Last night Lola tried humping our son He was playing on the floor and she mounted him and I quickly told her down. Then this morning as I am picking something off the floor she gets my arm with both paws wrapped quite tightly and again I tell her down. I have heard that it can be a display of dominance but have also heard it can be a sign of a bitch coming in heat. She is only 3 months, wouldn't that be a bit early for a season? As for the dominance thing she is the most passive dog I have ever had. Any theories?
Re: Humping?! Tatze used to hump out of excitement and during play. She usually humped her teddies and cushions. I would say that she's a very confident girl - but not dominant, she doesn't want to dominate anyone - just play with them! Now that she is 12 months old she rarely humps, so maybe she's grown out of it?
Re: Humping?! I had that a few times around the 3 month mark and stopped her saying no and by getting a toy and playing with her. She hasn't done it since
Re: Humping?! Nah, I don't think it's dominance I think it's a goofy play thing, or a frustration thing (Obi humps a certain cushion when he's overtired and whiny) or a bit of a 'I think I'm in love!' thing. With Lola my money would be on goofy play
Re: Humping?! We had that a lot with Mira from about that time onwards. She had her first season at about 7 months and it started to slowly decline. She still does it occasionally now at 14 month, but it is only my hubby's leg which gets it, not me or the furniture! I believe it is over-excitement (therefore adrenaline), and not a desire to dominate, which causes humping. Which is why my hubby gets it as he winds her up!
Re: Humping?! Yes i don think its Dominance its usually overexcitement Cooper has done it occasionally but now at 11 months he is overcoming it so don wry keep telling no and encourage her to play wid u may be it will take off the boredom gud luck..
Re: Humping?! Lady does it too and she's 4. It's usually when some serious play is going on and I'm sitting on the floor (it's me that gets it!).
Re: Humping?! jasper did it from about 14 week old , he just grew out of it after a couple of months i think its just play when excited
Re: Humping?! Thanks everyone. I had a feeling it wasn't going to be about dominance. Like I said she is super passive. Getting over excited sounds about right. She always gets excited when I clean up cause it means she can chase the hoover fingers crossed it'll pass.
Re: Humping?! David ditto to you bcoz Cooper mounts on me and especially my younger sister wenever we play while sitting on the floor jus like ur puppy Lady...
Re: Humping?! Cuillin is two and a half and will occassionally do this still, but its when my friend whips her up into an excited frenzy when she visits...and my friend shrieks when cuilli tries to hump her, which just makes it all the more exciting for cuilli :its an over wired thing for her...
Re: Humping?! Happened again tonight and my other half smugly said "so I'm the only one she hasn't tried to dominate then, she must think I am the boss" to which I replied "tosh! Get your head out your backside. Doesn't work like that. She knows I am boss. I AM THE FOOD SOURCE MUHAHAHA!!" ;D