Puppy has new bathroom issues

Discussion in 'Labrador Puppies' started by Dan.NY, Jun 20, 2014.

  1. Dan.NY

    Dan.NY Registered Users

    Apr 28, 2014
    My 14 week old has begun to pee in her cage at night. She only did this once maybe twice the first and second night we brought her home. SInce then she has barked to let her out of the cage at night when she needs to go. All week she has not barked and has peed in the cage. In the morning her fur is wet and its not a pretty picture.

    She also has started to more frequently pee during the day when we leave for work. She has done this once in a while so I expect it some, but this week she has done every day and her fur is also wet. Last night I had her laying across my lap while watching TV. She let loose all over on me and the chair. Not fun.. I swear though she was asleep. It almost seemed she did not know she did this.

    Also.. her bowel pattern is very off. She usually goes in the morning walk at about 6/630 AM. Then again about 10/1030. She is left alone from about 11 to 4. At 4 she goes again. Then once more at about 11PM. This is pretty typical but this week its totally off. She only goes maybe 1-2 times a day, usually when we are out playing or letting her out for a pee break.

    So.. what gives? I am very worried here that she backslipped somehow. Or maybe an infection? or?? Any comments on the matter?? How to deal with this?? Thanks!!
  2. Naya

    Naya Registered Users

    Sep 14, 2013
    Bristol, UK
    Re: Puppy has new bathroom issues

    Sorry to hear she is struggling at the minute. For her bowels, Harley stopped going so frequently when we changed from 4 to 3 meals a day.
    As for the weeing, I would contact your vet as she may have an infection if she just 'let's loose' and is unaware of her need to go.
    Hope you manage to get it sorted x
  3. Karen

    Karen Registered Users

    May 24, 2012
    Re: Puppy has new bathroom issues

    It sounds like an infection to me too, I would see the vet asap.
  4. Dan.NY

    Dan.NY Registered Users

    Apr 28, 2014
    Re: Puppy has new bathroom issues

    I did wonder about infection. Luckily.. we have a vet appointment for tomorrow!! Im not totally convinced its infection but I hopefully the vet will be good. We only took her once for shots is all. Not sure how good she is.

    I was watching TV and all the sudden my shirt was a bit wet, then I looked and it was real wet. BLAH!!! She was casually stretched across my body and was sleeping peacefully. Did she wake up a split second before? I dont think so.

    One thing I did forget to mention and its important clue maybe. This past weekend we had her out in salt water. She swam just a little, and she drank some of the water. There was a bucket of water she drank from several times before I knew it was salt. Also when she swam she gulped down some. But that was Sat/Sun and its Friday. I would think any salt water related issues would work their way out by now, if there were even any issues from salt. Her thrist and water intake has increased since the weekend. I thought due to the salt. Could all this be related??
  5. Jen

    Jen Registered Users

    Aug 30, 2013
    Re: Puppy has new bathroom issues

    I agree that there's a chance she could have a urine infection.

    My two got bladder infections at about 12 weeks. They would wee outside then wee again as soon as they came in. :(. No control and made house training very difficult. Is she drinking more than she used to? That can also be a symptom of a urine infection.

    I would take a urine sample to the vet with you for them to test then your not having to try and get one there or go back with one.

    Hopefully she will be fine fingers crossed :)
  6. Dexter

    Dexter Moderator Forum Supporter

    Apr 10, 2013
    Re: Puppy has new bathroom issues

    The side effects from salt water that I've seen is vomiting ( usually after a high intake and pretty soon after the intake) and a bit of diarraoe .Dexter will he a bit loose this evening after sea swimming this morning,bit she could have well picked something up so good you can get her checked over.
    In the situation you describe where she was lying on you I would say she didnt know she was going,even if they don't know to ask,there is always a bit of sniffing that goes on to signal a toilet is going to come.I've not got the experience of a lot of dogs to be fair though so I can only go in what I've seen.
  7. Dan.NY

    Dan.NY Registered Users

    Apr 28, 2014
    Re: Puppy has new bathroom issues

    SHe is drinking more than she usually does! Quite a bit more honestly. I chalked that up to salt water at first. Good to know this is a symptom. Not real sure how to go about getting her sample into a container. Going to be interesting but a great idea to not wait. thanks for the tip.
  8. bbrown

    bbrown Moderator Forum Supporter

    Jun 13, 2011
    Re: Puppy has new bathroom issues

    I think those with girls have advocated some kind of tray slid under her at the opportune moment :eek:
  9. Jen

    Jen Registered Users

    Aug 30, 2013
    Re: Puppy has new bathroom issues

    Yes tricky to get a sample with a girl although my two were still squatting when I had to collect samples although I think its still probably easier with boys. More obvious. ::)

    I used a shallow rectangular plastic tub which had a lid so I didn't need to decant it.

    Good luck hopefully one of the members with girls who have had to collect samples will be along soon. ;D
  10. Mollly

    Mollly Registered Users

    Nov 8, 2013
    Thames Valley
    Re: Puppy has new bathroom issues

    Molly had an urine infection at 14 weeks.

    You don't need an enormous amount for them to test.

    I put her on the lead, walked her round the garden and told her to 'be clean'. When her little bum descended I pushed a saucer under her. Then I waked her away and crated her whilst I decanted it into a more suitable container.
  11. lablover

    lablover Registered Users

    Jan 26, 2014
    Re: Puppy has new bathroom issues

    Meg had spate of urine infections before it was discovered she has Cushings disease. I bought a dustpan, sterilized it with boiling water, followed meg around saying "do wee-wee" and as soon as she squatted I quickly slid it under her. Thought it was going to be tricky but it was quite easy. I've always got sample pots in because of dad, so I used one of those to decant.

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