Retrieving Training help please

Discussion in 'Labrador Puppies' started by Dan, Jan 3, 2014.

  1. Dan

    Dan Registered Users

    Nov 10, 2013
    Hi all,

    Since the last post I've moved forward significantly with Heal work (thanks Pippa). Top tip for others with the same problem though, I started training healing in the dark (less distractions like blowing leaves) and it really did help. I can now walk about 30 metres in the light and almost on grass!!!!

    Bey is 6.5 months I'm struggling with retrieving (albeit early days) I throw a ball, dummy, sock about 5 metres and she casts out excellently, picks it up and then buggers off like a possessed beast. Then recall doesn't even work.

    When I finally got back my dummy tonight I thought I'd switch to some recall training to make sure that was ok, after Bey coming at me full pelt she pushed me over backwards on the floor and then with all the excitement bit my that point two options occurred. 1) throw her over the garden wall, 2) pack up and go back indoors - chose the latter rubbing my nose and pleased I've still got her really!!!

    Any tips for dummy training (the retrieval type not owner)


  2. TeamGSP

    TeamGSP Registered Users

    Dec 9, 2013
    Re: Retrieving Training help please

    Why not try throwing the dummy in a contained area where she can't bugger off like a hallway inside your house or an enclosed garden path.

    Do not blow your recall if its going to fail as you are teaching the dog that it doesn't have to come back. You may have to reintroduce the recall.

    Throw some dummies in a confined area and walk away for the dog if its not coming back. It should then come back towards you, so loads of praise and when back let the dog keep the dummy while you praise.

    Try not to use the recall whilst dummy training until the dog is returning to you reliably with the dummy.
  3. JulieT

    JulieT Registered Users

    Jun 15, 2013
    Re: Retrieving Training help please

    I had this with my boy. Even the gundog trainer was pulling her hair out. We tried everything. Absolutely everything. Corridors, walking away, turning our backs, walking away some more, ignoring him because the hedge was more interesting, lying on our backs in wet muddy fields, roast chicken, roast beef, lying down with roast beef name it, I tried it.

    So I clicker trained the return. Worked like a dream. Well, after I was coached through it step by step by Pippa, Heidrun and Rachael, it worked like a dream. Here we are about half way through (ignore the rubbish bits like the clumsy way I take the dummy, I'm a bit better at things now).
  4. Merla

    Merla Registered Users

    Dec 30, 2013
    Re: Retrieving Training help please

    I'm no expert, just another beginner, but I agree with Julie- had the same with my girl, and finally decided to break it down and work backwards from the delivery with very yummy treats, rather than starting with a throw and chase and then hoping for the best. Worked much better, and now we have a lovely reliable retrieve. I didn't actually use a clicker, just a 'good girl' as a marker, but I think a clicker is probably better in retrospect. Here's Pippa's blog on 'Rachel's Journey' which was a big help:

    My other thought is that if you do this, designate a particular object (you mentioned you had a dummy) for 'retrieving' that Bey will associate with the act of retrieving and the yummy treats, at least until she's really got the hang of it. It saves confusion for the dog, as possibly you don't mind if some toys aren't returned perfectly back every time you throw them (like balls maybe, or chewy toys).
  5. JulieT

    JulieT Registered Users

    Jun 15, 2013
    Re: Retrieving Training help please

    Yes, it seems to me that it's all very well "encouraging" a pup into a retrieving habit early, and if that works all well and good, but if that has failed, train it properly - and a clicker works great - the results are better.
  6. Dan

    Dan Registered Users

    Nov 10, 2013
    Re: Retrieving Training help please

    Perfect thank you for your responses.

    Best Regards

  7. Indy

    Indy Registered Users

    Jan 2, 2014
    Re: Retrieving Training help please

    Recall, Recall?
    Get the Recall 100% with or without whistle, and treat.

    As for retrieving go back to basic's, in the garden/yard where the dog cannot get passed you.
    I have found that by sitting the dog at the back door and throwing the dummy outside the dog will bring it back to you in the house.

    Train the dog to carry the dummy whilst walking alongside on lead. Some will do this straight away, others may take a while.
    Induce them to do this on the lead by throwing or dropping the dummy a yard away and ask for them to fetch it, when they pick it up start walking away and they should follow you alongside after a few yards without stopping bend down and ask for the dummy.
    This can futher enhanced off the lead later.

    On a walk if the dog carries the dummy alongside, you find that the dog will concentrate on the dummy and not other dogs/people and also do tend to heel better.

    Hope it helps.

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