:'( I'm absolutely devastated to hear of the tragedy at Manchester dogs home this evening. I can only imagine how the staff and supporters are feeling. Over 40 dogs were killed in the blaze. Having worked in rescue kennels it was always my worst nightmare that something like this could happen to us and I feel lucky that the worst we ever suffered was dog theft. It is suspected to be arson - what sort of a person could do that!? Feeling very upset tonight.
Re: Manchester Dogs Home sorry it is just a few miles from me, i am heart broken, :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(
Re: Manchester Dogs Home Lauren,I saw the headlines and couldn't read it.all ....there was a sentence that just put me to tears ...someone has just posted some photos on Facebook of all the wonderful helpers and volunteers that turned out in the dark to help ....I can't share as it's a group I'm not a member of.Thank goodness for kind people and how on earth does such dreadful evil exist within a person
Re: Manchester Dogs Home Awful. There is a justgiving site set up - search MANCHESTER & CHESHIRE DOGS HOMES if you want to find it.
Re: Manchester Dogs Home I would echo exactly what Rachael said, I couldn't bear to read on and once again celebrating the decent people (the majority) who turned up and got stuck in when there was a disaster. This morning it appears that they 'only' lost 40 dogs, it is still 40 too many but much less than I feared.
Re: Manchester Dogs Home i have not slept thinking of them poor helpless dogs, heart breaking :'( :'(
Re: Manchester Dogs Home You can also text donate by texting MDOG57 followed by £1 £2 £5 etc to 70070 - I made a donation this morning. It's amazing, I was looking at the just giving site last night and they were on £5400 and then literally 15 minutes later I checked back and they were up to over £13000, then I pressed refresh and it was over £14000!!
Re: Manchester Dogs Home Out of a tragedy there comes some good, with donations to help future dogs, but it is such a tragedy for the dogs that died, I cannot bear to think how they suffered,
Re: Manchester Dogs Home Just catching up on this, how makes me sad not just for the poor dogs but also, if it was deliberate, that we have folk in our society who will be so cruel. Bah
Re: Manchester Dogs Home Heart breaking news , would be tragic enough if it had been an accidental fire but to think that its arson is too awful :'(
Re: Manchester Dogs Home So upsetting. I keep looking at megs and just feel for those poor little souls who perished. Just donated on justgiving website and they've raised an amazing £903,000 plus. It just makes you feel so proud of the generosity of the public.
Re: Manchester Dogs Home They've now raised over £1million which is incredible! Sadly the death toll currently stands at about 60 dogs I believe - apparently the buildings are too unsafe to go in and conduct an investigation yet so there may be more
Re: Manchester Dogs Home Aw, I do hope not. I've just seen on the telly all the donations of food and bedding.