Off lead adventures pt. 2

Discussion in 'Labrador Chat' started by Lisa, May 2, 2014.

  1. Lisa

    Lisa Registered Users

    Jun 6, 2013
    Alberta, Canada
    So, was off on the trails again and tried letting Simba have a little off-leash time again. I was quite encouraged by my first attempt a couple weeks, not so much. :-\

    Last time he was quite responsive to coming back to me when I called, today, nope. He would not sit at a distance when I asked him to either, which he has been pretty good at. He got out of sight from me and didn't come back for a minute or two (or three) then came barreling back with another dog in tow. There was a couple walking two dogs, actually, so we ambled with them for a little bit. Simba stayed close, but honestly I'm sure it was to stay close to the other dogs.

    At one point one of the dogs went into the woods, Simba followed, other dog came back, mine didn't. Walked and called a bit, he finally showed up again after 5 minutes or so....but kept out of reach. Finally I came around a corner to find him lying down on the path on a patch of snow, licking at it (he was obviously hot and thirsty). So I was able to get up to him and snap lead back on.

    Sigh. Was really hoping he would do better than that. Don't know that I can take him off lead too much for now, it's too nerve wracking. Which is discouraging. It's hard when I'm used to being able to go out there (or anywhere) with a dog who will stay in sight and come back when called. :(

    I hope the Total Recall will be the ticket to off lead walks....been very busy this week so not a lot of time to work on it but will be able to do some recall training tomorrow in the garden.

    Oh well. At least now I'm not confined to walking around the neighbourhood endlessly. Snow has mostly melted and fields are drying up, so we can wander around some new places. Even if he is on a leash at least we get to see some new sights and get out in the country a bit.
  2. Oberon

    Oberon Supporting Member Forum Supporter

    Mar 6, 2013
    Canberra, Australia
    Re: Off lead adventures pt. 2

    Don't worry about one less then perfect experience :) Just keep persevering with your training and he will improve.

    What sort of treats are you using out on walks?

    Good to hear that you are coming out of the big freeze enough to allow you to explore new walk territory :)
  3. Lisa

    Lisa Registered Users

    Jun 6, 2013
    Alberta, Canada
    Re: Off lead adventures pt. 2

    Ya, the treats could be upped in value, true. It's just hard to have confidence in trying again at this stage before I've gone through all the Total Recall.

    Well, more work in the garden over the next couple of days, then maybe a try in the dog park on the weekend.

    Onward and upward....sigh.... :p
  4. Oberon

    Oberon Supporting Member Forum Supporter

    Mar 6, 2013
    Canberra, Australia
    Re: Off lead adventures pt. 2

    Better treats really do make a big difference, in my experience :) Bring out the warm roast chicken and I think he might be a bit more attentive. Have faith - you will get there :)
  5. bbrown

    bbrown Moderator Forum Supporter

    Jun 13, 2011
    Re: Off lead adventures pt. 2

    It's so tough isn't it :-\

    Good treats do help and your training will give you confidence. Hang in there :)

    We used to use sheep fenced paths to walk when Riley wasn't great at recall I don't know if you have anything like that round your way though....
  6. charlie

    charlie Registered Users

    Sep 29, 2012
    Hampshire, UK
    Re: Off lead adventures pt. 2

    I am with you Lisa, I am also used to Hattie off lead and behaving and it's pretty difficult to then deal with a 'different' dog.

    When you are further along Total Recall and a little more sure about Simba's recall, maybe you could use a long training line and practise in the areas you like to walk, lots of hot chicken or chunks of bacon, sausage etc. and just do loads of practise. Could you encourage Simba to do a little retrieving too which might keep his attention on you?

    It does seem like a mountain to climb when we have families and a 'life' to get on with, but you will get there be in no doubt and the positive is even though it was 5 minutes he came straight back, I would have been more than happy with that when naughty Charlie used to off on his adventures for an hour :eek: :eek:

    Hey we can climb the mountain together ;) :D xxx
  7. JulieT

    JulieT Registered Users

    Jun 15, 2013
    Re: Off lead adventures pt. 2

    To me, this sounds what I'd expect (apart from I have worked through total recall, so Charlie would come back). But in terms of wandering off, out of sight, my boy will do this given the chance. So I always have to work on "what should Charlie be doing now?" instead of allowing him to wander off.

    When I was walking with Riley and Barbara, because Riley stays within a certain distance of Barbara Charlie did the same (he'll stay with another dog, just like Simba did). So my challenge is to train Charlie to stay within 20metres. This was still very much a work in progress for us. I could always recall him, but didn't want to endlessly have to do so. So he had to be engaged and told what to do - we did all sorts of things, but rarely involved me thinking about something other than what my dog was doing. I guess my point is that there are probably 2 things to train - recall, and don't wander off in the first place.
  8. bbrown

    bbrown Moderator Forum Supporter

    Jun 13, 2011
    Re: Off lead adventures pt. 2

    We trained "this way" which translates as either "you're heading in the wrong direction" or "you're getting a bit far away". Unlike recall I didn't want Riley to come all the way back just stay close-ish so it's a bit more chilled.

    I mostly trained it in open spaces with lots of direction changes and luckily for me we got the chance to do that when Riley was a puppy and wanted to stay close. I'd need big treats to do it now and I think I'd throw them out on the ground a couple of metres from my feet to encourage staying close without having to come to hand for the reward. You could use a ball or toy too.
  9. Dexter

    Dexter Moderator Forum Supporter

    Apr 10, 2013
    Re: Off lead adventures pt. 2

    Don't be disheartened Lisa,today was a bad day....well not,even really a bad day,you,are still in the testing stage of watching what he is capable of at the moment and how he's reacting when off the lead.So today has been valuable to show you where he is at.Total recall will definately give you confidence,I used to be terrified Dexter would run away and I was always scared when I Unclipped that lead :-\.my comfort zone of his distance from me was really small........painfully so...although it wasn't the heel distance Chris would have you believe ! ;D Now ,although I don't like it,I can bear for him to crest a sandune and be out of sight for a couple of seconds ......I am quite lucky in that I don't think Dexter likes to be too far away from me either,I still freak him out at least once on a walk by hiding from him....just to keep him on his toes! X
  10. Lisa

    Lisa Registered Users

    Jun 6, 2013
    Alberta, Canada
    Re: Off lead adventures pt. 2

    Thanks all, good tips here! I am working on "fetch", I've bought a special ball only used for that for outside, try to get in a few throws a day. He's doing "not bad" with it...his pre-learned behaviour with fetch was to either get the thrown object and run around with it in order to entice you to chase him, or to run back with it but do the veer off to the side in the last second. So, that I have been able to get him to come back with it and pretty much out it in my hand (95% of the time, anyways ::)) I see as good progress.

    I like the "this way" command...I think it definitely would be valuable.

    Julie, what kinds of things do you do with Charlie to keep him engaged and close? Do you go through your sit, stay, etc? I did try to do that but pooch was not interested :-\. Work in progress... ::)

    Yes, I am trying to think on the bright side that Simba did come's just that I don't trust him to do so consistently, that's for sure!!

    Anyhow...thanks for the encouragement, we will continue to press onwards and upwards!
  11. Naya

    Naya Registered Users

    Sep 14, 2013
    Bristol, UK
    Re: Off lead adventures pt. 2

    Keep going Lisa, I'm sure Simba will learn recall quickly :)
    To keep Harley's interest on me when lots of people or dogs I often use the ball. Also I do 'hide and seek' behind trees, hedges or benches etc, I put a high reward treat in my hand and get her to guess what hand it's in, I am known to skip or jump up the path which tends to get her excited ::)
  12. drjs@5

    drjs@5 Registered Users

    Jun 2, 2012
    Fife, Scotland
    Re: Off lead adventures pt. 2

    A belated reply Lisa - but this sounds quite promising to me.
    Keep up the good work!

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