Our Latest PAT visit

Discussion in 'Labrador Chat' started by caroleb, Dec 9, 2011.

  1. caroleb

    caroleb Registered Users

    Jun 24, 2011
    I've just got back from our second visit to a local care home, and felt I had to post about this topic again. It's such an incredible buzz seeing people become animated, and talkative just because a black lab came up to say hello, tail wagging.
    Barney is still a little excitable when we first arrive, it's all new smells and it really didn't help that the young guy who answered the door is terrified of dogs so unlocked it then ran making Barney think he wanted to play chase.
    Luckily the activities manager is sensible enough to realise that Barney just needed a few minutes to relax into the environment before we went in to see the residents. Those looking forward to meeting Barney were at one end of the lounge, everyone else at the other. We visited everybody in turn for fuss before sitting down for a cuppa and chat (me) biscuit and water (Barney) I did worry about making conversation before we did our first visit but it's easy - they want to know all about Barney and on the second visit it's still easy as they all ask the same questions :D It also fascinates me how some people really appeal to barney and others he's not bothered about. I was horrified at one point when having sat very nicely next to his favourite chap Hugh for a while he decided the lady beyond him was worth investigating - when she smiled at him he put his paws on Hug's lap to be able to reach to lick her face! :eek: Def not in the PAT book of appropriate behaviour. But luckily she loved it and so did everyone watching. If you've got a calm, laid back dog really do think about doing some PAT work - I love seeing the joy Barney brings and humbled by just how much real difference it made - last time they were still talking about it days afterwards apparently.
  2. pippa@labforumHQ

    pippa@labforumHQ Administrator

    May 10, 2011
    Re: Our Latest PAT visit

    What an interesting post Carole. Would it be ok to put it on the main website too? I am sure it will encourage those thinking of becoming a PAT dog visitor, to hear what pleasure your visits bring and how rewarding it is for you.

    I think many people would worry about whether they would find anything to talk about, and about what would happen if their dog was a little excited to begin with. It is very reassuring to hear the details of your visit and nice that Barney was given a chance to relax and settle down before meeting the visitors too. It sounds as though you are both doing a grand job. Thanks very much for sharing :)

  3. caroleb

    caroleb Registered Users

    Jun 24, 2011
    Re: Our Latest PAT visit

    Hi Pippa

    yes of course you can re post, I'd love more people to consider doing this - the best bit is for those unsure is that you are personally completely in control of where you go, how often and how long for. So if someone gets on better with kids than old folk lots of schools and hospitals request visits or you can approach places you'd like to go. I'd love to do a school with Barney but he's not quite steady enough yet - the old folk don't tend to run around screeching excitedly ;D

    Feel free to combine these two posts together as you wish!
  4. Sammie@labforumHQ

    Sammie@labforumHQ Administrator Staff Member

    May 19, 2011
    Re: Our Latest PAT visit

    Hi Carole

    I think its a really great thing that you are doing, to give up your time to share your dog with people and brighten their day. But I also have to say I laughed out loud at this:

    "it really didn't help that the young guy who answered the door is terrified of dogs so unlocked it then ran making Barney think he wanted to play chase."

    So you have brightened my day, too :D.

  5. pippa@labforumHQ

    pippa@labforumHQ Administrator

    May 10, 2011
    Re: Our Latest PAT visit

    Thanks Carole, I will pop your latest adventure up on the website shortly ;D
  6. Rocketman

    Rocketman Lab Technician Forum Supporter

    May 11, 2011
    Re: Our Latest PAT visit

    My Mum's old dog was a PAT dog, and I think it is an amazing thing. Does Barney have photo id? It always made me chuckle when I saw Abbi on her lead with a photo id hanging off her collar.
  7. caroleb

    caroleb Registered Users

    Jun 24, 2011
    Re: Our Latest PAT visit

    Hi yes he does! I think he looks very smart in his bright yellow PAT collar and lead with his ID tag too - I will post a picture of him in uniform soon :D
  8. caroleb

    caroleb Registered Users

    Jun 24, 2011
    Re: Our Latest PAT visit

    I thought you might like to see some pictures from barneys Xmas visit to the care home today. As it was his third time he was very chilled and once again a huge hit. Lots of the residents leave their rooms just to see him. There isn't a single biscuit crumb left in the lounge - or down the side of Pat's wheelchair ;D

  9. Sammie@labforumHQ

    Sammie@labforumHQ Administrator Staff Member

    May 19, 2011
    Re: Our Latest PAT visit

    Lovely - he looks very at home!
  10. caroleb

    caroleb Registered Users

    Jun 24, 2011
    Re: Our Latest PAT visit

    We went back the home yesterday and I left with a huge lump in my throat. After we'd greeted everybody and spent time with half a dozen people downstairs getting plenty of fuss, Sue the manager asked if we'd mind visiting a few rooms as there were a few that weren't feeling well enough to come down but still wanted to see Barney. Of course we didn't mind, Barney was a bit excited as involved going upstairs which is normally out of bounds and we went into a lady that's been poorly for a few weeks. She'd had her 85th birthday the day before but felt too down to celebrate as her mother had died over Christmas. (yes you read that right - Mum was 104!) As soon as Barney came in she smiled and he put his chin under her hands and leaned in gently for ages - he seemed to know she needed extra love. You could tell she was very tired and quite down but Barney really perked her up it so was lovely to see. We went back downstairs for a bit so Barney could hypnotise Pat (the lady in the wheelchair pic above) with his big eyes into giving him one of her sweets.

    It never ceases to amaze me how clever they are at spotting the softies who'll give in to the eyes and recognise the need for pure affection too - wonderful.
  11. pippa@labforumHQ

    pippa@labforumHQ Administrator

    May 10, 2011
    Re: Our Latest PAT visit

    It is always lovely to read your updates Carole. He is clearly making a difference and bringing pleasure into people's lives.

    I really look forward to hearing about Barney's next visit! :D
  12. caroleb

    caroleb Registered Users

    Jun 24, 2011
    Re: Our Latest PAT visit

    We were back at the care home on Friday, many of the residents had colds so were out of sorts and either asleep or grumpy but Barney waved his magic paw and they all brightened up and were eager for their turn to fuss him, scratch his ears and hear stories about his antics out on walks and with Rusty's progress. Valerie, the lady last time who was very poorly and had lost her Mother was brighter this time and after barney's visit declared that she was up to joining everyone for lunch instead of taking in her room as she has every day for the last month. It was the Manager's last day as she has a new job and quite a few people made a point of telling me how much difference Barney makes to their day. I think they were worried with Sue leaving I wouldn't be back. With this in mind we've decided to go back in 2 weeks instead of the usual 3 week gap - just to reassure everyone. This has to be the easiest way to do voluntary work - sit and drink tea and chat about dogs and show off my boy!
  13. pippa@labforumHQ

    pippa@labforumHQ Administrator

    May 10, 2011
    Re: Our Latest PAT visit

    It still requires your time and committment, I think you are doing a grand job!
  14. Sammie@labforumHQ

    Sammie@labforumHQ Administrator Staff Member

    May 19, 2011
    Re: Our Latest PAT visit

    Hi Carole

    It's lovely that you are making such a regular commitment to this - it won't be just the enjoyment of the visit itself that they get out of it, but something to talk about afterwards, and look forward to the next time.

    Barney obviously has a really natural empathy - what a treasure!

  15. caroleb

    caroleb Registered Users

    Jun 24, 2011
    Re: Our Latest PAT visit

    We went back to the care home again today, first time in a few months as I've had a lot going on plus a few admin cock ups on their side meant a visit didn't get booked for ages. Sadly Phyllis the lady who Barney clambered on in an earlier post on this thread (the lady in white and blue jumper in pics above) passed away on Sunday. Her husband Hugh had family visiting so when the carer knocked then realised Hugh already had company she started to say that we wouldn't bother him. But as Hugh started to say "no let him in" too late! barney was in to greet his friend with very excited wagging. His tail was going in complete circles (what I call his helicopter trick) Then he discovered two other chaps were there who were also ready to dish out fuss. He was in complete Barney heaven as he adores men. (I'm still waiting for his fondness for men to come in useful in a rom com drag me over to meet Jude Law who happens to be walking his lab too kind of way) I got a chance to give my condolences to Hugh and give his hand a squeeze, poor chap, I can't begin to imagine losing someone you've been with for over 70 years!

    We also visited Valerie who was down at Xmas and barney cuddled into her straight away - much more calm and gentle with her :D
    Then katherine the lady who shouts loudly and can frighten him but today was so excited to see him she was positively beaming ;D a few well placed dog biscuits and she was another new best friend!

    All in all a very successful visit, I still have a lump in my throat and sad about Phyllis, she was such a sweet lady and I heard lots of stories about dogs that had been loved and lost. Above all though it's great to see how we brighten the day for so many just by turning up and being us.
  16. kateincornwall

    kateincornwall Registered Users

    Mar 4, 2012
    Re: Our Latest PAT visit

    Oh how sad about Phyllis , those photos are lovely Carole, Barney is very much like Sam in looks , or rather Sam is like Barney :) Food , always does the trick eh ?? What a truly grand thing to do , looks and sounds like Barney gets as much out of it as the old folks , just lovely :)
  17. Sammie@labforumHQ

    Sammie@labforumHQ Administrator Staff Member

    May 19, 2011
    Re: Our Latest PAT visit

    I love hearing how Barney greets each person with just the right amount of 'bounce'. Doggy genius!
  18. Karen

    Karen Registered Users

    May 24, 2012
    Re: Our Latest PAT visit

    My old Bones visits an old people's home here too - or at least, he has been doing so until recently, but I think he is just getting a bit old himself now, and it is really starting to take it out of him, he is really exhausted when he gets home. So he hasn't been for a couple of months. You are right though Carole, the old people just love to see the dog and perk up amazingly. We even had a case where an old lady with dementia, who hadn't spoken for years, looked at Bones and said very clearly - 'He is very compact!' :D Everyone in the place was AMAZED!

    However, the other day when we went for a walk, he saw a group of elderly walkers - and headed off straight to them! He clearly felt very drawn to them - and they of course were delighted and gave him some of their picnic... so perhaps he still does want to continue the visits to the retirement home!

    Carole, it's a marvelous thing you are doing with Barney, I am very sorry to hear about Phyllis. You must be SO proud of Barney!!
  19. caroleb

    caroleb Registered Users

    Jun 24, 2011
    Re: Our Latest PAT visit

    thanks everyone, I am VERY proud of Barney, he really is a complete star.

    Karen perhaps Bones could pay shorter visits, I know Pets as Therapy say that it can be draining on an older dog as they give so much but I'm sure if you explained he's not up to longer visits everyone would understand ;D Nothing seems to tire Barney out but then he is at his peak at 4.
  20. Karen

    Karen Registered Users

    May 24, 2012
    Re: Our Latest PAT visit

    That is an idea Carole, I'll talk to the therapist. I think at the very least he'll have to go back a couple more times, even if only to say goodbye properly to his 'friends' there, as they have been worrying about him, and have even said to my friend (the occupational therapist) that they think he must be dead and that they just havent been told so as not to upset them... We explained this is definitely not the case, but to put their minds at rest I think we'll go in again soon.

    The problem is, Bones became quite ill a couple of months ago and lost a lot of weight (constant vomiting and diahorrea); it turned out he had some nasty bacteria in his gut and needed to have a special diet to cure this. He has gained weight again now, and is much better, but I am worried about putting him under any sort of strain, which is why I am reluctant for him to go back to the therapy work on a long-term basis. He is 13 and a half, after all!!! Depending on what kind of dog Poppy turns out to be, I might train her as a PAT dog too. I think she is going to be quite a calm sort of character - but we shall see.

    A couple of months ago, some of the children at the school I work at were doing a project on therapy animals, and I was able to take a couple of them along. It was wonderful - the old people were happy not just to see the dog, but also to have the children there too... Not a dry eye among us. Very uplifting. It is a wonderful thing to do, both for the old people, the dog, and for oneself.

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