Intestinal Bowel Disease

Discussion in 'Labrador Health' started by Anjali, Aug 11, 2019.

  1. Anjali

    Anjali Registered Users

    Aug 11, 2019
    Hello Everyone,

    My baby, Lucky , 1.5 year old Labrador weighed 66 lbs in Mar'19. He started getting diarrhoea constantly and accidents happened where he could not control himself and we went to vet, de-wormed him.There was no change to him, did a blood test and ALPT was high. Suspected to be liver enzyme issue, was put on liver supplements and after a week, it came back to normal.Still there was no change from watery poop, did an ultrasound and report came as "distended intestinal walls " and he was diagnosed with Intestinal Bowel Disease.He is now 30 lbs, literally skin and bones now :( Giving him Royal Canin gastro intestinal & boiled veggies [ spinach ,pumpkin, carrot, beans] - still he is not gaining a single pound. I am from India and Royal Canin is the only gastro intestinal diet available I know of.

    Can anyone please help in recommending any homemade diet/ any other diet that worked in a similar case? he is extremely thin and weak now, really trying to knock all doors to help my baby recover.

    Any suggestions/help will be really appreciated.Please keep him in your prayers.

    Thanks for your time,

    Lucky's mom.
  2. J.D

    J.D Registered Users

    May 9, 2019
    Hampshire UK
    Hi Lucky’s Mum
    Wow that’s only 13kg.
    Most dogs have a spell on chicken and rice but it sounds like Lucky needs much more help than that.
    What has the vet suggested you feed?
    I hope things turn around soon. Good luck
  3. mandyb

    mandyb Registered Users

    Oct 25, 2013
    East Devon
    My Lab has IBD. He stays well on Royal Canin Hypoallergenic which has hydrolized protein, but also has to take Ranitidine and Prednisolone to keep the inflammation at bay.
    You need to speak to your vet again for more treatment to help your dog.
    I wish you all the best.
  4. Anjali

    Anjali Registered Users

    Aug 11, 2019
    Thanks for taking time to reply.

    He was having Azathioprine tabs 50mg, 1/2 a tab 2 times a day for four weeks. Digestion used to be okay on and off - somedays poop will be semi watery, sometimes solid. But he was not gaining weight. Then he got tick fever on top of it, platelets were down and ALPT shot upto 770.
    Having Udiliv tab, to bring that down and totally withdrawn Azathioprine tab.
    Dewormed again yesterday. Still condition is not improving :(

    Hypoallergenic Royal canin variant & what we give is different. We will try what you suggested. Thank you.

    Please keep my baby in your prayers.

    Thanks a million for replying.

    Luckys mom&dad.
  5. Anjali

    Anjali Registered Users

    Aug 11, 2019
    We tried rice, but he wasnot getting along well. Doc suggested Royal canin gastro intestinal diet.

    Yeah, he is extremely thin now, half of what he was before. Even his collar became loose, bought the one for puppies now.

    Kills us to see him go so much thin, can see ribs and bones.

    Please keep him in your prayers.

    Thanks a million for taking time out to reply.
  6. WillowA

    WillowA Registered Users

    Nov 21, 2018
    Azathioprine reduces white blood cells so leaves you open to infection.
    The steroids will help with inflammation.
    Is the dog off his food they don't feel like eating with this disease?
    Ask the vet for high calorie supliments..
    You could also try extra vitamins as he will have malabsorbtion as the body cannot absorb nutrients as they get flushed away with the diarrhoea.
    This is why he is so thin.
    I have crohns disease.
  7. Anjali

    Anjali Registered Users

    Aug 11, 2019
    Thank you for taking time to reply.

    Oh. We stopped the medication earlier this week.
    And he eats food - thats the only positive sign.
    Vitamin supplements will be fine?
    Sure , going to vet again tomorrow. So, will ask and give.thank you for suggestion.

    Will also try Royal canin gastro intestinal and Hypo Allergenic, hope he recovers.
  8. QuinnM15

    QuinnM15 Registered Users

    Apr 13, 2016
    My dog has mild IBD and the recommendation is almost always to go on a hydrolized diet if severe (as recommended above). My dog has been doing ok on a single novel protein, but your vet is the best to recommend a diet that might work for your dog. To reduce inflammation you need to only give the food and nothing else until it’s under control and speak to your vet about medications. Our internal medicine vet also recommended adding probiotics (Purina Fortiflora) to one meal per day. Good luck with you pup.
  9. Anjali

    Anjali Registered Users

    Aug 11, 2019
    Thank you so much for replying..

    And yes, we ordered hypoallergenic diet from Royal canin throughAmazon.. will be delivered in 2days..

    We went to take a second opinion to another doc, and was told Lucky will not become so thin due to IBD alone, so he is doing blood test and chest X ray for checking heart and lungs.

    We are shattered beyond words and just hoping it is not heart issues also.. on top of IBD for my little one..

    Please keep him in your prayers.. definitely taking your suggestions..

    Luckys mom.

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