Is vomiting normal?

Discussion in 'Labrador Puppies' started by Emily, Jul 8, 2015.

  1. Emily

    Emily Registered Users

    May 19, 2015
    Melbourne, Australia
    Apologies if this has been asked and answered before, I did a search but couldn't see this topic. We've had Ella for four weeks now and in that time she's vomited on two occasions (in the middle of the night - yuk). Both times she's been happy, full of energy (very excited about the middle of the night visits from my husband and I) and going to the toilet as normal. She's also eaten her breakfast in the morning and seemed fine after that. We haven't taken her to the vet about it but we do have puppy school there tonight so I will mention it.

    Ella is a hoover inside and outside the house and we're constantly telling here to leave things and fishing things out of her mouth. Is it possible that she's eating things she shouldn't and throwing them up later and is this common for Labs?

    Also - gross topic alert!! - Is it normal that she seems to want to eat the vomit again afterwards???

    Thanks all :)
  2. Dexter

    Dexter Moderator Forum Supporter

    Apr 10, 2013
    Hi there,
    Well vomiting in the night isn't normal but twice in 4 weeks wouldn't have me pressing the alarm bells .... ( and I love my alarm bell!) when you say it proper sick or just bile?What time does she have her last meal before bed?Sometimes when they are very little they can sick up a bit of bile if their tummies are empty for too long....maybe give her a few biscuits before bed so she has a lining on her tummy?
    And no,you are not alone in the 'Labrador Clean Up Operation' it is totally normal for them to express their 'helpful' side when it comes to cleaning up sick! I could tell you a few gross stories,one even included sick that wasn't his own.....vile creature! Alpologies to anyone eating at the moment x
  3. snowbunny

    snowbunny Registered Users

    Aug 27, 2014
    Andorra and Spain
    Like Angela says, twice in four weeks isn't something I'd be desperately worried about, but it's worth mentioning it tonight if you're concerned.

    Willow used to regurgitate her food every couple of weeks, when she hadn't chewed it properly. It's quite common; they just need to have a second go at chewing before they digest it. Try not to get to grossed out, and let her get on with it.

    If you want really gross, I have a really gross story.... ;)
  4. JulieT

    JulieT Registered Users

    Jun 15, 2013
    Charlie used to vomit quite a lot - just for billions of reasons, some I could do something about (I changed his food and found out some drugs don't suit him) and some I couldn't do anything about (he'd eaten something he shouldn't)

    I reckon there is nothing very unusual in an otherwise healthy dog vomiting, but if there seems to be a pattern to it or might have a regular cause, you need to start checking it out.
  5. Emily

    Emily Registered Users

    May 19, 2015
    Melbourne, Australia
    Thanks for you replies ladies. Sorry I've been so slow to respond, I had a busy 24hrs. The vet didn't seem too concerned and told us to keep an eye on it. Ella is fed a combination of Royal Canin dry food and raw mince plus some veggies/pasta/rice (this is what the breeder had her on). She much prefers beef mince to chicken and both times she's vomited it's been after the chicken mince. I think that's too early to say it's a pattern but we'll keep an eye on it.

    Angela, the first time she vomited it was huge (I could had sworn there must have been other dogs involved for it to be that large) and the smell was so bad I nearly joined in the action! I can't say how big the second one was as she had already commenced 'Labrador Clean Up Operation' so the main evidence was the stain on the edge of her blanket.

    Fiona, I'm eating my breakfast so will respectfully decline your offer of a really gross story ;)

    Yuk, no one warned me there would be vomiting involved in having a dog, it's just lucky I love her! Although I draw the line at post-spew puppy kisses!

  6. snowbunny

    snowbunny Registered Users

    Aug 27, 2014
    Andorra and Spain
    I feed partially raw and Willow often vomited at first after her raw food. She was basically just rushing it too much and not chewing enough - Labradors don't really know how to chew their food, do they?! So she needed to regurgitate it to take it a bit more slowly a second time. I'm not sure if the same would apply to raw mince as meat with bone; you wouldn't have thought it needs to be chewed as much, but then lots of the digestion starts with saliva in the mouth, so maybe if it doesn't spend enough time there, it needs to be given a second go?

    I always prefer to think of it as "regurgitation" rather than "vomiting". It somehow makes it seem a little less disgusting.
  7. SwampDonkey

    SwampDonkey Registered Users

    Jun 16, 2015
    leicestershire uk

    My dogs regure and then recycle. There seems to varing types of sick for different purposes. Most dont worry me now and this wouldn't pups eat their food to fast sometimes. I scatter feed Rory as he really does gobble it down and make himself sick, he would eat the bowl if I let him. He would his old bowl looks like hand beaten pewter.
    He was sometimes a little sick more like bile before 5am and I did like suggested in dexters post and gave him a small feed before bedtime and that sorted it. Really tiny amount of biscuits and a spoon full (small spoon) of live yogurt. All the dogs have supper at 8 it started so I could give Doug more medication, but i find it a really good way for them to calm down and get ready for bed, we have our supper too its nice to all be together at the end of the day
    They can also eat weird stuff like washing machines/ disney princess's and that can be more of a problem. Plus they do pick some bugs sometimes when they are new to an enviroment. new dogs new bugs. The move to a new place can do it too.
    If you want disgusting ask a me how my midge came back to me on a local park smelling of curry and beer. I thought I seen and smelled everything. I love that Poo shampoo its the best! Just glad I was near to a river. phew

  8. SwampDonkey

    SwampDonkey Registered Users

    Jun 16, 2015
    leicestershire uk
    So sorry Emily it is a bit frightening and no one ever tells you the stuff like the vomiting eating poop and dead things. It always seems like a vast amont of puke for such a small belly. I think having a second go is a natural thing its what dogs would do if we weren't around.
    I would stay off the chicken mince a lot of dogs are developing an intolerance to it.
    I am a very visceral and earthy person with no sense of smell I count myself a very lucky as it really helps with labradors. Over they years I learned to cope with horrid labrador stuff and good protcols for clean up.
    Hope everythings ok hugs to your pup

  9. Dexter

    Dexter Moderator Forum Supporter

    Apr 10, 2013
    Poo and Vomit threads ,you gotta love em! Sar, you forgot to Emily about how they love to roll in fox poo too! now that's when a lack of sense of smell really comes into it I believe! I'm lucky,no foxes in Dubai,but I know I won't escape it in the UK x
  10. SwampDonkey

    SwampDonkey Registered Users

    Jun 16, 2015
    leicestershire uk
    no foxes lucky you. Foxes are least of my worries I've had a massive falling out with Rory and midge about what they ate and had smeared up their faces. ~We weren't speaking till they had a full facial decontamination.
    Had the best fun with Rory before that incident, stuck my wellies on and jumped in the river with him, took loads of toys and we had a great river walk. It was lovely and cool for me and he once he got over the shock of me in the water really had fun. The rivers not too deep at the moment and its interesting seeing the river bank from that angle. I managed about a mile before I had to get out.
    Have a good day back to work for me wish I was in the river though


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