House training help needed!!

Discussion in 'Labrador Puppies' started by Tillysoon, Jun 7, 2016.

  1. Tillysoon

    Tillysoon Registered Users

    May 30, 2016
    hi, I'm looking for a bit of help and advice with house training my puppy!
    In the last 3 weeks that I've had him He has settled in really well with us but we seem to be getting nowhere with house training. It doesn't seem to matter how many times I take him out to the toilet or how long I spend outside with him, as soon as we come back inside he wees, sometimes the odd poo too. That's not to say he doesn't go to the toilet at all outside because he does but I am at a loss what to try with him because I am clearing up 10 accidents a day.
    I don't remember my 7 year old lab having this many accidents 3 weeks in.
    I don't use punishment with my dogs and praise him every time he goes outside but the usual techniques for house training do not seem to work with him.
    Any ideas/helpful suggestions??????
    Thanks in advance.
    charlie likes this.
  2. JulieT

    JulieT Registered Users

    Jun 15, 2013
    Are you giving him treats for going outside? If not, please do. For 3 weeks give him 3 treats every single time he goes outside - wee or poo. You must absolutely give him 3 treats - count them out carefully.

    Do this for 3 weeks, and make sure you give 3 treats - it's magic, it works. :)
  3. charlie

    charlie Registered Users

    Sep 29, 2012
    Hampshire, UK
    Welcome to the forum from Hattie 8 years and rescue boy Charlie 5 years. What's your pups name, is he about 11 weeks? It is still early days and he is a baby but could he maybe have a urine infection? 10 accidents a day sounds a lot to me if you are taking him out every 30 or so minutes and after meals. What's he like during the night? Don't despair, it's been a while since I have had a puppy but the new puppy owners will be along to help you. Helen x :)
  4. MaccieD

    MaccieD Guest

    Hi there, sorry to hear that you're not making much progress on toilet training although 3 week isn't very long and I'm guessing that your pup is around 11 weeks of age so very much a baby still. The advice is normally to take them out every 20 minutes or so, after a sleep, a play, a meal etc. If your pup doesn't perform after 5 - 10 minutes I would take him back indoors but carry him around for a little while, he won't wee on you, and then take him outside again and try again. It really is just repetition while they learn to control their bladder. Have you been clearing up all accidents with an appropriate cleaner, not a standard household cleaner which will not remove the urine smell for puppy noses.
  5. Samantha Jones

    Samantha Jones Registered Users

    Apr 19, 2016
    Hi and welcome from me and my boy Bailey - a 15 and a half week old pup - your little one is still a baby and learning to control their bladders. As @MaccieD has said if after 5 to 10 minutes outside come back in, if the issue is that pup almost immediately pee's again then carry him around for a bit, then go back outside. Make sure you are using a cleaner that is designed to clear up after dogs as just blotting, wiping and using a normal household cleaner is not enough - also make sure you follow the instructions on the bottle, including leaving the spray on for the recommended time (initially the OH thought he knew better and didn't leave it down long enough before wiping up and we had repeated visits to the same spot!). Other than that patience, patience and more patience, with treat reward when doing his "business" in the right place!

    At 15 weeks we still have the occasional accident (mostly our fault in that we do not recognise Bailey's sign to go outside), so don't worry your pup is just learning:D

    If you are worried then as suggested before there may be a urine infection which may be worth checking out.
    MaccieD likes this.
  6. Tillysoon

    Tillysoon Registered Users

    May 30, 2016
    Thanks everyone for your replies. His name is Gunner and he is only just 11 weeks. I think I just needed reminding that he is still a baby. I have started using the treats when he goes outside (he is very happy about this) so I'm hoping this will have some impact. The trouble with puppies is you think you've got it cracked and then they remind you that you haven't, he was sleeping 12-6 and going in his crate without a sound (he took 2 weeks to stop crying at night before this), because it had been a hard 2 weeks I was really happy with this until last night when for reasons unknown to me he started crying and yelping throughout the night again (he didn't need the toilet). Anyway I will keep persevering and checking on here for your great advice xx
  7. Millieboo

    Millieboo Registered Users

    Jun 7, 2016
    USA pa
    My little one is soon 15 weeks and she is getting better and better showing when she need to go, the problem is that our outdoor is in the kitchen and she goes there and sit and wait so if we don't see her go there an accident happen. She do bark if it's nr 2 she has to do though.
    I always soften up her kibble with water (let it sit 15 mins) , then I am sure she got some water in and after 30 minutes I took her out. She always had to pee which helped me a lot I think to get her good at realizing to do her business out. I also always take her right to the spot she usually like to go pee then to this other spot where she do nr 2 to show her what I want her to do (that is the only 2 spots she go and do her business at now).
    Millie also tried to start bark when she don't want to be alone, she gave that up after 2 days when I totally ignored her (not saying a word to her and no eye contact).
    Just hang in there and remember it will get better.
  8. Samantha Jones

    Samantha Jones Registered Users

    Apr 19, 2016
    Tillysoon likes this.
  9. Beanwood

    Beanwood Registered Users

    Jan 28, 2014
    With our puppy it took forever to house-train her! Seriously even now at 26 weeks old I reflexively reward her wees outside. She was probably around 18 weeks old before I was confident we had nailed it! Between 10 and 15 weeks we were constantly going back to ground zero with her, the early mornings were exhausting. You will crack it, some dogs just take longer than others. A consistent approach lots of praise/treats when she wee'ed. and building the time in between wees gradually we found was the key.

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