Small black dog OVERCOMES fear of cows!

Discussion in 'Labrador Chat' started by David, Sep 28, 2012.

  1. David

    David Registered Users

    May 21, 2011
    Well she just would not go within a million miles of a cow (recent post on this subject). I mean if the cow was in the next field it was a no go situation. So I've been working on it - not to put her in any danger you understand, but just trying to get her to realise what constitutes a safe distance.

    On holiday in Cornwall we came across lots of cows with no problem at all. It seems that the different situation had removed most of the fear leaving a suitable level of respect intact. So back home I tried the treats approach to getting her nearer the "danger" style. Not much luck unless it was chicken! So then tried approaching the situation with another dog in tow and a friend. All ok mob handed, but on our own back to square one.

    Success achieved by her strong instinct to retrieve! Used a favorite ball on a string and got her retrieivng right up to the "danger" style. Then with lots of "come on Lady - good dog it's ok it's ok" etc she was through and dodging throught the cattle who to a cow could not give a jot about a small black dog (too busy eating).

    Well a couple of days doing this and she is now still wary but brave enough to stick with me and come through with only a little encouragement. She's not casual about things and takes a safe track through and accelerates if needs be so she won't get herself into danger I think.

    Anyway - SUCCESS! Woohoo!

    Very pleased with small black dog - with a hint of brown on the ears!
  2. kateincornwall

    kateincornwall Registered Users

    Mar 4, 2012
    Re: Small black dog OVERCOMES fear of cows!

    Oh well done Lady, brave girl to face your nemesis :) :) Sam isnt a nervous boy but is cautious, it makes it even more special when they face their demons doesnt it ? Well done to you too for your patience with the Small black dog with a hint of brown :)
  3. Moorlands

    Moorlands Registered Users

    Aug 16, 2012
    Re: Small black dog OVERCOMES fear of cows!

    Well done Lady. Such hard won successes all all the more sweet so well done you too. :)
    It amazing what they can do or see when they're out of their usual environment.
    We have free roaming sheep all over the moors and across the village consequently all our dogs are trained from being small to ignore all sheep. On Wednesday we were in the vets (again) with Finnegan when in came a lady with a shaggy Old English Sheepdog, well the look on Finn's face was a picture as he buried his head. "I didn't touch, it, I haven't seen it, it wasn't me!" and trying to make him walk past it into the consulting room was worthy of You've Been Framed, once we hustled him past he virtually bolted into his room.
  4. Karen

    Karen Registered Users

    May 24, 2012
    Re: Small black dog OVERCOMES fear of cows!

    David - PLEASE be careful with the cows. A colleague of mine was just telling me that her father was trampled by cows just recently, after crossing a field with his dog (a young lab). He didnt realize they had calves, they were lying down - they stampeded over to him, knocked him down and trampled him. He had four broken bones and a tear in his liver and would have been killed if the farmer hadnt been near by and saved him.

    The dog was fine.

  5. David

    David Registered Users

    May 21, 2011
    Re: Small black dog OVERCOMES fear of cows!

    Hi Karen. Awful about your colleague's father - I hope he's on the mend now and it could have been much worse. I got stomped by a stallion about 18 months ago and haven't fully recovered from that yet - not a dog related incident.

    Yes - thanks for the concern. All well used to cows and calves this end and aware of the dangers. We've got two sets to contend with at the moment on opposite sides of the river. Young bullocks one side that used to be a bit fiesty but have now lost interest in everything but eating. On the other side cows with calves that are I guess at the teenager stage and they are fine too. We are expecting calves from another group of cows any day now and they will be the ones to watch out for but we never walk through them for that very reason. The farmer is a friend and it was his stallion that did the stomping. ;D

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