Second op in a week

Discussion in 'Labrador Puppies' started by karen reid, Aug 5, 2014.

  1. karen reid

    karen reid Registered Users

    Mar 5, 2014
    I've not been on here for a while as unfortunately I've been frequenting another forum over the last few weeks due to being diagnosed with breast cancer :( But I'm looking for some advice and reassurance. Murphy my gorgeous 7 month old badly cut his paw 9 days ago. He was swimming in water and I don't know if it was glass or a bit of rock he stood on but my goodness I have never heard a dog yelp so much and so loud. He did it early evening on the Sunday so we took him to vet on the Monday and she said he would need to come in and get it cleaned properly and have it stitched. We've not had him out for a walk since last Monday but he has been going in and out of the garden etc.

    Today he's had his checkup at the vet and she said it hasn't healed and he'll need to go in for another op. She needs to cut into it to get it bleeding again and then re- stitch it. He's to have practically no movement and she wants his in his crate as much as possible and with the lampshade thingy on 24/7.

    To say I am upset is an understatement. I was so looking forward to getting him out and about again and playing with him. He's missing his dog training classes and we were just getting him use to being left out of his crate when we weren't in and now we're having to have him in it again. How is he going to get through the next week or so? What can I do to entertain him? I feel so sorry for him, he looks so sad. Has anyone else been through this and can give me some tips/advice?

    Many thanks for reading xxx
  2. Joy

    Joy Registered Users

    Mar 22, 2014
    Re: Second op in a week

    I'm very sorry to hear that you have breast cancer and about Murphy's paw. I'm afraid I don't have any advice but want to wish you both well.
  3. Merla

    Merla Registered Users

    Dec 30, 2013
    Re: Second op in a week

    Gosh, sounds like paw troubles are the last thing you need. Very best wishes to you both. I don't have experience of cut paws, but I think I do remember another forum member saying they had similar difficulties with it just not healing. Poor Murphy. JulieT is the expert on reduced movement activities though - look back at some of her posts about Charlie. Stuffed kongs featured quite strongly I believe, but maybe even that's hard for him if it's a front paw?
  4. Naya

    Naya Registered Users

    Sep 14, 2013
    Bristol, UK
    Re: Second op in a week

    Sorry to hear about your health x
    Not quite the same problem, but I know JulieT has a lot of knowledge on crate rest, would be worth looking up some of her posts under the health section. Hope this helps. Hope Murphy heals quickly from the surgery. Let us know how he gets on. Big hugs x

    Just beat me to it Merla :)
  5. Dexter

    Dexter Moderator Forum Supporter

    Apr 10, 2013
    Re: Second op in a week

    Karen,I'm so,sorry to hear of your diagnosis.I hope you are managing ok,I'm sure you have been going through a lot of grueling treatment ,so I wish you the very best in regaining your health and strength x
    Oh dear what a shame about long is the vet saying he will need to be crated for?
    I know when Dexter had his tail op we had to keep him very calm and try not to let him bash his tail stump.he didn't bother his wound site too much but he was a villain for showing me that if he wanted to he could reach it with the cone on.....we had to out him on 24/7 obs so o know you will have a challenge.
    You can hold a chew toy or a frozen kong for them while they are wearing the cone and if you are with him you can give him some respite from it I'm sure as long as you can stop him licking. I know he's 7 months so I'm asking this really knowing the answer ....but is he a totally hyper 7 months or more on the calmer side of the hyper scale...if so,do you drive ?could you take him out in the car him out to places a bit like you can do when trying to socialize a pup that hasn't had all it's that age I reckon with a clicker and food rewards I could have sat in the boot of the car and got Dexter to sit and stay.....I don't know,that might be torturous for a young dog or it might just occupy his brain a bit when he's unable to have any physical,excercise.
    Oh you've come through such a tough time,I'm sorry you have this to deal with too....I'm not much help,at all ,I'm sure you'll get some other more practical replies,but I really wanted to reply to your post
    Best wishes
  6. Mollly

    Mollly Registered Users

    Nov 8, 2013
    Thames Valley
    Re: Second op in a week

    Sorry to hear about your troubles and I hope you will both be back in rude health soon.
  7. Stacia

    Stacia Registered Users

    May 25, 2011
    Malvern UK
    Re: Second op in a week

    Very sorry to hear of your diagnosis, but good outcomes these days. I had a 16 week old pup I had to keep in a crate and it drove me crazy as he wasn't allowed a kong.

    If I had to do it again, I would have taken him out in the car to a supermarket or other busy place, put the back of the car up and let him watch the world go by. Do some clicker training. Stuffed kongs, a bone.

    I didn't think paws could be stitched, so is the wound just above the paw and on the way to the 'heel'? You will find in retrospect that the time went quickly.
  8. Jen

    Jen Registered Users

    Aug 30, 2013
    Re: Second op in a week

    I'm sorry you aren't well Karen and poor Murphy ' s paw you really don't need the worry and hassle on top of everything else but Murphy will get through the next week or so. He will get bored and frustrated probably but his paw will heel and in a couple of weeks it will be over. I'm trying to give you a boost about it not sure if it's working. ::)

    Angela (Dexter) has already given you her advice after having to look after Dexter and Julie T had to keep Charlie confined when he tore his cruciate ligament I'm sure she will have lots of advice.

    I do hope you are doing well and try not to stress over Murphy he will be fine. I had a Murphy best dog ever. ;)

    Take care Jen
  9. JulieT

    JulieT Registered Users

    Jun 15, 2013
    Re: Second op in a week

    So sorry to hear about the difficult time you are having - warm wishes to you.

    Yes, as Jen says, Charlie was on crate rest for months. It's a tough time. They do come out the other end fine though with no lasting effects (well, Charlie is somewhat excitable as his life is SO much more exciting now, but I think that will wear off).

    For me, a routine was key. Work out what and when you can do for your dog, write it down, and stick to it as much as you can. And don't feel bad if he is in his crate unoccupied at other times - that can't be helped. Just make sure he gets no reward for fussing. Having a dog that knows crate time is no fuss time is critical to both your and the dog's sanity.

    Charlie didn't wear his cone when I was with him and supervising him, otherwise he wore a comfy cone with two collars (the second one to stop him pushing the cone back). Finding whatever cone solution works best is a big help.

    Here is something I wrote a while ago, I hope some of it might help you.

    [quote author=JulieT link=topic=3890.msg45655#msg45655 date=1389291541]
    In terms of keeping your dog occupied on restricted exercise, this is what I did:

    Write down everything you can do with and for your dog - eg 10 minute on lead sniffs round the garden, packing up meals in frozen kongs, clicker training, allowed safe chews, teaching tricks, massages, find kibble in boxes, tearing up paperback books, teeth cleaning training. Write everything down. Then stock up on what you need - kongs, save packaging etc.

    Then look at your schedule and work out how many activities you can fit into a day, and spread them out as much as possible - or grouped around the times when your dog is least likely to settle and go to sleep. Then stick to that routine. In between activities, if the dog won't settle put her in a crate or pen, if that's necessary - it certainly is for us - and they just have to learn that means quiet time. (I have recently crate trained Charlie at 10 months).

  10. Edp

    Edp Registered Users

    Mar 16, 2014
    Re: Second op in a week

    Hi Karen, I was sorry to read about your diagnosis. I have been there and just wanted to say I know you will get great comfort from your dog. My pup was only about 6 months when diagnosed and I swear he knew. He looked out for me. I hope you get through your treatment quickly. I can't advise about his paw but i hope it heals quickly. Emma :)
    karen reid likes this.
  11. bbrown

    bbrown Moderator Forum Supporter

    Jun 13, 2011
    Re: Second op in a week

    I have nothing constructive to add but send you and your pup my best wishes :)
  12. charlie

    charlie Registered Users

    Sep 29, 2012
    Hampshire, UK
    Re: Second op in a week

    Karen, nothing to add either but just wanted to send you my warmest wishes and we will all be thinking about you. A speedy recovery for Murphy too xxx
  13. Oberon

    Oberon Supporting Member Forum Supporter

    Mar 6, 2013
    Canberra, Australia
    Re: Second op in a week

    Really sorry to hear about your diagnosis, Karen. I hope you're getting great medical care and that you will come out the other side having beaten it.

    My previous dog cut his foot badly on an oyster shell (a deep cut that was bleeding). Being kinda slack I just cleaned and dried it, out Betadine on it and more or less left it, apart from repeating the cleaning etc each day. It got better on its own, though it took a while for the harder outer pad to close up fully. These days I'd probably keep a boot on it to keep it clean. I wonder if it wouldn't be worth getting a second opinion.....?
  14. drjs@5

    drjs@5 Registered Users

    Jun 2, 2012
    Fife, Scotland
    Re: Second op in a week

    Hi Karen. Just wanted to send {{hugs}} for both you and Murphy.
    No experience of the cut paw I am afraid, other than a minor thing as a result of some sharp ice. Lilly didn't get along at all well with a boot, so we had indoor rest for around a week with very minimal walking and regular paw-rinsing.
    Healing wishes to you both xx
  15. ladyrattlesUK

    ladyrattlesUK Registered Users

    May 29, 2014
    Re: Second op in a week

    So sorry to hear about the troubles you & pup are facing. I can't offer any advice but I wanted to say hello and send a big hug your way.

    Carnie & Ash xxxx
  16. Lisa

    Lisa Registered Users

    Jun 6, 2013
    Alberta, Canada
    Re: Second op in a week

    Sending my well wishes also, hope your treatments go smoothly and with a good result!

    My previous dog cut his pad quite badly, requiring stitches. I didn't have to crate him, but I did have to try to keep the wound clean, which, as you know, is tricky. I ended up with putting a plastic bag held on with an elastic band over his paw when he went out to do his toilet outside, as well as for walks, once he could manage those. It wasn't easy, though, he tolerated it okay but the thing inevitably came off at the worst times. Nowadays there are better things available to help with this, in terms of boots, etc, as Rachel says.

    I, too, would suggest the kongs and some new toys, plus some driving to new spots to see new things.

    Keep us posted, hope it goes okay :-\
  17. teapot57

    teapot57 Registered Users

    Mar 30, 2014
    Re: Second op in a week

    Just sending warmest wishes and a speedy recovery to you both. x

  18. Debs

    Debs Registered Users

    Mar 2, 2014
    Re: Second op in a week

    Just to say, sending warmest wishes and a speedy recovery to you both x
  19. Karen

    Karen Registered Users

    May 24, 2012
    Re: Second op in a week

    Sending you lots of positive thoughts Karen, sorry to hear about your diagnosis. :(

    Regarding Murphy - cut pads are difficult, but they do heal eventually. In the meantime, keeping him entertained is going to be a bit of a challenge… but games indoors or in the garden will be the way to go for a while. You can train him to 'seek' for small treats under boxes or cushions, and slowly make that more and more difficult. Julie has given you the best advice on this really, as she is our expert on crate rest!!!
  20. lablover

    lablover Registered Users

    Jan 26, 2014
    Re: Second op in a week

    Karen, I've got no advice but just wanted to send you lots of hugs. Sorry to hear about your diagnosis and wish you and Murphy good health soon.

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