Morning Whining

Discussion in 'Labrador Behavior' started by Stacey811, Apr 2, 2020.

  1. Stacey811

    Stacey811 Registered Users

    Nov 4, 2018
    Hi everyone, looking for some advice please.
    My Labrador is 18 months old and sleeps in a crate at night and 90% of mornings he wakes me up crying.
    He gets about an hour minimum of exercise a day and let out before I go to bed about 10:30pm. He wakes up about 7am and just whines and whines until I give up and take him outside. It’s not like he is dying for the toilet as sometimes he will go outside and stand looking at me until I command him to ‘do it’.
    Sometimes on he will sit quietly until my alarm so I know he can do it he just chooses not to. It’s hard on work days as I’ve tried to ignore him and get up when he’s been quiet for a bit but I need to get up for work anyway so it’s difficult to leave him and ‘reward’ him by getting up when he’s quiet.
    Has anyone else had any experience of this at all and if so what have you done to help this?
    Thank you for any advise in advance!
  2. Christina2807

    Christina2807 Registered Users

    Jul 3, 2019
    Try setting your alarm earlier so that you wake up before he wakes up. That way he will be quiet and be rewarded for it. You could then try and set up for 5 minutes later each day until you are back at your normal time.

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