Lab went into season on first day after arrival

Discussion in 'Introductions & Saying Hello' started by anniem, Mar 18, 2024.

  1. anniem

    anniem Registered Users

    Mar 18, 2024
    Hello - I am so pleased to have found this forum ! From my look around it seems there is lot of support and incredibly useful information here !

    Fizzy is my third labrador but my first female labrador. She came to us on 26th February from Labrador Rescue Kent. She is adorable !! We were aware that she had not been spayed and were intending to do that as soon as possible.

    However, on the day after she arrived I noticed her vulva swelling and sure enough her season started ! The timing was unbelievable !

    We are now on day 20 and I can tell it isn't over yet !! (Vulva still swollen and blood spotting)

    Am desperate for it to be over so I can start to walk her properly (lead walks and garden ball throwing are really not giving her what she needs !) We will also be getting her spayed in 2 months (suggested time by vets).

    I am going to have lots of questions I know and hope also to be able to share on conversations. Very pleased to be here :)
  2. anniem

    anniem Registered Users

    Mar 18, 2024
    PS I am in Kent in the UK
  3. lucy@labforumHQ

    lucy@labforumHQ Administrator Forum Supporter

    Oct 14, 2013
    Welcome to the forum! That is amazing timing, I can totally understand your eagerness to get out and about with her :) I would however wait a bit longer, until she is no longer showing any physical signs.

    It seems to vary between dogs, but up to three or even four weeks would I think still be considered normal, but have a chat with your vet if you're concerned :)

    You might find this article useful, it gives an overview of seasons and what to expect:
  4. Sammie@labforumHQ

    Sammie@labforumHQ Administrator Staff Member

    May 19, 2011
    Hi AnnieM - welcome! How is Fizzy settling in with you, poor season timing aside? :)

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