
Discussion in 'Labrador Puppies' started by jojo, Dec 17, 2015.

  1. jojo

    jojo Registered Users

    Oct 13, 2015
    After having Rocco to vet last week with a torn ligament in his shoulder, Pipers now limping. Definitely front leg because she's nodding her head when she's trotting along. I've left it 48 hours and it's still as pronounced. :(( I'm now imagining all sorts of things, like some form of ED.tell me she's just got a sore paw or something!!!
    I have a country vet and they only do 3 sessions a day. The only one I can get to is this evening
    Sob :(((
  2. Karen

    Karen Registered Users

    May 24, 2012
    Oh dear, that is a horrible worry. But most limps are caused by something fairly harmless - Poppy had a terrible limp for WEEKS last year and I was convinced it was something awful, bone cancer or goodness knows what. After many tests it eventually turned out she had strained a toe ligament... :rolleyes: Still required weeks of rest, anti-inflammatories, and on-lead walks though. So stay calm and try not to imagine the worst. In the meantime, keep her on-lead and don't give her pain medication, so the vet can see what is going on.
  3. MaccieD

    MaccieD Guest

    Try not to worry, difficult I know, but wait and see what the vet says. As Karen says most limps are not serious and resolve under vet care with rest and medication. Juno first limped at 5 months and was diagnosed with ED at 7months but it's really not the end of the world. Fingers crossed for a positive diagnosis from the vet. Hugs to you while you wait
  4. Pilatelover

    Pilatelover Registered Users

    Jan 20, 2015
    Oh what a worry for you. Fingers crossed its nothing nasty. Good luck at the vets this evening. Mabel sends Piper big Labrador licks. Xx
  5. jojo

    jojo Registered Users

    Oct 13, 2015
    The vet has said both elbows are annoying her, one more than the other. She says at 4 months she's very young to have symptoms...but. Painkillers and rest (lol) over the weekend, back Monday.
    #MaccieD, was there anything about Juno that stood out apart from her limp? Xxx
  6. Pilatelover

    Pilatelover Registered Users

    Jan 20, 2015
    jojo so sorry the news wasn't better. It probably doesn't feel like it now, it's really not the end of the world and there are loads of things you can still do. I never thought I'd be able to say that but it's true. Mabel has severe elbow Dysplasia she first limped at 5 months. Looking back her head would nod slightly and she would walk really slow and at home not play with her toys much. She also shifted weight on her back legs meaning her front limbs became very spindly and abnormally thin in a relatively short space of time. She had an arthroscopy on both elbows in July. I spoke to the specialist on Monday and she's doing well. I take her to hydrotherapy every Monday and the muscle tone is definitely building up nicely.
    I'm sure you have a hundred and one questions, ask away. The forum kept me sane.
    Good luck xx
  7. MaccieD

    MaccieD Guest

    jojo Nothing stands out whatsoever. Juno was fine no problems and then we were on one of our joint walks with our trainer and some other dogs and she was having great fun charging around with her friends when on the return half of the walk we noticed that she was limping :(. That was a Thursday afternoon, we saw our vet on the Tuesday, we had to wait to see Sophie as she speaks excellent English, but in the interim she was rested with short walks etc. On examination Juno was completely not bothered by having legs pulled and pushed so we thought it was just a pull after so much running and charging around. We had 10 days of metacam with rest and hen saw the vet again and received the all clear to build exercise back up. What was strange was that she was limping was on the left. The second incidence of limping again flared after a training walk but she was alternating between left and right leg. Sophie booked us in for x-rays as in her opinion 2 lots of limping in a young dog isn't good. The x-rays were sent to the orthopaedic specialist who spotted the problem for certain, consultation with him and he sent us for an MRI. The scan showed that her left elbow was perfectly normal but the right elbow is malformed and she also was suffering from fragmentation of the coronoid process. Surgery followed in March this year then a lot of restricted exercise and gradual build up.

    Try not to worry,it could be nothing to worry about at all and just "growing pains" as there is a condition called Panosteitis which they grow out of but causes discomfort and limping partcullarly on the fore legs. As Pilatelover says it's not the end of the word - we've both been there and come out the other side, and I don't think either of us thought we'd ever be saying that (you only need to read some of my posts from February/March to know that . Any questions just ask, pm me if you want or just feel free to have a rant - happy to listen and support.
  8. jojo

    jojo Registered Users

    Oct 13, 2015
    Thank you so much xx it was Juno who's parents had good elbow scores wasn't it? Both pipers mum and dad had clear elbow scores. I just can't bear the though of her being in pain, whatever's causing it. She's such a happy little soul. Still wanting to charge about!!! So keeping her quiet is proving difficult!! The vet did say she'd X-ray her Monday. So we'll see then I suppose. I'm better at dealing with things if I know what I'm dealing with if that makes sense!!!
  9. MaccieD

    MaccieD Guest

    Yes, that's correct that Juno's parents elbows were perfect 0s, but the advice to breeders is that they should only breed from dogs with 0s and of course in the UK it is only a recommendation to have elbow x-rays at least in France it is a requirement for breeders. I was absolutely devastated when I saw the specialist and he said that Juno would have been in pain since she was little because of the fragmentation and I hadn't known but then if they're not showing a limp how can you know so try not too be hard on yourself about her being in pain. You've acted as soon as you saw the limp, that's all we can do.

    Is the vet sending the x-rays to a specialist for review? My vet in France does automatically which was just as well as she couldn't see any problem, it was only when the x-ray was greatly expanded that anything was seen. The elbow is just so complex.

    I sympathise in trying to keep a young dog quiet, with Juno all exercise was on lead to prevent running and zoomies, and it's at times like this it helps if you've trained no jumping and restrict stairs at least solves some of the problems.

    One step at a time though, we're all here to help and support - and when things get tough there's always a glass of red wine to relax with in the evening :D xx
  10. jojo

    jojo Registered Users

    Oct 13, 2015
    Thank so much, I've done nothing but cry since the vets yesterday. She's doing X Ray's Monday if there's no improvement. And she'll send them to the ortho in Dublin. I know it could be nothing, but my hearts telling me it's not nothing. My poor baby dog. She's 16 weeks old, full of life. It's all so wrong she's in pain. That's all that bothers me. I'm not bothered that I may not be able to work her, I want her to be happy, and run about with Rocco. Every time I see her limp the tears start. It just goes to show, all that effort we put into making sure they're not genetically predisposed to things means naff all.
    I really appreciate all your support. I just want an answer and then we can move forward.
  11. JulieT

    JulieT Registered Users

    Jun 15, 2013
    Ah, this is really tough - it makes me a bit angry, to be honest, when I see the pain this worry causes people. :(

    I hope there is nothing seriously wrong, and all this worry is for nothing. :) But, you know, even if it is something, you'll get it fixed and she'll have a wonderful life.

    Do you have painkillers for her?
  12. jojo

    jojo Registered Users

    Oct 13, 2015
    Yes she's on loxicam until Monday. Xx and if it is something, I will get it fixed, I'll do anything to make her happy and well. 16 weeks is so young for symptoms of underlying disease which worries me even more that it's really bad. Rocco's following her round and nudging her up the front steps, I'm in tears all the time. And she's just getting on, playing with her toys and jumping (!!!!) into bed with me in the morning. I'm such a practical, level headed person (NURSE. Lol) but I'm broke over this. My SBT Stan was put to sleep a year ago 2moro. Rocco tore a ligament last week. I'm a blubbering mess. Xx
  13. Oberon

    Oberon Supporting Member Forum Supporter

    Mar 6, 2013
    Canberra, Australia
    It is so stressful, waiting to get a diagnosis and worrying about what it might be. We really do understand! I've definitely been there and many other forumers too....

    You're doing your absolute best for your pup and acted as soon as you noticed a problem. That's all we can do, as MaccieD said. You're a good puppy parent.

    I know you're feeling really down about the usefulness of elbow scores etc, but doing elbow scores and only breeding from 0:0 parents will help overall in the long run. Of course, it won't eliminate it entirely or be a guarantee (joints and their genes are too complex for that probably) but it's still worthwhile. You did do the right thing by seeking out parents with good elbow scores. I know that doesn't do anything to ease the situation right now...

    I hope the x-rays show that it's a minor or fixable problem, or, hopefully, not a joint problem at all. We've all got our fingers and paws crossed.
  14. jojo

    jojo Registered Users

    Oct 13, 2015
    I don't know what I'd do without you lot xx
  15. MaccieD

    MaccieD Guest

    Piper will have a long happy life with you and feel free to cry and rant and rave. I remember only too well how I felt. Wish I could do more than offer support and hugs over the ether - one of the down sides of the forum but big hugs on their way to you xx
  16. Dexter

    Dexter Moderator Forum Supporter

    Apr 10, 2013
    Just stoppimg by to say I'm sorry to read you heart always sinks again when I see one of these posts.....but there are many times my heart has been lifted when the investigations have shown that it isn't as bad as was feared.......
    I hope you have been able to get her comfortable .....if love was medicine all our dogs would be in absolute tip top,form.....ill look out for your update on Monday xxx
  17. Emily

    Emily Registered Users

    May 19, 2015
    Melbourne, Australia
    Hi Jo, just popping by to say I'm thinking of you and Piper (and Rocco in his recovery) and hoping for the best on Monday. Ella sends some big slobbery licks too of course x
  18. Naya

    Naya Registered Users

    Sep 14, 2013
    Bristol, UK
    I hope all goes well for you on Monday. Sending you big hugs x
  19. jojo

    jojo Registered Users

    Oct 13, 2015
    Had to take her to emergency vet today. She went completely off her leg. She's had more drugs and she's to go in starved on Monday morning for X-rays as was the plan. My hearts broke. :((
  20. drjs@5

    drjs@5 Registered Users

    Jun 2, 2012
    Fife, Scotland
    So sorry to hear this. You are obviously worried and upset, who wouldn't be :(
    You will be thinking all sorts right now.
    She is awfully young to have ED I would think, but you will do what needs to be done and you will cope somehow.
    Your mind will be racing away ahead. Try to relax a little and wait until you get the expert advice and can plan what needs to be done if necessary.
    Sending {{{hugs}}}

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