Neutering scheduled

Discussion in 'Labrador Puppies' started by Zacbrownpup, Mar 11, 2015.

  1. Zacbrownpup

    Zacbrownpup Registered Users

    Nov 20, 2014
    Well - poor Zac is scheduled to have his manhood snipped tomorrow. I am a little nervous, but so far have been very happy with the vet and her care. It's not an overnight stay, so I will work from home on Friday to watch over him. Any tips or advice? :-\
  2. MaccieD

    MaccieD Guest

    Re: Neutering scheduled

    Try not to worry too much! Zac may be a bit sore for a few days but then again he may be pretty much his normal self - they all vary. Be prepared for big doleful eyes tomorrow when his breakfast is not forthcoming and it's best not to give him too much food tomorrow evening after the surgery. My veg suggests 2 small meals later in the evening just to make sure they are fully recovered from the anaesthetic.

    I'll send good wishes for the op and will be thinking of Zac as Juno is off for surgery tomorrow as well for elbow dysplasia.
  3. Yvonne

    Yvonne Registered Users

    Mar 9, 2014
    Cape Cod, Massachusetts, USA
    Re: Neutering scheduled

    Good Luck to Zac and Juno. I can only speak to the "snipping" part....Cooper, now 12 months old had his "snipping" done at six months. He pretty much was his old self right away.....yes, he slept a bit more, and I fed him less the first 24 hours and he was a tad groggy with the anesthetic but a boy recuperates much quicker than the poor girl! I didnt even have to put a cone around his head (in case he licked his wounds)....I dont think he even realized what had happened. I did keep a watchful eye on him in case he licked, though. It also takes quite some time for the inflamation (or whatever is left "there") to go down. One of the aids at the vet did suggest I give him a Benadril pill which makes them a bit woozy so he wasnt too active. The vet had also given me some pain pills but only gave them to him that first day and then he seemed to be fine.
    Be calm and you will be fine. Zac will be fine.
  4. Oberon

    Oberon Supporting Member Forum Supporter

    Mar 6, 2013
    Canberra, Australia
    Re: Neutering scheduled

    Try not to worry :) He will be back to normal before you know it (but a bit woozy from all the drugs initially). I agree that the hardest part is not allowing them breakfast....makes you feel so bad!!!

    Hope it all goes perfectly (I'm sure it will) :)
  5. Jane Martin

    Jane Martin Registered Users

    Apr 16, 2014
    Re: Neutering scheduled

    Can't comment on the snip but can comment on a spay. That's probably not relevant to you as it takes longer to recover and is a bigger op (arguably) but I did feel quite sad about the whole thing. It's probably different for boy dogs and boy owners! Give cuddles, monitor drinking, eating, weeing, pooing and don't hold back on pain relief - he may be not showing it hurts!
  6. Edp

    Edp Registered Users

    Mar 16, 2014
    Re: Neutering scheduled

    Hi, my old Malamute was castrated recently. He took himself to bed the first night did not want tea. Then back to normal the following day. We had 2 days of pain meds. I got a soft collar for him as he did want to lick. Hope he gets on ok. Emma.
  7. Zacbrownpup

    Zacbrownpup Registered Users

    Nov 20, 2014
    Re: Neutering scheduled

    Thanks everyone!! And good thoughts going out to Juno!!

    Last night (prior to today's surgery) he wasn't very interested in his dinner and I was so worried! But apparently my son had him outside and playing for quite awhile and he was just a bit tired.
    And this morning - he was Soooooo good. He never asked for breakfast or water, he just went out and then laid down. At one point he had hopped up on the couch and laid down so sweetly - I hated to make him get down. He just looked at me like he knew something was up! Oh boy... So I just snuggled up with him for a bit. Then he tried to chew on my hand, so it was easier to get up and move on.

    He then proceeded to bolt out the front door, knock coffee out of a neighbors hand at the bus stop and climb on top of me while I was in the drivers seat of the car. (no small feat, as he is close to 50lbs!)

    Waiting on the call from the doc.....

    Thanks everyone!
  8. kateincornwall

    kateincornwall Registered Users

    Mar 4, 2012
    Re: Neutering scheduled

    Soon all be a fading memory for him , soon be home for a cuddle :)
  9. MaccieD

    MaccieD Guest

    Re: Neutering scheduled

    Hope all went well with Zac's surgery and he's now enjoying lots of fussing while he recovers. I was just trying to work out his weight as we work in Kg here, but he's about a kilo more than Juno (online converters are wonderful tools). Due to all the bandage on her leg Juno seems to think she's only got 3 that are working! She seems reasonably OK so the painkillers must be working and she's being so good about leaving the bandage as I don't want her to have the cone on unless it's 100% necessary i.e. bedtime as it makes life a little less miserable.

    Juno sends a big lick to Zac and hopes he's all better soon
  10. Yvonne

    Yvonne Registered Users

    Mar 9, 2014
    Cape Cod, Massachusetts, USA
    Re: Neutering scheduled

    How is Juno doing today?
  11. MaccieD

    MaccieD Guest

    Re: Neutering scheduled

    Hi Yvonne, Juno seems to be doing pretty well. She can't understand why she can't put her paws on my shoulders and lick my face when I'm on the floor with her as normal and why she can't play tug. She's a quiet girl normally so it's not always easy to know how she is but she's leaving the bandage alone apart from the very occasional lick so I'm leaving the cone off. if it ever stops raining today we may attempt one of our 5 minutes walks for the day. She's eating normally though and no whimpers or whines out of her since the early hoursso the painkillers must be working OK. Another night on the sofa for me tonight I think go make sure she's OK.
  12. Jane Martin

    Jane Martin Registered Users

    Apr 16, 2014
    Re: Neutering scheduled

    Sending snuggles to you both (Zac and Juno); I recommend sleeping on the couch, particularly the first night. :)
  13. Yvonne

    Yvonne Registered Users

    Mar 9, 2014
    Cape Cod, Massachusetts, USA
    Re: Neutering scheduled

    Great....glad things are going well. I agree about the is horrible and they hate it! I know it takes longer for a girl but she will be well and happy soon and you will be able to relax a bit. I know it's hard....they are our kids! Wish I could talk "dog" so I knew what they were thinking!! Wouldn't that be great?
  14. Zacbrownpup

    Zacbrownpup Registered Users

    Nov 20, 2014
    Re: Neutering scheduled

    I am glad to hear that Juno is doing well! It is so hard that they cannot communicate with us.

    Zac did very well. The pain meds seem to be doing their job here as well. He is snoozing next to me on his bed while I get work done from home today. No cone either. The hardest part is keeping him from jumping, running and climbing. We are supposed to keep him from doing all that for 10-14 days. :eek: Not sure how that will work!

    thanks for all the good thoughts! glad to have my bubbie home. ;)
  15. Yvonne

    Yvonne Registered Users

    Mar 9, 2014
    Cape Cod, Massachusetts, USA
    Re: Neutering scheduled

    How is Zac doing today? He will probably be 100% and forgotten all about it.
    Hope so, anyway.
  16. Zacbrownpup

    Zacbrownpup Registered Users

    Nov 20, 2014
    Re: Neutering scheduled

    Zac is 4 days post op and it's like nothing happened at all! No behavior changes either... although he has begun chewing the molding for the first time in the kitchen. :-\ And he continues his counter surfing... He wants to play so badly - but the vet said to keep him quiet for 10-14 days...

    Overall - all good! Thanks for checking in!

    Hows Juno?
  17. MaccieD

    MaccieD Guest

    Re: Neutering scheduled

    Good to hear that Zac is recovering well from his op last week. Time will fly by and he'll be running and playing as normal in only a few days. Off to the vet with Juno tomorrow to have the bandage removed then the stitches on day 14 from the op. She is being such a good girl not being able to run around, but lay quiet .

    Keep us updated on Zack's profess.

    Licks from Juno
  18. Dexter

    Dexter Moderator Forum Supporter

    Apr 10, 2013
    Re: Neutering scheduled

    Glad they are both recovering well x

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