My big boy :)

Discussion in 'Labrador Puppies' started by Kelsey Danielle, Dec 20, 2016.

  1. Kelsey Danielle

    Kelsey Danielle Registered Users

    Oct 17, 2016
    Alberta, Canada

    My big boy! I'm obsessed! We've finally started losing those super, sharp little baby teeth. We went to the off leash dog park for the first time, and poor babe was overwhelmed. We only stayed for about 20 minutes before it got to cold, but by the end he was having a blast with all the dogs to play with! Can't wait until it warms up a little bit more and we can stay for longer!

    Also, when did you guys decrate during the day? When I'm at work, Titey is in his crate because I'm afraid he'll eat my house haha. When do you know you can trust them to only chew what they're allowed to? He does get Kongs when I have to leave, but they only keep him busy for so long.

    Thanks :)
    DebzC, Rosie, Dexter and 7 others like this.
  2. FayRose

    FayRose Registered Users

    Jun 8, 2015
    Oh crumbs :inlove::heart: he is gorgeous. Have had to move Molly so she can't see him or she'd be VERY silly.

    We de-crated Molly a couple of months ago (she's now 8 months) and had hoped to remove it from the room, but, although the door is never closed now, she still tucks herself in there when she needs some 'time out'. This happens not only bed time but when we have to leave her for any other reason. She is never left for more than 2 hours though.
    Jyssica likes this.
  3. jeanine

    jeanine Registered Users

    Sep 24, 2016
    I think it really depends on the dog. My first lab was almost 2 years but my second lab was four months. The first one ate thru drywall walls, the second one never chewed a single thing, ever. Corona will be 5 months on saturday and I have no intention of decrating her anytime soon. She puts everything in he mouth, especially if she is bored or overtired. She would definitely find trouble. She is decrated at night as of 3 weeks ago, next to the bed on her pillow but is still in a gated area, and is doing super with that, but that's only because it's sleepy time. Only you can really be the judge. Good luck!
  4. Naya

    Naya Registered Users

    Sep 14, 2013
    Bristol, UK
    :heart: Gorgeous boy :heart:
    We de-crated Harley at 5 months old. She started off being in the kitchen, moved to the front room at 7 months old, by the time she was 11months old she had the run of the house when we are out. We only leave her for a max of 4 hours and used to have a webcam system so I could check on her. We never had any problems with her with chewing or even taking anything she shouldn't. I even left meat defrosting on the sink and she never even tried getting to it.
    Every dog is different and it depends on how confident you feel in letting him be loose? Maybe try being in 1 room to start with and go from there.
  5. QuinnM15

    QuinnM15 Registered Users

    Apr 13, 2016
    We started de-crating Quinn during the day at 11 months. She's not destructive in the least, but was showing some signs of being anxious when we left her out of her crate when we would leave, so we kept her crated for awhile longer and did it in very slow increments. She's now fine, but we keep bedroom doors shut because I don't trust that everyone is picking up properly/not leaving tempting things out that no lab could resist!
    Jyssica likes this.
  6. Jyssica

    Jyssica Registered Users

    Sep 12, 2016
    Liverpool, UK
    Titan is just soooo Handsome :heart::inlove:
    I am wondering thr same thing about decrating
    We havent even decrated of a night yet... we hust bought a larger crate and i like how content he is of a nightime.
  7. jeanine

    jeanine Registered Users

    Sep 24, 2016
    Hi there, Corona's mom again. I was just reading some comments and happened to notice your gorgeous boy just sitting there amongst all that wrapping paper and bags. What a good boy! You may be able to decrate A LOT sooner than I will because I can guarantee that Corona would be running around the room with all those goodies, tearing it all to bits and pieces!
    DebzC and drjs@5 like this.
  8. DebzC

    DebzC Registered Users

    Aug 19, 2016
    :cwl: Love it!
  9. DebzC

    DebzC Registered Users

    Aug 19, 2016
    Do you have a utility room with a door or can you shut your kitchen off? We have Libby's crate in our utility room so now leave her with an old duvet on the floor plus her open crate, her toys and water but nothing else loose in there. Next it'll be the kitchen but I'd not leave her in the lounge for long.
    I was going to say the same as @jeanine about the wrapping paper...awesome boy!

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