Not much interest in other dogs.

Discussion in 'Labrador Puppies' started by Rue7514, Apr 20, 2015.

  1. Rue7514

    Rue7514 Registered Users

    Aug 20, 2014
    So, Rue has been around other dogs since around 4 months, when I started taking her to the dog park after being fully vaccinated. We also visit my parents sometimes, and they have several dogs. At the dog park, she has no interest in the other dogs. She'll say hi with a sniff here and there and is never aggressive toward them, but then she usually goes on about her business like they're not even there, lol. She never wants to play with them, no matter how hard they try....she would much rather just play fetch, swim, or hang out with us. At my parents' house, she will play with their german shepherd for a few minutes here and there, but usually she's off exploring/playing by herself, or begging to play fetch.

    We've never really had other dogs at our own home with her, so I'm not sure how she'd react then. I'd imagine she might be more interested then.

    Like I said, she is never aggressive toward other dogs and seems to be respectful of them with what little interaction that does go on. Is it more of a personality thing? Is it something we should be worried about at all? Part of me worries she wasn't socialized properly with other dogs, but I'm not sure what we could have done differently.

    Side note -- she is friendly with other people and goes absolutely bonkers over kids. Not sure what it is about kids, but she loves them and would play with them all day if she could.
  2. Stacia

    Stacia Registered Users

    May 25, 2011
    Malvern UK
    Re: Not much interest in other dogs.

    I should be very grateful that she is more interested in you than other dogs. She must be well socialised as you say she is not aggressive, just not interested. My Lab never plays with other dogs and that is how I like it :)
  3. Rue7514

    Rue7514 Registered Users

    Aug 20, 2014
    Re: Not much interest in other dogs.

    [quote author=Stacia link=topic=10657.msg157791#msg157791 date=1429556160]
    I should be very grateful that she is more interested in you than other dogs. She must be well socialised as you say she is not aggressive, just not interested. My Lab never plays with other dogs and that is how I like it :)

    Good to hear you have a similar experience, Stacia! I am grateful she's not like some of the other dogs at the dog park that have no boundaries whatsoever and annoy the heck out of everyone, but sometimes I also wish she was interested in having doggie friends more so. It would give me a much needed break! ;)
  4. Naya

    Naya Registered Users

    Sep 14, 2013
    Bristol, UK
    Re: Not much interest in other dogs.

    Harley usually says hi to other dogs, but rarely wants to play with them. She will happily race them for a ball and will chase if they get the ball and loiters until they drop it. Even on forum walks, she says hi to everyone, then plays ball, sniffs, will be with the others, but not playing. Harley is well socialised and is really good with all types of dogs - barky, timid, jumpy, aggressive and playful. The only dog she really plays with is the lab next door who was born the same day as her and arrived in their house 2 weeks after we got Harley. I personally don't mind it
  5. CDM

    CDM Registered Users

    Dec 12, 2014
    Re: Not much interest in other dogs.

    Lucky you ;) ... I lost Bella for a few minutes today bounding off after yet another dog :-\
  6. bbrown

    bbrown Moderator Forum Supporter

    Jun 13, 2011
    Re: Not much interest in other dogs.

    Sounds great to me!! ;D
  7. Bonnie

    Bonnie Registered Users

    Feb 2, 2015
    Re: Not much interest in other dogs.

    I'm with CDM and Barbara! 8)

    Having your dog play with other dogs isn't always much of a break, especially if you have to go tearing after them, apologise to the other owner because your dog is a pogo stick who loves licking the faces other dogs' owners, or if you have to spend ages at the end of a play getting your dogs to swap their respective balls back!! (personally I'd take home any ball, but people do seem rather particular about this!!)

    Worse still when your dog chooses to play with a not so nice dog and you have to spill your entire ration of cooked chicken on the grass to get his teeth out of your beloved pup's neck/ :-[

    I'd say, as long as she's happy, count yourself lucky!!

    Rue's a great name btw!
  8. Oberon

    Oberon Supporting Member Forum Supporter

    Mar 6, 2013
    Canberra, Australia
    Re: Not much interest in other dogs.

    Definitely don't worry. Just count your lucky stars! :)
  9. maisiesmomma

    maisiesmomma Registered Users

    Jan 13, 2015
    Re: Not much interest in other dogs.

    I was going to say I'd be happy as heck if Maisie didn't care for other dogs, but then remembered how happy she IS when she parties with other dogs… like her best dog friend, Finn:

  10. snowbunny

    snowbunny Registered Users

    Aug 27, 2014
    Andorra and Spain
    Re: Not much interest in other dogs.

    I'd be happy, too. My two obviously have each other to play with, but even then they tend to just do their own thing. They go and say hi to their best buddies, but again, after initial greetings, will just mooch around pretty much ignoring each other. I've had dogs in the past that want to hoon after every single dog on the common and it's really quite stressful!

    [quote author=Bonnie link=topic=10657.msg157873#msg157873 date=1429569133]
    if you have to spend ages at the end of a play getting your dogs to swap their respective balls back!! (personally I'd take home any ball, but people do seem rather particular about this!!)

    This makes me laugh. People get so protective of their pets' stuff. A couple of weeks ago, a Staffie type came bounding up with a gigantic branch in its mouth and my two, plus their sister who was with us, all joined in playing with the branch - although I don't let my two play with sticks in general, this was a game of possession for them all. They were all trotting down the path in a line, holding onto the branch and quite happy with that. The owner was going mad, though! "It's HIS branch! Don't let your dogs steal it!". Um, it's a branch. Look around. Trees everywhere. Our three were quite happy to be called away from it, luckily, and we let them go on their merry way with the most precious of branches... ;D
  11. Dexter

    Dexter Moderator Forum Supporter

    Apr 10, 2013
    Re: Not much interest in other dogs.

    Oh I just saw the title of this thread and thought 'you lucky thing!' ;D
  12. Hollysdad

    Hollysdad Supporting Member Forum Supporter

    Oct 13, 2013
    Re: Not much interest in other dogs.

    It could just be a personality issue. We've had dogs that became hyper playful whenever they met another dog, and some that just liked to stroll along and sniff the flowers. Holly is OK playing with other dogs if they've met before, but can be quite indifferent the first time she meets another dog. I wouldn't be too worried about it.
  13. Bonnie

    Bonnie Registered Users

    Feb 2, 2015
    Re: Not much interest in other dogs.

    Gorgeous pic of Maisie and her mate - so happy!!

    Bonnie's best mates are Oscar (large black pointer) and Oscar (small white Westie) Today.... I'm going to brag so look away now if you don't want to read sheer, unadulterated pride ..... Bonnie sat and waited till release before I allowed her to play with them - yay! ;D

    But, honestly, this has taken months to get right and it may have been a fluke - normally I'd have no control!! So, yeah, I wouldn't worry!

    Fiona, that's a hilarious story about the branch!! Other dogs are lovely: their owners, not so much!! :eek:
  14. Rue7514

    Rue7514 Registered Users

    Aug 20, 2014
    Re: Not much interest in other dogs.

    [quote author=maisiesmomma link=topic=10657.msg157885#msg157885 date=1429586374]
    I was going to say I'd be happy as heck if Maisie didn't care for other dogs, but then remembered how happy she IS when she parties with other dogs… like her best dog friend, Finn:


    Seeeeeee! This is so adorable!
  15. Rue7514

    Rue7514 Registered Users

    Aug 20, 2014
    Re: Not much interest in other dogs.

    [quote author=snowbunny link=topic=10657.msg157905#msg157905 date=1429605007]
    I'd be happy, too. My two obviously have each other to play with, but even then they tend to just do their own thing. They go and say hi to their best buddies, but again, after initial greetings, will just mooch around pretty much ignoring each other. I've had dogs in the past that want to hoon after every single dog on the common and it's really quite stressful!

    [quote author=Bonnie link=topic=10657.msg157873#msg157873 date=1429569133]
    if you have to spend ages at the end of a play getting your dogs to swap their respective balls back!! (personally I'd take home any ball, but people do seem rather particular about this!!)

    This makes me laugh. People get so protective of their pets' stuff. A couple of weeks ago, a Staffie type came bounding up with a gigantic branch in its mouth and my two, plus their sister who was with us, all joined in playing with the branch - although I don't let my two play with sticks in general, this was a game of possession for them all. They were all trotting down the path in a line, holding onto the branch and quite happy with that. The owner was going mad, though! "It's HIS branch! Don't let your dogs steal it!". Um, it's a branch. Look around. Trees everywhere. Our three were quite happy to be called away from it, luckily, and we let them go on their merry way with the most precious of branches... ;D

    I will admit I got irritated at a guy once because his giant Pyrenees took Rue's ball and after a few minutes of trying to get it from him, I asked the owner if he'd have better luck getting it back. He responded with "Good luck with that one." and continued to sit there. Usually there are other balls laying around, so it's not a big deal, but of course there wasn't that day and my ball/fetch obsessed dog was not happy!
  16. maisiesmomma

    maisiesmomma Registered Users

    Jan 13, 2015
    Re: Not much interest in other dogs.

    To be honest I would be peeved if another dog TOOK Maisie's ball/toy… only because she doesn't have very many balls/toys, and her one tennis ball she picked out herself at the store so I find it cute and want her to keep it… and Maisie probably wouldn't be super impressed if someone took her toy.

    Truly though, play management, dealing with other dog owners, and trying to make sure neither of them play too rough, but also remembering dogs do play rough sometimes and it's okay, and all that jazz… it probably truly is MUCH MUCH easier to have a dog who doesn't like other dogs much!!

    We don't even go to dog parks because Maisie can't control herself off leash with another dog around. We're working on on leash control… and supervised play… and focusing around other dogs… definitely adds a dimension of training!

    Rue is such a pretty name.
  17. CDM

    CDM Registered Users

    Dec 12, 2014
    Re: Not much interest in other dogs.

    [quote author=Bonnie link=topic=10657.msg157873#msg157873 date=1429569133]

    Worse still when your dog chooses to play with a not so nice dog and you have to spill your entire ration of cooked chicken on the grass to get his teeth out of your beloved pup's neck/ :-[

    Oh nooooo hope Bonnie is ok??? :-[ my friend said her dog getting nipped a few times made her more wary and less likely to approach but not willing to gamble with that!!
  18. Bonnie

    Bonnie Registered Users

    Feb 2, 2015
    Re: Not much interest in other dogs.

    She was okay but it wasn't pleasant. It's the first and only time I've seen her (outside) with her tail between her legs. She was yelping too. I was really furious with myself. The owner kept shouting, "he's only playing". I wasn't convinced. AT ALL! :mad:

    The next day we started our "ignoring other dogs" training in earnest!
  19. snowbunny

    snowbunny Registered Users

    Aug 27, 2014
    Andorra and Spain
    Re: Not much interest in other dogs.

    [quote author=Bonnie link=topic=10657.msg158102#msg158102 date=1429644240]
    She was okay but it wasn't pleasant. It's the first and only time I've seen her (outside) with her tail between her legs. She was yelping too. I was really furious with myself. The owner kept shouting, "he's only playing". I wasn't convinced. AT ALL! :mad:

    The next day we started our "ignoring other dogs" training in earnest!

    "He's only playing" doesn't cut it when your dog is scared. It's fine for them to be a bit submissive; that's perfectly natural and part of learning, but if she's actually scared, then what the other dog is doing is not OK. I take it the owner was some way off. I'd have been having some stern words with him about it and encouraging him to educate himself on doggy body language.
  20. Bonnie

    Bonnie Registered Users

    Feb 2, 2015
    Re: Not much interest in other dogs.

    Yes, he was calling from a distance. I just put Bonnie on her lead and we went off in the opposite direction. I did shout back, "My dog's tail is between her legs so we're going." No exactly stern, I guess.

    Actually, yesterday, I had another nutter. Some kind of mastiff I think. Bonnie was on her lead so it was fine but this guy and his dog were approaching and the dog was tugging to see Bon. I asked if the dog was friendly with other dogs. He said, "Oh yes, he loves other dogs. He's only ever gone for one, once or twice." Idiot. We didn't stop to say hello.

    Gosh, it's a whole new world this doggy world!

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