Help needed or is she a vicious dog???

Discussion in 'Labrador Behavior' started by lois, May 8, 2013.

  1. lois

    lois Registered Users

    Mar 24, 2013
    Where to start.. I have been struggling with Poppy on her lead jumping up etc sometimes she is good when she gets lots of praise and treats but on other days like today really really bad she just turns on me and today she sank her teeth into my arm im afraid i pushed her off and made her yelp...i feel so guilty, what goes on in her baby head, what am i doing wrong i love her to bits and she can be so loving so what happens to turn her,what on earth can i do..ive now put her in her crate and i am ignoring her whilst crying over her behaviour.
  2. charlie

    charlie Registered Users

    Sep 29, 2012
    Hampshire, UK
    Re: Help needed or is she a vicious dog???

    Oh Lois, have you tried a halti or a harness on Poppy? either of these would give you more control over her behaviour until she learns to walk nicely. I was taught by a trainer that if Hattie jumped up or grabbed the lead which she did as a puppy, to quickly run my hand down the lead to her neck and hold it there until she sat still, you could try that. Don't worry that you pushed her off but I personally wouldn't put her in her crate because she won't realise why you have done that and may associate the crate a not so nice place. Please don't cry and don't feel guilty, I know Charlie has pushed me right to the edge several times and indeed to tears, but you can sort this problem out maybe with the one of the suggested items. One thing, if you go for the harness please get one with the ring that is on the chest not the back/neck as that doesn't solve anything. I use an easy walker on Charlie and he is 30 kg and I am very tiny and can walk him. I am absolutely sure someone else will have great advice as I am a real novice. Please cheer up. Helen x
  3. Karen

    Karen Registered Users

    May 24, 2012
    Re: Help needed or is she a vicious dog???

    Lois, no wonder you are crying and feeling upset! You poor thing. When you say she sank her teeth into your arm can you clarify, was this a proper bite where she broke the skin causing bleeding? Did she growl or show her teeth before biting, or was it an accident where she was grabbing for the leash? Did she seem contrite afterwards - in other words, did she know she had done wrong? How old is Poppy - I seem to remember around eight months old? I would say this is pretty serious behavior if she is anything more than a few months old. Is she a rescue dog? Sorry for all the questions, but without understanding what's going on here it's difficult to give advice.
  4. kateincornwall

    kateincornwall Registered Users

    Mar 4, 2012
    Re: Help needed or is she a vicious dog???

    Cant add to the good advice already given Lois, but please dont beat yourself up too much , they can push the boundary`s at times , I agree re not putting her in the crate, you dont want the crate to become a form of punishment . If she did bite, as in breaking the skin , then it is extreme and not typical Lab behaviour or puppy behaviour , how is she with the rest of the training ? What do you feed her on ?
  5. pippa@labforumHQ

    pippa@labforumHQ Administrator

    May 10, 2011
    Re: Help needed or is she a vicious dog???

    Hi Lois, many young labradors will nip and even break the skin when they get overexcited. Have a look at this article and see if it seems relevant to your situation. Genuine aggression is very unusual in a puppy under six months old.
  6. lois

    lois Registered Users

    Mar 24, 2013
    Re: Help needed or is she a vicious dog???

    Hi thanks for the understanding Poppy didnt break the skin as i had a jumper and i dont think it would have, she does mouth alot but this one there was pressure there and she looked angry?? if that makes sense, it took me ages to calm her down i did shout extra loud at her and she looked very sad then and back at the office i took her lead off and she took herself off to her crate and she has been quiet eversince as if she knows she did wrong i just wish i knew what i do that makes her go off...we start walking quite nicely she does all her toilet bits we usually turn round to go back to work or home and then she kicks off...we do go to puppy classes but i think this is beyond their help any suggestions it is really upsetting for both of us obviously Poppy needs something and im not doing something right!!
  7. Karen

    Karen Registered Users

    May 24, 2012
    Re: Help needed or is she a vicious dog???

    So would you say it is when you turn around to go home that she starts playing up? A Lab/collie cross is likely to be a very clever dog, needing quite a bit of stimulation. Perhaps she just doesn't want to go home yet, and grabbing the lead and snapping is a way of deflecting that... Not that you have to walk her for hours and hours, but if you think this is the clue to what sets her off, then you will have to get inside her head a bit and work out what you can do to make going home positive for her. My dog for instance is a retrieving nutter, so in her case I would end the walk with a nice bit of retrieving with her favourite toy, and then let her carry it on the way home.

    Of course turning round to go home may not be the trigger that sets her off, but you need to work out what is, then you can go about figuring out how to avoid it escalating into this bad behavior. Very glad to hear though that it wasn't a proper bite, and it is good that you shouted at her, because she really, really needs to understand that biting is an absolute no-no. Sounds as though she is sensitive, and well aware that she has upset you.
  8. Tj

    Tj Registered Users

    Mar 29, 2013
    Re: Help needed or is she a vicious dog???

    You may benefit from having 121 with a trainer or behaviourist to help you
  9. charlie

    charlie Registered Users

    Sep 29, 2012
    Hampshire, UK
    Re: Help needed or is she a vicious dog???

    Hi Lois, I was just thinking, maybe clicker training might help with this situation with Poppy. I know there will be someone who can offer excellent advice on this one :D. I am just starting with clicker training myself with Charlie. Hope you are OK. Helen x
  10. lois

    lois Registered Users

    Mar 24, 2013
    Re: Help needed or is she a vicious dog???

    Hi I have thought of clicker training but not sure how to start dont want to get it wrong,for some reason shes not jumped up at all the last few days fingers crossed..
  11. charlie

    charlie Registered Users

    Sep 29, 2012
    Hampshire, UK
    Re: Help needed or is she a vicious dog???

    If you go onto the labradore site there are articles written by Pippa that goes through step by step how to get started. I am feeling a little more confident with it today as I have been charging the clicker with Charlie and he is doing really well with it, so feel quite excited about teaching him all kinds of good behaviours. Have a read and see what you think. Helen x
  12. lois

    lois Registered Users

    Mar 24, 2013
    Re: Help needed or is she a vicious dog???

    Yes will have a read thanks is there any particular clicker to go for?
  13. charlie

    charlie Registered Users

    Sep 29, 2012
    Hampshire, UK
    Re: Help needed or is she a vicious dog???

    I bought mine from Pets at home and they are very inexpensive. I have resisted doing clicker training as have been flat out training Charlie and doing Total Recall, but I finally gave in and quite enjoyed it today as his response was so positive. Good luck Lois I am sure Poppy will get the hang of it and enjoy it too. Helen x :D
  14. lois

    lois Registered Users

    Mar 24, 2013
    Re: Help needed or is she a vicious dog???

    Thanks Helen willgive it a try x

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