Its way off yet as Gwenni is only 5 months and we will wait until she is around 16 months old but will have her spayed. Just wandering what people’s experiences are of laparoscopic spays. Plus pyometra is in the back of my mind if her uterus is not removed. I can’t see any particular research on labs and laparoscopic spay and welcome anyone’s views.
We will be bringing our Bella in for an Ovariectomy this coming Thursday In the US, they usually do a full Ovariohysterectomy, but our vet has agreed to leave the uterus (at our request) unless he sees something he doesn't like during the operation. There is really no statistically higher risk of pyometra in labradors if you leave the uterus, despite what some older articles may say. He doesn't do laparoscopic spays, but the two places we found that do them charge way too much for the procedure (over $2k). I have read that the laparoscopic spays are less invasive and have quicker recovery, but they are just not common enough near me to be competitively priced and I wanted to go with a vet that I know and can trust.