Last minute puppy advice for tomorrow please

Discussion in 'Labrador Puppies' started by Holly's Mum, Jul 12, 2017.

  1. Holly's Mum

    Holly's Mum Registered Users

    Jul 12, 2017
    Hi all

    We bring Holly, our 9 week old Labrador/Cocker Spaniel Cross home tomorrow morning.

    I grew up with big dogs but my husband and I have never had a dog together. I have read all I can (including 'The Happy Puppy'), have spoken to the vet, to the local dog trainer etc. I have bought everything we will need to get started.

    Is it normal to be anxious as well as excited please?!

    I have (silly) questions such as what do I do with her when we have dinner etc. We do have a crate for her which she will have in the kitchen at night so should I just put her in there whilst we eat?

    I would really really appreciate any last minute advise and tips please. Thank you :)
  2. Boogie

    Boogie Supporting Member Forum Supporter

    Mar 29, 2014

    Be aware there will be low points however ready/excited/in love with the pup you are.

    Take lots and lots of photos - they grow up too quickly.

    No question is ever, ever silly.

    Regarding eating I never, ever give my pups any kind of food from my hand when I'm eating, that way the fact that I'm eating soon means absolutely nothing to them, they don't even raise their heads. When they are little I pop them in the crate with a filled Kong while we eat. After that they snooze under the table. Sometimes (at about five months old) they need to be on the lead with me standing on the lead while we eat in the transition period, for a week or so, Mollie (nine months old now) did.

  3. Dave Bennett

    Dave Bennett Registered Users

    May 24, 2017
    Witham Essex Grossbritannien
    Congrats on your new arrival. We've had our little addition just under two weeks and I was very anxious the first few days and never took my eyes off him.You soon learn he will always catch you off guard and then the great years of fun begin.Enjoy this period and take tonnes of photo's
  4. ChocoLab

    ChocoLab Registered Users

    Mar 26, 2014
    Enjoy your pup and yes take LOTS of photos. For way to quickly you'll see a dog instead of a pup and you'll wonder where all the time went! (kinda like kids lol)

    At my house; I would put the pup in the crate while we eat. And when they were about 5-6 months old I would place them in a down/stay away from the table. So now when we get ready to eat, all the dogs go and lay down someplace away from the table :)

    It sounds like you are 100% ready to bring on your new pup! I can't really think of anything else to help prepare you.
  5. Karen

    Karen Registered Users

    May 24, 2012
    Can't wait to see your photos!! My Billy was a Labrador/spaniel cross (actually a Brittany spaniel), and he was one of the most amazing dogs I have ever come across - brave, loyal, highly intelligent, sensitive, a real athlete... Lived until he was 16, bless him :) He did have mad yellow spaniel eyes and a few longer hairs on his ears, but otherwise he looked like a slender chocolate lab.
  6. Jojo83

    Jojo83 Registered Users

    Feb 11, 2017
    Perfectly natural to be anxious and excited. Make sure you get a good night's sleep tonight. It's likely to be your last for a few weeks.

    With my last pup she just came and lay by our feet under the table at mealtimes - it's what she had been used to doing at her breeder's home. She has never worried for food and usually chooses to lay by our feet even now. Other pups I've put in the kitchen behind a staircase while we're eating.
  7. Karen

    Karen Registered Users

    May 24, 2012
    I think the main thing is to keep your puppy pretty contained for the first few days - she won't need to run around the whole house, just one or two rooms is plenty to begin with. Remember she needs LOTS of sleep. Keep your expectations low - there will be toilet accidents, you won't get much sleep for the first few days or even weeks, and you may be shocked by how roughly your puppy wants to play, and how loud her voice is at 2:00 am!! But that all passes quickly, and we are here on the forum ready to welcome little Holly into the virtual family!!
  8. Samantha Jones

    Samantha Jones Registered Users

    Apr 19, 2016
    Good luck today! As others have said take lots and lots of photo's - that cute little puppy is not around for long! Glad you have been reading up, but don't be disappointed if despite this there are things that happen that seem like they shouldn't - our pups haven't read the books we have! Take each day as it comes, remember Holly will sleep for most of the day (and if you are lucky most of the night too) and most importantly she is a baby - sometimes a baby crocopup but stay consistent with whatever you are doing and these clever little bundles of fur will soon learn.

    With Bailey initially he was in his crate while we ate, then progressed to laying in his bed while I threw treats to him, now he settles on his bed and watches us - as soon as we finish its a dash to his bowl to sit waiting for his share! Yup as a treat he gets a spoonful of our food with his evening meal his reward for not drooling all over my lap while I am eating.
  9. Granca

    Granca Registered Users

    Jan 12, 2014
    Hope all goes well today. Post some photos of Holly! You sound well prepared, but always expect the unexpected too!
  10. Holly's Mum

    Holly's Mum Registered Users

    Jul 12, 2017
    Thank you all very much for the support and very warm welcome :) I will definitely take lots of photo's and will let you know how the first day goes. Thank you once again :)

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