pulling on lead - halti or body harness?

Discussion in 'Labrador Chat' started by blackjack, Aug 10, 2013.

  1. blackjack

    blackjack Registered Users

    Jul 5, 2013
    Evening all!

    Jacks still pulling on the lead we have a halti but im not sure we are using it correctly ???

    it goes over his nose then it clicks together round his head with a little bit with a metal clasp on which i hook to his collar, then the lead on the collar. He does manage to get it off while out walking so im worried to have the lead attached directly to the halti.

    Would a body harness work better?
  2. charlie

    charlie Registered Users

    Sep 29, 2012
    Hampshire, UK
    Re: pulling on lead - halti or body harness?

    Hi, sounds like you are using the halti correctly. We gave up with the halti and use a harness now, but we use one with the D ring on the front not the back as a dog can still pull on a back one. I use an Easy Walker and I can control Charlie who is a big lad. Good luck. Helen x :D
  3. Lisa

    Lisa Registered Users

    Jun 6, 2013
    Alberta, Canada
    Re: pulling on lead - halti or body harness?

    Hmmm, the halti I used to use was a bit different - there was an "o" ring under the chin that the lead clipped onto. This tightened the halti around the muzzle when the dog pulled on the lead and so discouraged pulling. So if you say the lead is clipping onto the collar perhaps you're not doing it right? Or maybe it's a different style. Hard to say without a pic....we have been using a vest harness with Simba which was working well, but he wasn't much of a puller so hard to say.
  4. Dexter

    Dexter Moderator Forum Supporter

    Apr 10, 2013
    Re: pulling on lead - halti or body harness?

    Hi Black Jack....

    I had great success with the halti when I was back to the beginning of teaching Dexter not to pull.mine fits on the same way as Lisa's,i attached the lead to the ring under his chin and when he pulls it brings his head down .He doesn't love it and he will try to rub it off a couple of times on the bushes .....we are off it again now and back onto the front fastening harness ....it's the same as Helen's ,an Easy Walker but I bought a new one in the pet shop the other day made by Pets at Home and it is padded so should be more comfy for him.
  5. lynnelogan

    lynnelogan Registered Users

    Apr 10, 2013
    Re: pulling on lead - halti or body harness?

    i have had both halti that i used for a couple of day,...i have different harnesses, the best thing i have used and still using is a lupi no pulling :)
  6. drjs@5

    drjs@5 Registered Users

    Jun 2, 2012
    Fife, Scotland
    Re: pulling on lead - halti or body harness?

    I have just ordered a harness for Lilly to try. Not because she is a big puller, but to use with the long line for recall training (with the bunnies and deer) and close heel exercises which are also not her strong-point - which is unfortunately as we are moving on to off-lead training at classes ;D.
    There didn't seem to be many that had both a ring at the back of the neck, and one at the front. I thought both would be handy.
    I was a bit concerned that the Easy Walker type and the Lupi type might not be too great on her if we needed to step on the rope if she was taking off (I might be wrong - probably being my usual over-analytical over-reflector self ;D ).
    I thought a ring at the back of the neck better for this, but the front ring better for practicing close work and heeling. Not sure if anyone else can share their opinions on this.
  7. heidrun

    heidrun Supporting Member Forum Supporter

    Feb 10, 2012
    Re: pulling on lead - halti or body harness?

    Jacqui, I am no expert on harnesses, I have only ever used one when Alice had a nasty wound in her throat and I couldn't use our normal slip lead. But I think a normal harness, not an anti-pull harness, with a ring on the back is perfect for long line training. You wouldn't really want to attach a long line to anything that could pull the dog off balance or could 'pinch' anywhere if you need to use the line to reinforce the recall. :D
  8. charlie

    charlie Registered Users

    Sep 29, 2012
    Hampshire, UK
    Re: pulling on lead - halti or body harness?

    Hi Jac, we use the front ring harness (Easy Walker) for what you would like to do with Lilly without any problems. Charlie, as you know would take off and with the front ring he can't and if he is reaching the end of the training line we step on it. I am sure if Charlie is good on it ANY dog will be :eek: Just my thoughts though. Helen x
  9. drjs@5

    drjs@5 Registered Users

    Jun 2, 2012
    Fife, Scotland
    Re: pulling on lead - halti or body harness?

    Thanks guys. Guess I could see which works best ;D
  10. JulieT

    JulieT Registered Users

    Jun 15, 2013
    Re: pulling on lead - halti or body harness?

    [quote author=heidrun link=topic=2233.msg20582#msg20582 date=1376235823]
    You wouldn't really want to attach a long line to anything that could pull the dog off balance or could 'pinch' anywhere if you need to use the line to reinforce the recall. :D

    So I have tried several harnesses for Charlie now. He doesn't pull any more (actually, he is now lagging behind me when we walk, but that's another problem for another post) but he will still lunge when excited, and until I've cracked this, he is staying on a harness. Plus, I'm using a training line from time to time now.

    I haven't been happy with any harness so far, I'm sure they pinch behind his front legs (he still does the holding up a paw and hopping thing for a bit) and I hate the way the webbing straps dig into him when he does a lunge. Plus, and this might be because I don't have a custom one (I might have one made, but only when he has stopped growing), I can't get the chest straps high enough on him to clear the top of his legs properly at the front.

    This morning, I got a back fastening harness I ordered from Canada called a walkeez and tried it on him and I'm thrilled. (Half a dozen people will now probably tell me where I can get these in the UK, which would be great).

    It's got a thick vertical fleece strap at the front, and V shaped side straps that are properly above his shoulders, and the D ring at the back is much further back than on other harnesses so the girth is well clear of his front legs.

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