Hi There, I have got my black Labrador now and she is 12 weeks. Now she has had her jabs and is ready to be taken out. Is there a walking limit when new to it or a certain distance I should stick to and routine??? This is my first dog and I am a bit new to this. Many Thanks Nick
I walk about 200m - 300m, no more, with my 12 week old puppy on lead - when I'm asking her to walk 'properly' alongside me. In addition to that, she gets to scamper round the (very small) garden a couple of times a day, and gets very brief sessions off lead in the field with my older dog but I'm really careful that she doesn't do too much by trying to keep up with him so after a brief scamper round with him, she is on lead while he does some training, or sniffing along at her own pace etc. I rely much more on 'things to do' to tire her out than exercise.