upset me by saying there are lots of articles on recall on the main web site,.....when i have done every step of your book
  19. drjs@5

    drjs@5 Registered Users

    Jun 2, 2012
    Fife, Scotland
    Re: fostered jasper out for the day

    I'm sorry to see you upset Lynne :'(
    I don't think anyone has deliberately been critical of you.
    I think Pippa, just like the rest of us, knows that you are working really hard and trying your very best with Jasper, and only want to help.

    We all have these days where it feels like our small forward steps are overwhelmed by a big slide back.
    Sometimes it does help to go back and read other things to "re-inspire" us to keep going, and there IS loads of stuff on the main site that put things in a slightly different way to Total Recall.

    I am sure no-one meant to make you feel bad. You should feel really good about the progress that both Jasper AND you have made.
    {{hugs}} to you both.
  20. bbrown

    bbrown Moderator Forum Supporter

    Jun 13, 2011
    Re: fostered jasper out for the day

    Other dogs are still our hardest challenge too Lynne by SUCH a long way!! Recall from everything else has been comparatively easy!!! Rileys two and a half and we still have to work on it every day ::) He's soooo much better than at 9 months but always room for improvement for us.

    I know you and Jasper will keep getting better and better :D

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