Labrador retriever overexcited!?

Discussion in 'Labrador Behavior' started by Armandino, Dec 4, 2017.


What will help me?

  1. Fear/anxiety pills

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  2. More socialisation

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  3. Training,training,training

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  1. Armandino

    Armandino Registered Users

    Dec 4, 2017
    3 months ago i have adopted an labrador retriever 14months old female. After adopting, 10 days ago she started jumping on people and she is overexcited. The most importent thing is the overexcitement on cats, she also fear at nights and on people who are trying to come near us.
    I am keeping her on leash all the time because she was barking on kids and they are now affraid of her, excluding when i take her and go for walk and play.
    Fear - anxiety could be the problem but i dont know how to deal with such situations, she fears sometimes when i touch her unexpected.
    some infos about the lab is that now she is stressed and she is Humping on dogs, nuzzeling while walking, barking on me when i leave her and excited when i go to take her.
    How to stop her chasting cats? When she see other dogs she get in position to attack them. She things that all dogs who are runing on us will attack her/me..?
    Hope anyone could help me to solve some of these problems. I have consulted vet but they did not help me because they say that the dog is healthy and in good conditions.

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