Problems when we are eating

Discussion in 'Labrador Puppies' started by Hugo's mum, Jul 28, 2016.

  1. Hugo's mum

    Hugo's mum Registered Users

    Apr 6, 2016
    What do people do during meal times - we crate Hugo (7 months) as otherwise he jumps up at the table but this just causes barking and a very unrelaxing meal time. We give him treats in the crate but he finishes them we finish and then the barking starts again! Feel like we won't ever eat in peace or be able to have friends round for a meal again!
  2. JenBainbridge

    JenBainbridge Registered Users

    Jun 28, 2016
    Darlington, UK
    Not that I'm an expert AT ALL (as you will see from my previous posts) but when we're eating Stanley stays in the kitchen behind his baby gate where he can still see us with some toys and a chew of some sort. Usually he takes himself off to bed for a nap, at first he used to cry but now he doesn't seem to mind.

    Hopefully with perseverance he will settle down and let you eat in peace ☺️ Nothing worse than a stressful meal!
  3. lorilou61

    lorilou61 Registered Users

    May 13, 2014
    Indiana USA
    When very young, Edsel went to his crate. As he became more able to comply, we taught him to go to his bed for mealtime which is what he does now. Except when the 3 grandsons are here. He then stations himself under the table in anticipation of treats falling from the heavens. Since that's an infrequent occurrence I allow him this transgression!
  4. Oberon

    Oberon Supporting Member Forum Supporter

    Mar 6, 2013
    Canberra, Australia
    Having him in the crate is a good idea. I'd keep the crate next to where you are so he doesn't feel isolated.

    I think the best thing to do is totally ignore the barking. No-one should even glance at him while you're eating. He'll try really hard to get your attention. He'll probably experiment a bit with different noises and a higher volume. But on no account should you respond in any way while he's making noise. If you want you can give him a treat when he's quiet but even that will encourage vigilance on his part, waiting for the next treat. To be honest I'd make him go cold turkey on this. No treats, nothing while you're eating. Br prepared for a big attention getting effort from him and for it to get worse before it gets better. But it will get better! When we got Obi at 9 months he was exactly like Hugo. He yelled and whined and protested and grumbled and groaned non-stop through meals. But he learned that it was pointless and now he's great.
    Bruer likes this.
  5. Samantha Jones

    Samantha Jones Registered Users

    Apr 19, 2016
    From tiny we put Bailey in his bed (initially in his crate) then as time went on he's now on his does not stop the longing looks, the licking of lips, the following of every forkful from plate to mouth, and as soon as we are nearly finished the sitting up and then running to his bowl in the hope of any leftovers! Oh also the occasional pathetic sigh which is obviously because he is a totally unloved pooch! :D
    SwampDonkey likes this.
  6. JulieT

    JulieT Registered Users

    Jun 15, 2013
    Charlie went in his crate when young, and now we ask him to lie on his mat a little way away from the table. OH feeds him though, so if OH is eating Charlie lies on a mat by OH's chair. If OH isn't there, it takes me a little while to get the message across to Charlie that the person sitting in OH's chair isn't going to feed him, but mainly he is pretty good.
  7. Saba's Boss

    Saba's Boss Registered Users

    Nov 1, 2015
    Coastal Essex
    That's exactly what we do with Saba, and it works fine for us.
  8. jools

    jools Registered Users

    Jul 29, 2015
    we used to put Eric in the crate, which is in the same room that we eat. We gave him no attention whatsoever.
    Now (14 months) we leave him out. He has generally had his dinner before us so at least he shouldn't be starving!
    If my son is home he sits by him as he knows he will get something!
    If he isn't home then Eric sleeps either under the table or more likely under my chair.
    then the minute we show any signs of finishing and moving he's up like a shot in the hopes of getting a lick of a plate or two as it goes in the dishwasher!
  9. Xena Dog Princess

    Xena Dog Princess Registered Users

    Jun 30, 2016
    Wellington, New Zealand
    We eat dinner about 1-1.5 hours after Xena eats, so she's usually post-dinner snoozing when we eat. She'll lie on the sofa and just keep an eye on us or sleep. Last night we ate on the other sofa and she jumped up with us and just lay there. I was so impressed with her impulse control that I let it happen. We're very informal so as long as she's not whining or trying to climb on us while we eat then I'm happy. I've always got the kitchen with the baby gate to fall back on if she's a pain.
  10. Hugo's mum

    Hugo's mum Registered Users

    Apr 6, 2016
    Thanks all I will try freezing kongs he will hopefully be happy munch on one of those while we eat .... Here's hoping! Love this forum so useful for first time dog owners like me x

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