Introducing new puppy into multi dog home.

Discussion in 'Labrador Puppies' started by Gum168, Sep 3, 2014.

  1. Gum168

    Gum168 Registered Users

    Aug 24, 2014
    Well, we have made the decision, and little choc puppy (bitch) joins our family a week from today at 10 weeks old. We've bought another crate for her, so she can have her own space, but there are also beds on the floor in our large hallway so in time if they choose to snuggle they can. We have 2 other dogs, 9 yr old Toby, a collie/lab type mix, and Amber, 3 1/2 yrs old, black lab. I know about introducing them outside, on neutral territory, not over loading puppy in her first few days, and giving older dogs plenty of attention, but are there any other tips for bringing a puppy into a home with more than one dog all ready there. Toby is becoming much quieter these days, spending most of his indoors time in his crate (open door), but Amber is still a typical lab nutter bundle of energy. They get a good hour or more off lead time in woods 2 minutes from our house and all day long access to the garden, so they shouldn't feel too cooped up with puppy. Any hints and tips gratefully received. Thanks in advance, Kim.

    I'm very excited..... I love puppy and young dog training. Then we can sit back and enjoy the benefits of the time invested in the early couple of years.
  2. kateincornwall

    kateincornwall Registered Users

    Mar 4, 2012
    Re: Introducing new puppy into multi dog home.

    What an exciting time for you :)
    I had five dogs together many years ago , I remember bringing the last puppy home , it was a case of just a gentle introduction and then letting them all get on with it ;) I guess a lot depends upon the nature of the resident dogs, if they are good natured dogs, then they will all sort themselves out pretty quickly , establishing a pecking order . Of course, you must take care not to leave your new puppy alone with the others until they are all completely used to one another , accidents can and do happen . Have fun with your new addition ,please come back and let us know how its all going :)
  3. Naya

    Naya Registered Users

    Sep 14, 2013
    Bristol, UK
    Re: Introducing new puppy into multi dog home.

    Can't give you any advice sorry.......just wanted to say how exciting :) what are you going to call her?
  4. Gum168

    Gum168 Registered Users

    Aug 24, 2014
    Re: Introducing new puppy into multi dog home.

    Thanks KateinCornwall, yes, our other 2 are very good natured. Amber is quite dominant in play with other dogs, in that she pushes to play and tends to lead the games, even when some of the others might start to stop. I usually put her back on lead if she's bothering an older dog who maybe hurting with arthritic joints. So I hope she's going to enjoy a little one with a similar energy level as puppy gets bigger. We have to watch out a bit at the beginning, fully grown labs are powerful dogs and we don't want little one hurt from over boisterous play. But initially I'll continue to take the older 2 for our usual hour or so walk in the morning while puppy gets used to being in her crate alone for a while. She'll just play in the garden until after her second vac at 12 weeks.

    Naya , the family vote last night is favouring Coco for her name. As in Chanel. Although there's no way I'm putting a blingy CC collar on her haha. 16 year old is having a strop as she wanted Lily, which I also like, but everyone else, all our grown up children, have chosen Coco.

    So I have to declutter the hallway to avoid chewing disasters, and I'm putting it here in writing, if anyone kicks off shoes in the hallway and doesn't put them away out of reach, I take no responsibility for chewing damage! That also applies to a school bag, coats not put up high on hooks (rather than hung over the end of the radiator!) and anything else chewable. I think I'll stick a notice to this effect on the hallway wall. ☺
  5. Naya

    Naya Registered Users

    Sep 14, 2013
    Bristol, UK
    Re: Introducing new puppy into multi dog home.

    Lmao :) I have also taken no responsibility for my husbands flip flop, my daughters trainers and my daughters rule is if they leave them lying around, it's their fault ;)
    I like the name Coco :)

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