Puppy leash aggression to owners

Discussion in 'Labrador Behavior' started by Leeza Singleton, Feb 4, 2021.

  1. Leeza Singleton

    Leeza Singleton Registered Users

    Feb 4, 2021
    My 10 month old starting to suddenly attack, rear, growl then lung to bite at me around 7 months while on leash.
    No clear signs of Any triggers, used distraction, food etc but when in this RED zone nothing works. It is scary, he does it to both my husband and me.
    We got him neutered 3 weeks ago hoping for a change and all was good until 3 days ago and each day since.
    He knows and obeys many commands. He has never done it off leash or in the house.
    He is very balanced around everything else big or small.

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