night time

Discussion in 'Labrador Puppies' started by marie11, Apr 17, 2015.

  1. marie11

    marie11 Registered Users

    Apr 5, 2015
    Hi Guys

    We brought home our 8.5 week Black Labrador Pup ..Ziva yesterday afternoon, She had upset tummy in car and was sick but generally very pleased once she got here, she Is going into her crate herself no problem but I seem to be letting her out every hour I am sleeping on sofa for fist few nights as I have divider incrate so she doesn't do toilet in there hence why 'Im downstairs. She is asking to go to door got going out in garden

    My question what do I do tonight ? I know if she whimpering just like last night but wasn't loud just whimper really and then she settled I left her for good few min then when quite I went to let her out but at 3.20am she had poo which I think is just upset so I let her out hourly after that. But not sure how to handle tonight as don't want her getting used to me letting her out every hr .

    Sorry hope this all makes sense as I no people will of been here before I not very good at writing thing on computer :)

  2. JAYMZ

    JAYMZ Registered Users

    Mar 12, 2015
    Re: night time

    Normal protocol seems to be:
    * take up water 1hr before bed
    * no food 3hr before bed

    Might need to be a bit careful with the no water if she has a really upset tummy.

    Then put her to bed and set your alarm for every 3hrs to let her out and take her (carry) for a wee.

    Try to increase that time slowly over the course of a few days to a week. If she's fast asleep when you go down, you can set it for 30 mins longer.

    It's hard but worth it and passes very quickly.

    Be wary as you say of opening the crate if she's whimpering. It's very difficult to tell what the whimpering means and they can really trick you.

    Good luck
  3. snowbunny

    snowbunny Registered Users

    Aug 27, 2014
    Andorra and Spain
    Re: night time

    Hi Marie,

    Firstly, exciting times! It's lovely bringing home a new puppy, isn't it? :)

    If you want to spend a couple more nights on the sofa to let her know she's not alone, that's fine, but you'll want to get back to your bed soon, too! Once her tummy has settled down, you should be able to leave her for about two and a half to three hours at night at first without her toileting, provided she was empty before bedtime. Then, all you do is set the alarm for that interval, get up and go to take her out whether or not she's whining and hopefully she'll go. Don't talk to her or cuddle her - just straight out and straight back. Then, each night, increase that time by 15 minutes. If she has a setback, go back a stage. You'll soon learn to differentiate between her "I'm scared, lonely and/or bored" whine and her "I need the loo" whine.

    If you don't have it already, I can heartily recommend getting a copy of The Happy Puppy Handbook from Amazon. It talks you through all these early stage issues, and on into the first year.

    Good luck!
  4. marie11

    marie11 Registered Users

    Apr 5, 2015
    Re: night time

    Thanks Guys

    Her feeding times from breeder are 7,12,5,10 last nigh was 6.30 pm as we just got home at 6 then only gave her half her food due to upset tummy at 10 pm

    I will sleep on sofa tonight and see what happens ,Thank you I not opening crate when whine only when quite and I go out let her have p then straight back into crate and I just sit nxt to crate she didn't take much settling so will see if I can leave her for few hrs.
    She is very happy when In her crate

    Should I feed her little earlier do you think

    thank you so much I have purchased Pippa book :)
  5. JAYMZ

    JAYMZ Registered Users

    Mar 12, 2015
    Re: night time

    More reasonable feeding times would be 7am, 11am, 3pm, 7pm.

    That way she poos before bed. You don't want/need to be feeding her through the night.

    During the night she will only be peeing normally. Hence feed 3hrs before bed (at 10pm), so she can eat, digest and poo.
  6. marie11

    marie11 Registered Users

    Apr 5, 2015
    Re: night time

    Thanks JAYMZ

    No no not feeding her through night

    Ok Bedtime 10.30/11 so will feed at 7.30/8

    Thanks will let you no what happens
  7. snowbunny

    snowbunny Registered Users

    Aug 27, 2014
    Andorra and Spain
    Re: night time

    I also don't think it's unreasonable to drop her mealtimes to just three times a day. This is what mine were on when I got them and they were fine with it. I've actually kept them on three meals a day because I work from home and it helps break up the day for them and me!
  8. MaccieD

    MaccieD Guest

    Re: night time

    Congratulations on your new puppy. Juno came home at 10 weeks on 3 meals a day, the last being around 7pm and she poo'd before bedtime but often poo'd and wee'd during the night when taken out so do make sure you give Ziva time to go if she needs to before putting her back in her crate so she settles without problems.
  9. marie11

    marie11 Registered Users

    Apr 5, 2015
    Re: night time

    Thanks MaccieD

    I going to feed her at 4 then 8 pm so far she still has soft/runny poo but think it to be expected. She has gone both times after breakfast and Lunch so see how she is come 4 pm .

    If she having a whimper in caret tonight I will try leave her for 2 hrs but my concern is same as last night after she poo'd cant thin of right way to word this lol :)

    All your help is very much appreciated

    Will consider dropping her feed to 3
  10. marie11

    marie11 Registered Users

    Apr 5, 2015
    Re: night time

    :) Thanks Snowbunny
  11. MaccieD

    MaccieD Guest

    Re: night time

    Hi Marie, I had Juno in a crate in the bedroom for around 2 weeks before having her crate in the kitchen overnight. The first few nights she made little noises, particularly when the lights were turned off but I would just speak to her very quietly so she would know I was there. It must be hard for a little puppy when they first leave the comfort of sleeping with all their litter mates and are with strange people, with strange smells.

    The poo should firm up in the next day or so, many puppies have tummy upsets when they move to their new homes but it's only usually for a day or so and nothing to worry about if she's eating, drinking, playing and generally is bright. Look forward to seeing some photos of Ziva
  12. marie11

    marie11 Registered Users

    Apr 5, 2015
    Re: night time

    Thanks again

    What Colour is Juno ?
    Ziva is Black

    If she poo ok after her meals should I try 2 hr gap tonight and leave her to whimper Its not a loud or raging it gentle whine lol
  13. MaccieD

    MaccieD Guest

    Re: night time

    Juno is 10 months old tomorrow and is a chocolate with hazel eyes. Ziva is a lovely name for your little girl.

    I would try for a 2 hour gap as she is very young still. If she whimpers I would speak to her. I used to tell Juno that she was a good girl and it was time for her to sleep. I also used to put my hand on the crate so Juno could smell me - I found it helped settle her. I didn't take her out of her crate though unless it was toilet time. I didn't set an alarm for Juno, as she was so close to me in the bedroom I heard when she started to be a little restless, that's when I got up to take her out to toilet. I guess it depends upon her soundly you sleep. I'm a light sleeper and wake several times a night anyway so the lack of alarm was not a problem for me. If she's a sleep though I would leave it a little longer andbe ready to scoop her up when she wakes. Try not to worry too much as you'll soon start to recognise Ziva's signals for when she needs to toilet and she is unlikely to do anything in her crate without having made a bit of a fuss first.
  14. marie11

    marie11 Registered Users

    Apr 5, 2015
    Re: night time

    A lovely Chocolate :)

    I will gently talk to her from sofa as door into kitchen/dinning area is open so I actually don't need to get up. She does like it when you put her to sit with her n just gently stroke her paw or body part within a few min last night she fell asleep when I walked away whimpered a bit but I just went on sofa n turned wee light out.

    p oo was a bit runny after lunch but she not gone in-between meals today so that's a good sighn

    think I may have to wake her up for her feed at 4 lol lol as she sound a sleep since 3.05 pm
  15. Kate600

    Kate600 Registered Users

    Feb 24, 2015
    Re: night time

    Hello! I'm in the same boat - I brought my Gibbs home last weekend who is now 9 weeks old. We have been setting our alarm for 2am and 4.30am and that 'seems' to be doing the trick. We aren't crating Gibbs at the moment, he has the run of the kitchen when we are out.

    I'm feeding Gibbs 4 times a day at the moment, I think I'm going to alter the mealtimes to the suggestions above as he does get his dinner a bit later than 7pm and he is poo'ing during the night (outside :) )
  16. marie11

    marie11 Registered Users

    Apr 5, 2015
    Re: night time

    Hi Kate600

    What a lovely name for a Lab ....Gibbs :)

    I gave Ziva her 4 pm meal and will try again at 8 she was out in garden just before 4 pm and poo'd now fast asleep again in her crate will give her plenty opportunity to empty when she wakes up shortly.
    Half of me thinks I haven't got a clue what I'm doing so glad this site is here .
  17. Kate600

    Kate600 Registered Users

    Feb 24, 2015
    Re: night time

    Tell me about it, Gibbs is my first dog, I've only had cats before, and cats don't steal your slippers whilst you are still wearing them!
  18. JAYMZ

    JAYMZ Registered Users

    Mar 12, 2015
    Re: night time

    [quote author=Kate600 link=topic=10607.msg157235#msg157235 date=1429290602]
    Tell me about it, Gibbs is my first dog, I've only had cats before, and cats don't steal your slippers whilst you are still wearing them!

    At least he's not trying to bury the slippers with you still wearing them.
    Glass half full.. ;)
  19. marie11

    marie11 Registered Users

    Apr 5, 2015
    Re: night time

    lol lol ;)
  20. marie11

    marie11 Registered Users

    Apr 5, 2015
    Re: night time

    Morning all

    Had a great night with Ziva last night although she slept in her crate from 5.30 till 8.05 pm lazy monkey fed her about 8.15 she was more bouncy lol but after a big sleep I sort of expected it. Went back into crate 9.30 till 10 then bit more play bedtime at 12 midnight I slept on sofa again and set alarm to go off at 2 but Ziva fast asleep so I left her set alarm for 3 still asleep so set it for 4 still asleep but I did put her out had a P then back to crate set alarm for 6.30 just as I was getting of sofa her bum had just had a poo on her blanket so either she didn't really ask to get out or 6.30 was her wakening time. But apart from that I was really pleased with her

    Hope your all having fun with your pups this am

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