I had to laugh today when I realized my breeder gave me exactly the puppy I'd asked for. I said, "Don't give me the high-energy, hard-charging puppy that would be a great hunter; look for the puppy who seems a sweet-natured, mellow, couch-potato-in-the-making." Daisy is definitely not a highly-motivated retriever! She'll trot after a tossed toy or dummy, sniff it, and then wander off to something more interesting (like chasing grasshoppers!). She doesn't seem to have a favorite, other than my favorite slipper! I've gotten some pheasant scent that I'll dab onto the dummy to see if that makes it more interesting for her. I'll also try leaping about with excitement when I toss it... : Well, at least she and Henry wear each other out, even if any retrieving seems to turn into keep-away between the two of them! Molly (14 yrs old) just sits by me and looks superior...
Re: Got what I asked for... A mellow, 'couch potato in the making' is definitely my kind of dog ;D She sounds lovely.
Re: Got what I asked for... That sounds like a good breeder, to recognize exactly the right puppy for you! She sounds lovely.