Here's her new friend Hector. She met him in the field for the first time this evening and wasn't quite sure what to do with him. Hector is around 12 weeks old if that and is a replacement for Gatsby who lived until not quite 16 which is a grand old age for a Lab. Gatsby and Lady were great friends although Gats couldn't really play with her anymore because of his age and arthritis.
Re: New Baby for Lady Umm, Lady doesn't look too sure, does she?! Glad she's better today, too. Clare
Re: New Baby for Lady She was definitely a bit non-plussed about what to do with a small puppy, but she was very patient and allowed him to poke and prod her.
Re: New Baby for Lady Aww cute!! I'm sure it won't take Lady long to realize that the little mite could be a bit of fun! Hopefully.... :
Re: New Baby for Lady Lovely photos. She doesn't look entirely convinced but I'm sure will see the value of Hector in time
Re: New Baby for Lady You are so lucky to have a 12 week old puppy around to play with ,sorry that Lady can play with ;Dbut then you can wave them off home so no needle teeth to harass you,chewing your shoes or accidents in the house ! ;D
Re: New Baby for Lady He looks so cute Hope that lady starts to play with him soon and starts to accept him more
Re: New Baby for Lady Just been out for a walk with Lady and we met up with Hector again. Lady is completely different reacting to a puppy on her own with no distractions. She did her usual lie down and let him climb all over me then got up and did a bit of butt tucking but just a few yards at a time when she stopped, flopped and waited for him to catch her up. Hector managed about 3 goes and was then too tired to do any more so he went home for a nap. ;D