Hello, My Enya is 18 months old and is a darling in every way except when she gets anxious/frustrated and barks a lot! I train her several times a day using positive reinforcement methods and she understands 'Quiet' and 'Leave it'. But, she will bark at my neighbors and any dog or human she sees on her walk at least a few times before she finally heeds to my command to be 'Quiet'. She is not aggressive and I think she is anxious or frustrated. She can also be wary inside the house and will be alerted at the slightest noise. My Vet suggested trying a Dog appeasing pheromone collar or spray. What are your experiences with it. Any side effects? I don't want to create a zombie or a dog that is dependent on it. Also, a brief background on Enya...she was a singleton puppy, born via C-section and did not get her mom's milk. Is my baby's anxiety related to her birth situation. Thank you, Priya
It is important to sort out why she is barking. If she barks because she is giving you are warning, then that seems to me to be fine. If she barks because she is fearful aggressive, then I would try teaching your dog Look at That. See the thread on this site and watch the very helpful video. You don't need to use a clicker. Just use your marker word, YES. You will not create a zombie. It imitates the calming pheromones released by the mother. It's not effective on all dogs but, I agree with the Vet, give it a try. Probably. She did not have the opportunity to socialise with her siblings, and develop confidence from play. That might help to explain her behaviour, but it is like spilt milk. It's what you do from here on that matters.