Please remind me things will get better

Discussion in 'Labrador Puppies' started by Nichola, Oct 20, 2016.

  1. Nichola

    Nichola Registered Users

    Apr 5, 2016
    Hello everyone
    we collected Freddie our 8 week old black labrador puppy on Sunday. So far everything has been going well and he has settled in nicely.

    But today is a different story! He has started biting our hands a lot and jumped up and bit my son on the nose when he was cuddling him. Also he grabbed the sleeve of my daughter's school blazer and played tug with it we couldn't get him to let go and he put a hole in it.
    I know this is all normal and I was expecting it and have just reread Pippa's book about it. But I am really tired today and just need reminding it will get better.

    Also the toilet training is going well but he has developed diarrhea which is worrying me.but we are going to the vets today for his check up so will see what they say. Also I feel on edge watching him all the time incase I miss the signs he needs to go out.

    He is adorable and we all love him but I am exhausted! Sorry for moaning!
    Celin and Jyssica like this.
  2. Joy

    Joy Registered Users

    Mar 22, 2014
    It will get better!

    It might be best to put Freddie in his crate, pen or behind a stair gate while you're busy with the children in the morning, so that he can't tear expensive uniform. Then for a month or so it's old clothes all round(and long sleeves) while with the puppy!

    Obviously you want to toilet train him, so take him out every 30 minutes for a wee and definitely right after food. But try not to let the odd accident on the floor worry you - it's bound to happen - and sooner or later they all become house-trained.

    Hope all goes well at the vets.
    Celin likes this.
  3. Jyssica

    Jyssica Registered Users

    Sep 12, 2016
    Liverpool, UK
    Hey Nichola,

    We have had Rolo for 3 weeks now and it does get easier :)

    I promise, It feels like it doesnt, and im sure new challeneges come along like with everything, but the crate advice is a good one, giving him juicy kongs to keep him occupied.

    Good luck and keep at it, dont be so hard on yourself
  4. Karen

    Karen Registered Users

    May 24, 2012
    It's like having a new baby in the house - the routine seems to be going swimmingly, and suddenly something happens to change that and everything seems too much!!! It is extremely tiring having a new puppy, and a surprise even when you were expecting it... but yes, of course it gets better. :)
  5. snowbunny

    snowbunny Registered Users

    Aug 27, 2014
    Andorra and Spain
    It does get better! I second popping pup somewhere he can't wreck uniform etc in the mornings. If your getting-ready-for-school routine is anything like mine used to be (when I was the kid!) then it's quite frantic, and your pup will pick up on that energy.

    Puppies often get squiffy tummies, that's part of being a baby, so try not to let it worry you. If you can, take a sample with you to the vet so he can test it if he feels it's necessary.
  6. Boogie

    Boogie Supporting Member Forum Supporter

    Mar 29, 2014
    It WILL get better!!

  7. Nichola

    Nichola Registered Users

    Apr 5, 2016
    Thank you for your replies everyone. We are back from the vets he couldn't have his injection today because of the diarrhea but he hasn't got a temperature and there is no blood or mucus so that's good. He has to have chicken and rice for a few days and the vet gave me some paste to put on his food.

    I will try and ease up on watching for when he needs the toilet and just concentrate on after meals and every 30 minutes.

    He does have a crate and a playpen and will put him in the playpen in the mornings. We have 4 children so mornings are very hectic!

    we have another dog. He is a 4 year old cavalier and I do remember feeling similar when he was a puppy. We also have had a lab before but it's 20 years since he was a puppy.He was a chocolate lab called Max. We lost him 10 years ago when he was 10. I have waited a long time for another labrador as we didn't want to get one when the children were very small that's why we got a cavalier last time.

    Thanks for listening
  8. b&blabs

    b&blabs Registered Users

    Sep 8, 2016
    Bessie is 4 months now and yes it gets easier! We still have our crazy puppy zoomies in the evening and she still gets mouthy at times but it's miles from the first few weeks, which were just so exhausting.
  9. babs75

    babs75 Registered Users

    Oct 19, 2016
    Beaverton, Oregon
    Libby is 16 weeks and oh so mouthy! She is housebroken now and sleeps all night so we are finally making some baby steps. But her biting and lunging at me drives me crazy. She starts on my ankles the minute I get out of bed. My hands, legs, ankles, look like I've been in a fight because of all the bites. She doesn't do this to my husband. It gets difficult not even being able to walk across the room. I've tried everything but the only thing that seems to work is a 'time out' and then she usually just goes to sleep. She doesn't do this all day but early morning and evening seem to be the worst times. We start obedience training next week so maybe I can get some ideas then. She really has no other faults and just does regular 'puppy' stuff ('puppy' stuff as I remember -- we haven't done 'puppy' in 20 years and that was with a shih tzu and a cocker spaniel). For the most part, she's a good girl and knows basic commands like sit, stay, down, and knows how to 'shake' by putting her paw up for you to shake. I'm really hoping all this biting stops at some point but not feeling that way now.
    Celin likes this.
  10. babs75

    babs75 Registered Users

    Oct 19, 2016
    Beaverton, Oregon
    Before I posted above, I had emailed a friend of mine who used to do 'Guide Dogs for the Blind'. She has had lots of labs and here's what she said:

    She is still a puppy and pushing boundary's. Try scolding her with a loud deep voice when she does it. Make up some word or sound besides no to use.
    Then give her a treat when she doesn't do it . Keep lots of them in your pockets. She will get the idea that no biting means I get a treat. Play tug with her she will probably get a kick out of it. Your obedience instructor should have some good ideas to stop the bad behaviors when she sees her too.


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