I have a 18month old golden labrador bitch, we have noticed lately that nearly every time she drinks water a few minutes later she brings it back along with a bit of food, is this common?
Hi , none of mine have ever done this , it could be a touch of reflux ? Does she really go for it when drinking, as in greedily ? If so , take the water up , let her calm down for a minute ,then put it back down , but if it persists , I would mention it to your Vet .
My Sam used to be the same , I had to steady him up by picking the bowl up , just for a minute,before letting him carry on , might be worth you trying this ?
Hi there I'm a bit wary of regurgitation - my dog managed to chew some batteries, and then later got a very sore throat (the vet said the two things were not related but I have my doubts...) and I was told to watch him very carefully for signs he was having trouble swallowing or regurgitated water or food. So I'd have your girl checked out, to make sure there is nothing wrong. My dog also tanks his water bowl, but has never regurgitated water (apart from when there was something wrong with his throat).
Our older labrador Casper who is 7 had this problem. He would regurgitate water, with a little food. He had extensive tests by the vets, as there are various things it could be....simple sore throat, mega oesophagus, obstruction, inflammation somewhere along the GI tract.or in older dogs it can be a sign of stomach cancer. Whilst we were waiting for the results some advice we were given is to elevate the water bowl and also food bowl as this can help, and it did. He was also prescribed a course of ranitidine to sooth his stomach.
very occasionally both of ours will gulp too much water then throw it all up again, with bits of food. In both cases it does seem to be speedy drinking that does it, when they're very thirsty.
Hi Fiona, how are you and yes it is us with Tilly, have you experienced the same problem although she seems a bit better now, not giving her so much water. How do i put a picture of tilly on this site
Yay! Great to see you here. Everyone, Tilly is one of W&S's litter mates I've not had this with my two, sorry I can't be of any help. I'm glad it's getting a bit better. I'd love to see some recent photos of your lovely girl. To do this, you need to upload your photo to another service and then copy the code into your post here. Here are a few options: Imgur: http://thelabradorforum.com/threads/posting-a-photo-from-imgur.12177/ Photobucket: http://thelabradorforum.com/threads/posting-a-photo-from-photobucket.12914/ Flickr: http://thelabradorforum.com/threads/posting-a-photo-from-flickr-update.10872/ Just because I can't resist, here's the lovely little lady when she was 6.5 weeks: