Jenny is an escape artist!!

Discussion in 'Labrador Puppies' started by ReneeS., Aug 6, 2016.

  1. ReneeS.

    ReneeS. Registered Users

    Jun 17, 2016
    St. John, IN USA
    Hello everyone,
    Well, this is the third full day with Jenny. This a.m., I put her in her play pen after two hours of playing, romping around the kitchen, got fed, pooped and peed in yard and she was getting really wound up. I put her in her play pen so she would calm down a bit. Within five minutes she climbed out! I coudn't believe it.
    John is going to put corner deterrents on it so she can't, at least we will see if that works. If tthat doesn't work, he is going to devise some sort of top maybe screening. She goes into it a lot along with her crate as long as the doors are open which I leave open all day. Sometimes she will nap in them or just plunk it on the floor, makes no difference to me. Has anyone else had this happen with such a young pup? When I put her in her crate at night, she fusses just a few moments then is out like a light until around 2:30 a.m. And then I take her out to pee and put her right back in crate. Again she wil fuss just a few moments and fast asleep again until 6:00 or 6:30 a.m. She is already going to back door and wines when she has to out about 75% of the time. I take her out about every 20 to 30 minutes and immediately after eating and she poos like on a scheduled thing. A little more biting, but is understanding word "no" and I put a toy in her mouth and she is happy pup.
    drjs@5 and Bruer like this.

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