Hello. Am I doing ok? need some reassurance!

Discussion in 'Labrador Puppies' started by Rolokris, Oct 15, 2014.

  1. Rolokris

    Rolokris Registered Users

    Oct 14, 2014
    I am so thick I did a poll not a post. Duh! I wondered why it asked me for 2 choices. Omg! :p


    I am new to posting on this site, but have read lot's of other peoples posts which have helped me immensely. Let me introduce myself. My name is Kris and I am the proud mummy to Rolo who is 12 weeks old. I have 2 humans also aged 10 and 6 who adore our new addition.

    To say myself and my husband have over the years been very wary of dogs is an understatement, we both had 'experiences' as children that have affected us for a long time. This anxiety has rubbed off onto our children. I have wanted a dog for a few years and finally bit the bullet.

    We brought Rolo home when he was 8 weeks old and I didn't have a clue how hard it would be. I would like to tell you a typical day for us and would welcome and constructive criticism.

    6am - Rolo starts to whimper and move around in his crate (he is in the kitchen) I go downstairs and let him out, he usually has a huge wee, I make him his breakfast and then we go back out afterwards and he has a poo. He then goes in his bed and plays with his toys which is also in the kitchen, we have baby gates confining him to the kitchen whilst he is training.

    8.30am - I take the children to school so Rolo goes back into his crate with a few toys and sometimes a stuffed kong. If I am not coming straight home I will take him for a 15 minute walk before I put him in his crate.

    9.10am - If not already had a walk I take him out for a 15 minute walk. Get home have some cuddles then I get on with whatever jobs need doing around the house. Leaving rolo in the kitchen with toys. I let Rolo out into the garden every few hours.

    11.45 - I take Rolo into the garden and have a kick about with a football, he chases balls but so far doesn't return them, early days I know. We come in and he has his lunch, take him out he may poo he may not. He then stays in the kitchen whilst I do a few more jobs.

    2.45 - Rolo returns to the crate whilst I collect the children. I always take him out before I put him in.

    3.30 - Me and children (sometimes hubby) take him out for another 15 minute walk, kids play with him we do some training sit, stay again early days! Very hit and miss.

    5.30 - I feed Rolo, take him out and then he settles in the kitchen again I take him out every few hours.

    10pm - I take Rolo out for a wee and a poo, have some cuddles and then he goes in his crate, he usually whines for a bit which I ignore.

    During the night - Rolo will whimper which will wake me I take him out he poos or wees and if it's before 6am he goes straight back in his crate.

    Ok I know that was long winded but I am so new to all this and I google for everything and would love to know if I'm doing ok. I am looking forward to the time Rolo can join us in the living room but I don't want accidents.

    Looking forward to hearing from anyone with any knowledge they can share.

    Kris and Rolo
  2. JulieT

    JulieT Registered Users

    Jun 15, 2013
    Re: Hello. Am I doing ok? need some reassurance!

    Hello to you and Rolo! A very warm welcome to the forum.

    If you want Rolo to join you in the sitting room, you could allow him in for a little while after he has had a pee - an empty pup is a safe pup! :) :) :)
  3. Hollysdad

    Hollysdad Supporting Member Forum Supporter

    Oct 13, 2013
    Re: Hello. Am I doing ok? need some reassurance!

    Welcome to the forum.

    You're doing OK!

    The golden rule for peeing is to take them out as soon as they wake up, then praise them to high heavens when they pee in the right place. Labs are smart dogs and Rolo will quickly get the idea.

    I've found that Labs like a daily routine and it sounds like you and Rolo have established one.

    When Holly was young we always included a bit of recall training during play times. For the first few weeks they have a really strong desire to be near you so its a great opportunity to establish a good recall. There's some really good advice for puppy training on the website:

    Also at this young age they're very receptive to new experiences so expose them to as much as possible. We used to carry Holly into town and sit her on benches outside shops or the supermarket. She'd get a lot of attention from people, hear cars, trains, lorries, clanging trollies, sirens and all manner of noises. She's grown up into a well adjusted dog who's completely unfazed by new noises.

    If you get a moment, please post a picture of Rolo as we love our puppy pictures on this forum :)
  4. Karen

    Karen Registered Users

    May 24, 2012
    Re: Hello. Am I doing ok? need some reassurance!

    Hi there and welcome! Your routine sounds fine, but I too think you could start including Rolo in your daily life outside the kitchen a bit more. I would also suggest that you do a short training session in the morning instead of or combined with a play session. Puppies do better with several, very short training sessions, instead of just one a day.

    Also, you don't say whether you take him to meet other dogs and people. It is so important that he is exposed to all kinds of people, animals and activities NOW, not later. He needs for instance to learn the dos and don'ts of doggy etiquette, and how to behave around strangers. Can you for instance take him on the school run, or out to the park?

    Don't worry about asking any questions here on the forum, we are very happy to help! :)
  5. Naya

    Naya Registered Users

    Sep 14, 2013
    Bristol, UK
    Re: Hello. Am I doing ok? need some reassurance!

    Hi and welcome from me and Harley (14 month old red fox lab).

    Your routine sounds really good and pups do like routine. I agree with Phil and Karen about how important it is to let him experience things outside of the home as well as getting used to you doing household jobs. It will help with different noises and smells.

    Look forward to hearing all about Rolo :)
  6. Oberon

    Oberon Supporting Member Forum Supporter

    Mar 6, 2013
    Canberra, Australia
    Re: Hello. Am I doing ok? need some reassurance!

    Hi and welcome! You are doing well but I'd just add my agreement to those who've suggested taking him out and about much, much more. He needs to experience all the sights and sounds of the world, so he gets used to them and is confident with them when he is older. With the kids, make a list of all the things that you might take Rolo to see:
    - the school gates
    - local shops
    - a different suburb
    - new surfaces he hasn't been on before
    - the airport
    - a local sports match
    - a play ground
    - a river
    - the beach
    - people with big hats
    - people with backpacks
    - old people
    - people riding bikes
    - horse, cows, sheep
    - people on skateboards
    Etc. :)
  7. Rosie

    Rosie Registered Users

    Feb 14, 2014
    South Wales
    Re: Hello. Am I doing ok? need some reassurance!

    Welcome from me and Pongo!

    Sounds to me like you are doing more than OK. Read some of my early posts for a good picture of puppy chaos! Has Rolo reached the biting stage yet? ::)

    Looking forward to hearing all about his exploits as he gets to know the big wide world...

  8. Rolokris

    Rolokris Registered Users

    Oct 14, 2014
    Re: Hello. Am I doing ok? need some reassurance!

    Wow I can't believe how many great responses I have got! Ok yes I am hoping to start puppy classes next week and a big part of this particular 'school' is livestock familiarity, so again getting Rolo not only used to other dogs but other animals too. I can't wait to be able to take Rolo to new places, as yet Rolo has had 2 car journeys 1. Home from the breeder and 2. To the vets. I really should take him out again and the children would love for him to be at the school gates (I have to drive to the school).

    Yes Rolo does love a good tug on shoes and baggy clothes and does like to mouth a lot. Especially my children but they are being great about it and if it gets too much they stop playing with him which obviously he hates. They try to yelp but it sounds more playful so not having the desired effect. Walking on a lead is a problem its a fabric lead that buckles to his collar and he constantly chews it and then starts growling. I need a different one just not sure which type to go for.

    I really appreciate all of your fantastic comments, when i work out how to post pictures I will. Lol.

    Kris and Rolo
  9. Rue7514

    Rue7514 Registered Users

    Aug 20, 2014
    Re: Hello. Am I doing ok? need some reassurance!

    [quote author=Rolokris link=topic=8289.msg117133#msg117133 date=1413408477]
    Wow I can't believe how many great responses I have got! Ok yes I am hoping to start puppy classes next week and a big part of this particular 'school' is livestock familiarity, so again getting Rolo not only used to other dogs but other animals too. I can't wait to be able to take Rolo to new places, as yet Rolo has had 2 car journeys 1. Home from the breeder and 2. To the vets. I really should take him out again and the children would love for him to be at the school gates (I have to drive to the school).

    Yes Rolo does love a good tug on shoes and baggy clothes and does like to mouth a lot. Especially my children but they are being great about it and if it gets too much they stop playing with him which obviously he hates. They try to yelp but it sounds more playful so not having the desired effect. Walking on a lead is a problem its a fabric lead that buckles to his collar and he constantly chews it and then starts growling. I need a different one just not sure which type to go for.

    I really appreciate all of your fantastic comments, when i work out how to post pictures I will. Lol.

    Kris and Rolo

    You are so right ...the beginning IS hard. But it gets easier. I would definitely invest in a harness for walking rather than a collar. My pup would NOT walk with a leash attached to her collar, but she does great with the harness.
  10. Rolokris

    Rolokris Registered Users

    Oct 14, 2014
    Re: Hello. Am I doing ok? need some reassurance!

    Yes I was wondering about a harness. Well it's 1.50am here and because I thought we were doing so well Rolo mixes it up a bit, heard him whimpering so went downstairs to a messy crate, looks like it's a runny number, let him out he peed, so I've changed the bedding he has in there wiped it all down and returned him to the crate. I mean if that had happened at 4am I could blame myself for not taking him out but at 1.50am why would I have taken him out? Am I missing something glaringly obvious? Rolo does have runny poo from time to time, sensitivity to the treats he has in his Kong I believe.

    Trying to go back to sleep now. :-\
  11. Karen

    Karen Registered Users

    May 24, 2012
    Re: Hello. Am I doing ok? need some reassurance!

    Hope you got some sleep in the end!
  12. Rosie

    Rosie Registered Users

    Feb 14, 2014
    South Wales
    Re: Hello. Am I doing ok? need some reassurance!

    Poor old Rolo and poor old you!

    Sounds like something he ate didn't agree with him (he would not have chosen to mess his crate). If he regularly has runny poos, it might be worth trying to figure out what is causing it - better to know early on if he has got a particular sensitivity to something. Others on this forum will know much more than me!

    Hope you got some sleep in the end. If it makes you feel any better, the first few weeks of Pongo being with us passed in a blur of sleep-deprivation for me.... but it passes that stage pretty quickly!

  13. Rosie

    Rosie Registered Users

    Feb 14, 2014
    South Wales
    Re: Hello. Am I doing ok? need some reassurance!

    I think taking him to the school gates sounds a great idea - it will get him used to the car (and hopefully associate it with going somewhere nice), he'll get used to being fussed over (just watch out that it isn't too over-whelming for him, get your kids to 'protect' him a little, it will be good for them too to feel responsible for him being happy and not scared...) and I'm sure your kids will just love showing him to all their friends!

    The first few car journeys for Pongo were always associated with big treats (we put some wonderful treats in the boot for him to 'discover') and he has always been great since then.
  14. lunasmama

    lunasmama Registered Users

    Oct 9, 2014
    Re: Hello. Am I doing ok? need some reassurance!

    Your routine sounds a lot like ours! So, if you aren't doing well, then we aren't either!

    As others have suggested, I'd take him to some news places. We are working on this with Luna ourselves as we live in the country, so she really isn't accustomed to a lot of noise. She goes to her vet appt. in a nearby city, so she hears/sees a lot more unfamiliar things. She gets a little scared right now, but she's 10.5 weeks.

    Slow and steady is what we're going for with new things for her... and that's what I'd suggest for you as well!

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