Introducing to other Dogs

Discussion in 'Labrador Puppies' started by star.lily, Feb 23, 2015.

  1. star.lily

    star.lily Registered Users

    Jan 8, 2015
    Yesterday was a big, big day for Luke. We had a lot of snow so the plow guy (for those who don't know- big truck with an attachment that pushes snow out of parking lots, etc.) came by. I took Luke (10 weeks) outside just so that he got used to the big noises and seeing the big truck. He did amazing! He was perfectly calm and just watched from right next to me. Anyway, one of the neighbor's dogs came out (big poodle) and wanted to play with him and Luke got pretty freaked out. I think size and the combination of how much the dog was really excited to see him was just too much for him. He's met other dogs that are much more calm and done well so I hope this was just situational. My boyfriend's family also came by to meet him for the first time and he was beyond excited. He kept running up to everyone and jumping and licking and biting. Meanwhile, I'm trying to be polite and not too bossy but saying things like, "don't let him jump", etc. So his dad at some point mentions that he really wants Luke to meet their two dogs so that they can get along. I really, really want this- my family lives far away and I spend all of my holidays with my boyfriend's family and I used to go at least every Sunday for the whole day until I got Luke. Problem is they have two French Mastiffs (a male and female). The male loves other dogs but the female is dog-aggressive. I would love for them all to get along so I can go back to spending a lot of time with them but I don't know how to approach this or if it's even possible. I suggested him meeting the male dog alone after a long walk in a neutral place a few times so it's less overwhelming. I've also suggested maybe we get an old shirt or towel and take it back and forth for the dogs so they get used to each other's smells. Not really sure if that's a good idea but it was a thought. I'm really worried about him meeting the female. I trust his dad to make sure she doesn't harm him but I don't want a traumatizing situation for him either if she goes crazy. Any thoughts/advice on this?
  2. kateincornwall

    kateincornwall Registered Users

    Mar 4, 2012
    Re: Introducing to other Dogs

    I can see your dilemma . Some bitches who are dog aggressive are often far less so with pups , puppies seem to have a puppy licence which is recognised by older dogs . I would suggest that you introduce them all in a very controlled environment and see how the bitch reacts , slightest sign of aggression and you have to think of Luke and his safety, but it might just not happen , just make sure that you or another family member can intervene immediately if necessary . Even if it all goes well , I wouldn't risk unsupervised meetings for some time yet . Your idea of scenting clothes is a good one too , very good luck :)

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