Excuse my naivety here, first time dog owner! I caught Boston licking his leg excessively today (even with cone on) and he has a small (0.5cm) cut on his back leg, as it's not a particularly fleshy area it is right down to the gristle if you get me. The wound looks clean with no debris but I don't know whether to dress it as he can get to it? Or leave it to the air and try to distract him when he remembers it. Thank you
Re: Leave a cut alone? I would be inclined to cover it as far as possible, to stop the licking, while allowing air to get to it. For instance, putting a large sock on his leg and taping it above the cut may do the trick. If it's not deep, it should heal quickly.
Re: Leave a cut alone? I would bathe with salt and water if if it gets dirty when outside. Leave it uncovered as much as possible but stop him licking it. If he won't stop or you can't keep you eye on him I'd use a sock like Karen has suggested although you can bet when left alone the sock won't last long. :