Edsel has suddenly developed a fondness for picking up his water dish, whether full or empty, and carrying it into the family room. This leads to a small river and potential death trap on my slick kitchen floor and soggy carpet. Any ideas, other than buying a heavy dish, for ways to solve this.? What must go on in their minds! :-\ Lori
Re: Soggy floors What about one of those with sloping sides and a non slip base? Might make it a bit more awkward for him to lift. Who know's what they think, maybe he just wants to share with the family!
Re: Soggy floors yeah I have one of those, she's never managed to lift it up but has on occasion tried to take the rubber off it, but it's still on so far. the one I have is similar to this; http://www.amazon.com/Ethical-16-Ounce-No-Tip-Stainless-Dish/dp/B0002AS514/ref=sr_1_12?ie=UTF8&qid=1403872214&sr=8-12&keywords=dog+water+bowl if you can't get something very heavy then it may work.
Re: Soggy floors I've had a couple of dogs in kennels like this! One was solved by using a large bucket ewith a couple of bricks in the bottom- perhaps not practical for indoors though! Another one we made a bracket to attach the bowl to the kennel bars, again I don't think you could do this in a home. The third one we simply used a food bowl stand to hold the water bowl - stopped her picking the bowl up and paddling in it!
Re: Soggy floors What about the non tip travel bowl http://www.swellpets.co.uk/dog/dog-...m=googlebase&gclid=CO732-ehmr8CFVIPtAodbygAow
Re: Soggy floors Some great tips everyone! Thanks. I think my options are to stand and stare at him while he drinks or get a new bowl! Lori