Question Labrador Socialisation Vs Vaccination Quarantine

Discussion in 'Labrador Puppies' started by Luffy, Aug 11, 2015.

  1. Luffy

    Luffy Registered Users

    Jul 26, 2015
    Dear All,

    Having read and watched a whole plethora of puppy info, I'm at a loss as to whether I should be taking my puppy, whom is now 11 weeks, out and socialising him.

    I've been told by my vet that I shouldn't take him out until one week after he he's had his second shot of vaccinations which is on the 18th of his month. I've repeatedly have read articles that state that the socialising window ends at around 12 weeks, so I'm rather fearful of my pup developing behavioral problems later on in his life.

    So far we've had a few people come and visit him (mainly adults), we've taken him on car rides. He's been introduced to the neighbor's cat. But that's about it. I've tried locating puppy classes near me to no avail.

    There's a childrens school and nursery nearby that I probably could take him to, but owing to the filthy roads I'm not sure it would be worth taking the risk as there are dog owners on my road that allow their pets to foul the road.

    Any thoughts on this matter will be greatly appreciated.

  2. Boogie

    Boogie Supporting Member Forum Supporter

    Mar 29, 2014
    I do both socialisation and quarantine.

    Twiglet is 12 weeks old and I carry her everywhere other dogs or foxes may have been. But we go out twice a day meeting people of all kinds and traffic of all kinds. She needs to meet everything I can possibly think of of well before she's safe from Parvo. She meets other dogs but only those who are up to date with vaccinations, wormer and flea treatment.

    It isn't either/or.

    Socialisation with other dogs isn't essential so long as they meet some of all sizes and are not afraid of them, in fact too much doggy play with unknown dogs early on can give them something of an obsession. Lots of dogs don't want to play and walking on by just observing is a very good skill to have.

    Twiglet has just had her second vaccination, in two weeks she will be allowed on pavements, then she will have another vaccination at 16 weeks and will be akllowed everywhere aged 17 weeks.

    She will be absolutely fine - and my biceps will be VERY toned ;)
  3. Oberon

    Oberon Supporting Member Forum Supporter

    Mar 6, 2013
    Canberra, Australia
    Yes, you should definitely take him out to as many places as possible. You will just need to carry him - a backpack can work well, with his head poking out. Go and sit outside the school, supermarket, airport....anywhere there are people and activity. Take lots of treats and let people give him a scratch on the chest and a treat - as many people as possible. You can use puppy pads for wees. He also needs to meet friendly, vaccinated older dogs and puppies in a safe environment. Ideally this starts the day after you bring your pup home but it is not too late to start now :) This kind of socialisation and exposure to new experiences should continue for the first year, then you can ease off a bit.
  4. Jane Martin

    Jane Martin Registered Users

    Apr 16, 2014
    It's great that you are being careful but I completely understand the position you are in. You can't really go against the vet's advice (well you can, I suppose) and I was told the same but you may find there are puppy socialising classes run by a vet somewhere in your area that your vet may endorse. I think I was working to the same time frame with my pup and had also been carrying her around, going to the shops and carrying her up and down and just doing as much as I was happy with. Then - luckily - I had to return to work 3 days a week when she was 12/13 weeks and she went to day care; thank goodness: she went from being very shy and timid when she first went there to the puppy who was most outgoing. She will now play and approach most dogs and has quite a good sense of which dogs to avoid but she still rolls onto her back in submission with strange dogs before she plays. Getting her into a well supervised day care made a huge difference. Maybe you could consider this, perhaps just taking your pup for a couple of mornings a week when safe.

    Does the window close at 12 weeks? Somewhere in my mind I am thinking it is starting to close at 12 weeks and has closed by 16 weeks but you might want to check that.

    Really, it's up to you to weigh up the risks, lots of people might at this stage, say that the benefits outweigh the risks. Good luck with that decision :rolleyes:
  5. MaccieD

    MaccieD Guest

    I think there is a little confusion on taking your puppy out and allowing him to walk on the ground before a full vaccination programme and taking him out carrying him around to see the world, meet people, gain new experiences as part of his early socialisation programme. When taking him out remember to include things like train stations, buses, seeing lorries and hearing ambulance/police/fire sirens.

    Juno never attended a socialisation class, not something which exists to a great extent in rural France. I did have a trainer though, recommended by my vet, and we worked together on what I wanted to train and we socialise every week on walks with her dogs and whatever other dogs join the walk. It might be worth asking your vet for classes/trainers
  6. Hollysdad

    Hollysdad Supporting Member Forum Supporter

    Oct 13, 2013
    The socialisation window closes slowly but puppies are at their most receptive in those first 12 weeks.

    Don't put the puppy on the ground or introduce him to other dogs, but do carry him around and give him lots of experiences. Sitting on a bench with a puppy on your lap in town centes, bus stations, outside supermarkets etc can give him some great experiences with low risk of exposure. You'll also find that everyone wants to say hello to the cute puppy!
  7. Luffy

    Luffy Registered Users

    Jul 26, 2015
    Many many thanks for the advice you guys have given. I'm going to sign up for a puppy socialisation classes in September. For ow I will do as you have suggested: carrying Luffy around in a bag/backpack and take him to savor the locale. First place of stop will be the nursery and then the school. Will post back to tell you how it goes. :)
  8. Pilatelover

    Pilatelover Registered Users

    Jan 20, 2015
    Welcome, I don't have anything extra to add, you have been given excellent advice. I carried Mabel everywhere, the first few days she fitted inside my gillet with her head sticking out. Then I changed to wearing my husbands gillet as she grew. Enjoy your little puppy time will fly by.

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