My dog is a labrador she was spayed 3rd December a few weeks afterwards she had a lump on her suture line which looked like it healed OK. The lump became bigger and it ruptured in at the beginning of March. We took her the vet and she was given antibiotics and they stapled her wound. We took her back a week alter as another small lump had formed and opened at the top of the wound site. This was treated with antibiotics. Last week we took her the vet again and they gave more antibiotics and and took her stapled out since then another lump has formed and ruptured on her stomach. She is eating and no behaviour change. She is very scared of anyone going near her stomach because the vet gave her the staples with no local so was very tender. On Friday they prescribed a topical antibiotic and anti inflammatory cream which seems to have aggravated the area. They said originally was maybe a skin infection swabs taken all normal then now saying it could be an allergic reaction to the dissolvable sutures used. These sutures where put in 6 months ago so I would have assumed they where dissolved by now? I am just at a loss as to what I can do to help my baby recover and get her stomach healed with no further complications. She had a previous allergic reaction to her first vaccine as a pup and was given in hydrocortisone her eyes and face swelled up severely after around 30 minutes of having them so we now give her Puriton prior to any vaccines Anyone had this before or aware of this and any advice would be much appreciated x