odd behaviour

Discussion in 'Labrador Behavior' started by Puppypal, Nov 25, 2013.

  1. Puppypal

    Puppypal Registered Users

    Aug 8, 2013
    Lately barley has been behaving very odd, not his normal self at all.

    At home he is full of energy running around and playing with puzzle, and he gets really exited when i say walkies, but as soon as he goes outside, he goes really slow, he does not want to go for a walk, he lags behind and wants to walk at a snails pace, but in the house he is bouncing of the walls, and constantly on the hunt for food, he has a chew in the morning and his food in the evening, but he is constantly looking for food. he won't even play in the garden, when they start playing and destroying the house if you kick them both outside puzzle will keep trying to get barley to play but barley will shut down and won't play.

    we have tried different methods when walking, taking different routes, walking with puzzle, walking without puzzle, but nothing makes a difference.

    Another add on to his odd behaviour was on training at friday he was very grumpy and growled at almost everyother dog for no reason, he still wanted to work, but he would not let any other dogs near him. we thought that it could have been his back was hurting as he was slower than normal at getting up from the sit or down. We think he could have hurt himself in one of his mad playing moments with puzzle but we can't say for sure.

    He is just not acting himself and he is acting very perculiar
  2. JulieT

    JulieT Registered Users

    Jun 15, 2013
    Re: odd behaviour

    It does sound like maybe something is hurting him...did you say he'd had problems with his back before? Is it cold outside where you are right now?
  3. Lisa

    Lisa Registered Users

    Jun 6, 2013
    Alberta, Canada
    Re: odd behaviour

    I would think perhaps a visit to the vet is in order....he does sound out of sorts, for sure! :(
  4. Puppypal

    Puppypal Registered Users

    Aug 8, 2013
    Re: odd behaviour

    Dad has finally given in to take him to the vets next week, most likely wednesday or thursday
  5. Lisa

    Lisa Registered Users

    Jun 6, 2013
    Alberta, Canada
    Re: odd behaviour

    Oh good, hopefully he'll find out a reason. Do let us know!

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