Help! My puppy won't stop biting

Discussion in 'Labrador Puppies' started by hitecd, Feb 17, 2015.

  1. hitecd

    hitecd Registered Users

    Jan 24, 2015
    My daughter has a 12 week old female lab. She has done well except that she wants to bite us. Not a problem for my husband, she will listen to him and if he says no she backs off and will lick him. As soon as she leaves him she is running at me and biting. With her sharp teeth my arms look like I have been through a briar patch. I have yipped, yelled no, give her toys, kongs but it seems that my daughter and me are her favorites things to bite. I have a 10 year old lab that we are afraid to let Montanna around because of her biting. They have played together successfully one time and I would like to see them together more but I am afraid. I know that my dog is not use to sharing me or her things but I am not sure that she is the problem or me. I have to watch the puppy in March and I hope to get the biting under control and figure out how we can all be in the same house all weekend. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
  2. Mollly

    Mollly Registered Users

    Nov 8, 2013
    Thames Valley
    Re: Help! My puppy won't stop biting

    I am afraid it is very much par for the course. I couldn't believe that my lovely little Labrador puppy was such a nasty little Crocodog.

    I tried everything, yelping, turning away, putting things in her mouth etc, but nothing worked. Then one glorious day it just stopped.

    It stopped about the same time as she got her adult teeth so,I think that just like a human baby she needed to chomp.
  3. JulieT

    JulieT Registered Users

    Jun 15, 2013
    Re: Help! My puppy won't stop biting

    It's perfectly normal - and there is a really good reason not to try to stop a very young puppy biting completely. This is because if you gradually stop her biting, she will learn something called "bite inhibition", which is a critical thing for dogs to learn when they are young. This article explains it, and also how to stop her biting in the right way:
  4. Wendy68

    Wendy68 Registered Users

    Apr 14, 2014
    Re: Help! My puppy won't stop biting

    Everyone goes through this. My pup was terrible, shes now 17 weeks and she rarely does it now. We have a 12 year old lab and they play together and fight together. He has taught her whats acceptable and what isnt, and i urge you to let your lab to do the same. She may snap and snarl but its teaching the pup. Very unlikely any real hurt will be done.
  5. Boogie

    Boogie Supporting Member Forum Supporter

    Mar 29, 2014
    Re: Help! My puppy won't stop biting

    My two were total croca-pups! You'll be glad to know they grow out of it :) We had toys all over the place ready to shove in their croca-mouths!

    Meanwhile here are even more excellent articles -
  6. Zacbrownpup

    Zacbrownpup Registered Users

    Nov 20, 2014
    Re: Help! My puppy won't stop biting

    I feel your pain! I didn't think our pup would ever stopped biting with those needle sharp teeth!
    But at 20 weeks - he barely does it and if he does it's softer and really because he wants to play. Hang in there!
  7. LoraChu

    LoraChu Registered Users

    Jan 26, 2015
    Re: Help! My puppy won't stop biting

    My little black lab Alfie [Aka the Alfie-gator] is just over 13 weeks now, and I can tell you for certain the biting is perfectly normal. It's just play, it's how they would play with their litter mates, which they have pretty much popped you and your family in the place of. They don't mean to hurt, it's just learning for them, no matter how frustrating it is.
    Mostly Alfie only does it when we're down on his level now, so if we are on the ground with him and he nips, we go "No Alfie mummy/Grandma/whoever will get up" and if he does it again, we do just that. It is so difficult to cope with, I've gotten so stressed out by his sharp little fangs so many times, but now he is getting better. it's a change every day. He lets us stroke him without snapping and I can pick him up to carry him places. It's just when he gets hyped up and wants to play.

    When he gets too manic we take him to the living room with us, where his main bed is, and we shut off the lights, and push the door too so he only has the one room, and he usually calms right down in about 10 minutes.

    Other times we've noticed he does get snappy is when he's hungry, so we give him a small amount of his dinner in a doggie puzzle or his kong to divert his attention.

    I don't know if anything here is helpful at all, but I can offer you the hope it will get better!
  8. hitecd

    hitecd Registered Users

    Jan 24, 2015
    Re: Help! My puppy won't stop biting

    Thanks for all the advice. I know it will pass but you forget (quickly) how trying it is to be a chew toy for your puppy. I love labs and will never own another breed. I think my fear that my lab will hurt the puppy is just my fear and I am sure my 10 year old lab senses that I am tense and it makes it worse. We had another lab for the first 3 years of her life but she has been the only dog since we had to put Hope down due to cancer. I am going to try again and maybe relax and see what happens!
  9. Jane Martin

    Jane Martin Registered Users

    Apr 16, 2014
    Re: Help! My puppy won't stop biting

    This is what I experienced too but my pup has completely grown out of it. It was particularly difficult as I teach in a psychiatric hospital for children: I had to cover my arms up and found myself explaining to staff that I was not self-harming. True.

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