puppy fix

Discussion in 'Labrador Chat' started by caroleb, Oct 10, 2012.

  1. caroleb

    caroleb Registered Users

    Jun 24, 2011
    had to take Teasle to the Medical Detection Dogs centre yesterday to do a handover for her "holiday home" while she's in season. It was someone there who picked up that she is very pink - I thought it was part of the whole hormonal thing but it seems she may have food allergies or some other skin condition so she's off the vet today :( on the up side I was introduced to two 10 week old labrador puppies who were there for some filming about the charity and the start of their life being socialised to be alert dogs. Absolutely gorgeous, creamy coloured boy and a pretty little black girl. Teasle wasn't sure what to make of them and stayed out of their way but Tilly a choc lab belonging to one of the volunteers was quite motherly. I just loved being in the room with all that lab love and energy :D

    When Dan the little cream pup started to puddle on the carpet I was nearest so scooped him up to take him outside and so got a sneaky cuddle ;) after he'd had a little play and pee on the grass I carried him back him and was reminded that puppies can be a handful as he bit my nose! Still it was worth it for that lovely puppy smell and warmth.

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