Hello from Austria!

Discussion in 'Labrador Chat' started by Karen, Oct 1, 2012.

  1. Karen

    Karen Registered Users

    May 24, 2012
    So, here we are on our little Holiday, and so far it's all going brilliantly. Pops was a star on the six-hour drive down, and has settled into the chalet as though she'd always lived here. We did a hike today and she had the best time of her life so far - lots of alpine streams to splash around in, and as much cow poo as a small dog can get away with eating... Labrador Heaven!

    We are being very cautious about the cows though, as many of them roam pretty freely on the hills. We keep our ears open for the sound of cow bells!

    Also good news - she is MUCH better about old people now - we call her to us before she gets into a lather, and have her walk to heel past them, then reward her for her excellent behaviour. Not out of the woods completely yet, but fingers crossed this all continues so well. Many thanks to all of you who gave advice on overcoming that little Problem. Karen
  2. pippa@labforumHQ

    pippa@labforumHQ Administrator

    May 10, 2011
    Re: Hello from Austria!

    Lovely to have an update from Austria! Hope you have a brilliant holiday! :D
  3. kateincornwall

    kateincornwall Registered Users

    Mar 4, 2012
    Re: Hello from Austria!

    Hi Karen, how nice to hear from you , the location sounds idylic, so pleased that Poppy is having a lovely time too , happy holiday :)
  4. David

    David Registered Users

    May 21, 2011
    Re: Hello from Austria!

    Gruss Gott , Karen. Have a great time and very jealous!
  5. Karen

    Karen Registered Users

    May 24, 2012
    Re: Hello from Austria!

    Just sitting on the balcony in the sun with a beer, enjoying the view! Other half and dog have walked into the village, and I am thinking about whether to cook or whether wie should go out for dinner... Arent holidays brilliant?

    We had a rather tense encounter with a farm cat on our hike today (must have missed cats out during socialisation too!), and cattle grids have posed something of an issue - but all these new experiences are part and parcel of our little dog's education, and I am so happy we could bring her here with us. I love the mountains and hiking - but it is even more fun with Poppy! Of course we are very Limited as regards the length of hikes we can do, as she is still so young. But I am sure that by next summer she'll be up for anything we can manage! I feel very privileged to have such a super little dog as a companion. Karen
  6. Sammie@labforumHQ

    Sammie@labforumHQ Administrator Staff Member

    May 19, 2011
    Re: Hello from Austria!

    So glad you're having a lovely time. Sounds idyllic!
  7. Karen

    Karen Registered Users

    May 24, 2012
    Re: Hello from Austria!


    Hooray, thanks to Carole I have worked out how to post photos! Here is one from our recent holiday. As you can see, Pops managed to find mud and water, even 2000m up on the mountainside!
  8. kateincornwall

    kateincornwall Registered Users

    Mar 4, 2012
    Re: Hello from Austria!

    What a beautiful photo Karen, stunning scenery too and well done re the photos , I`m still in ignorant bliss ::)
  9. bbrown

    bbrown Moderator Forum Supporter

    Jun 13, 2011
    Re: Hello from Austria!

    That looks wonderful! :)
  10. caroleb

    caroleb Registered Users

    Jun 24, 2011
    Re: Hello from Austria!

    yay well done you! and a great pic worth waiting for :)
  11. Karen

    Karen Registered Users

    May 24, 2012
    Re: Hello from Austria!

    Aw thanks everyone, here is another, this time taken by the other half (please excuse poor quality, taken on the camera phone!:(


    It really was a stunning place, I can highly recommend it if anyone fancies a hiking holiday!

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