
Discussion in 'Labrador Chat' started by Dexter, Jul 6, 2013.

  1. Dexter

    Dexter Moderator Forum Supporter

    Apr 10, 2013
    Dex and I are glum...our sunset beach trip has been rearranged for Tuesday....we've been looking forward to it all day :(.......Im too nervous to go on my own as it is indeed a criminal activity here to visit the public beach with your dog!So I need to 1. Be shown the correct location where I am told we can sneak on unobserved and 2.have my friend ( who is experienced in this law breaking activity ;)) and her dog with me for moral support!
    Karen mentioned it being a bit easier in Abu Dhabi which is probably about an hour that will be a consideration when we can walk him's a long way to go for his half hour romp.I get out into the desert with him too about 20 mins away,which will be fun in the winter but is a bit of an endurance sport this time of year,even early doors.....
    Been reading up on swimming in the pool far we haven't let him go in.
    Several points of worry:
    Effects of chlorine .....sore eyes,skin irritation (Dexters eyes are on my DIY management program to avoid an earlier discussed operation so don't want to irritate them unduly,my system is working at the moment)

    He's just dropped his football in the blummin pool while I'm writing this !!!!

    Ingesting pool water......he's had Gardia when he first got here,pool was identified as a possible source...we say twaddle,the chemicals are too well managed For that to have been the source and us and the children that use it have never been ill.he has got an easily upset tummy.....poos are always soft so pool chemicals are not going to help that I surmise.

    Hygiene....couple of comments have said that your average domestic pool filter is not efficient enough to deal with the fecal matter( niiiiiice!)and hair without increasing the chemicals.....vicious circle then....

    Oh I don't know.....what can't I be more spontaneous and just get him in!!!!His cousin Barnie goes in the pools here and so far no ill effects.

    Right off to the park.....poor Dexter doesn't know what he is missing,he'll be happy with a sniff over there!its me who's glum :(
  2. lynnelogan

    lynnelogan Registered Users

    Apr 10, 2013
    Re: Glum

    lift yourself up angela and dust yourself down i am sure dexter is quite happy to sit at the side of the pool......wel jel of the pool :)......get him a paddling pool, he will be more than happy :)..........i understand when you are saying about the hot weather there, .......its the hottest day we have had this year here.........only taking jasper out for an evening walk, when its a bit cooler :).............he as had a ball with the guys in my garden...they don't need a digger jasper is doing that for them :)
  3. Lisa

    Lisa Registered Users

    Jun 6, 2013
    Alberta, Canada
    Re: Glum

    The challenges of a dog in the desert! I feel for you!

    Do you ever just hose him down? Or have a sprinkler? I know the idea of the beach is also the fun of running in the waves, but just a thought.

    You are right in that Dexter doesn't know what he's missing! So have a cool drink and try not to let it bother you too much!

    Looking forward to hear of your clandestine sneak to the beach....glad you have a friend to show you the ropes!
  4. kateincornwall

    kateincornwall Registered Users

    Mar 4, 2012
    Re: Glum

    What a shame that your plans went to pot Angela. but I`m sure Dexter didnt know what you had in mind , or did he ?

    It must be a total nightmare to try and keep cool where you are, feel for you x
  5. JulieT

    JulieT Registered Users

    Jun 15, 2013
    Re: Glum

    Oh darn it - but I think you are wise to wait to be shown how to engage in unlawful activity safely. But no dogs on the beach? All year or just in the summer?

    What a pain. I thought it was special to take a dog on the beach for the first time, I'll never forget Charlie's wide eyed excitement - mainly at the limpets on the rocks, which he thought he could eat. He thought he was in a world where the very walls were made of food!

    I bet it's tough in the summer there with a furry friend - and did you say he is not really allowed off lead in the park either? Bah... although you must manage somehow as I've seen your pics of Dexter romping around in the park.
  6. Dexter

    Dexter Moderator Forum Supporter

    Apr 10, 2013
    Re: Glum

    Yes....I can honestly after a life time of law dog has turned me into a criminal!

    The lack of dog walking facilities( as I would like opportunity for free romps and fun) are non existent the public areas they are allowed,dogs must be on leads at all times.That and the Summer climate were the biggest reasons it took Chris 10 years to break me to get Dexter....we are coping with ingenuity and good luck so far!we aren't irresponsible,we knew it would be a difficult few months which is why we also waited until I wasn't working so at least I could be around more if he needed occupying.....he snoozes the day away though to be honest.
    He loves the sprinklers Lisa,the garden comes on 4 times a day and he has a great run through them....he loves the irrigation much,he's dug it up! ;)Kate put me onto a rigid paddling pool but no go here,I've searched the city.There is a garden place that stocks pond inlays which could be an option but out of stock at the moment......thought just popped into my head then,need to look into landscaping companies,maybe they could order me one.......
    We manage and he's a good boy,he's not hyper at all for a young dog ,thankfully!
  7. JulieT

    JulieT Registered Users

    Jun 15, 2013
    Re: Glum

    With all that, I bet he is doing just fine! Plus your unlawful behaviour giving him extra opportunities..

    Keep us posted on how you well you are doing at turning to crime. Go Angela and Dexter - it's the beach or bust!
  8. Oberon

    Oberon Supporting Member Forum Supporter

    Mar 6, 2013
    Canberra, Australia
    Re: Glum

    Real shame about today. What a disappointment. Roll on Tuesday!!!

    I totally understand your caution about the pool. I would probably do the reckless thing and let him in :) But he'd be perfectly happy with a pond insert - good idea!! Definitely try landscaping companies :)
  9. Lisa

    Lisa Registered Users

    Jun 6, 2013
    Alberta, Canada
    Re: Glum

    Wait... There's no paddling pools for sale in a city in the middle of the desert?????? Something wrong with this picture!!!!

    You are great doggie parents with all the challenges....hats off to you both!!
  10. Dexter

    Dexter Moderator Forum Supporter

    Apr 10, 2013
    Re: Glum

    Ha ha ha Lisa,yes,there are loads of paddling pools......of the inflatable variety!!!

    Seeing what he did to the Safestix,I'd give a inflatable paddling pool Er.......30 seconds! ;D

    You all set for the off? X

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