
Discussion in 'Labrador Puppies' started by Yvonne, Dec 1, 2014.

  1. Yvonne

    Yvonne Registered Users

    Mar 9, 2014
    Cape Cod, Massachusetts, USA
    I find that my 8 month old Cooper is very jumpy with noises.....not stuff like thunder but like something dropped in the kitchen, or a car door slamming outdoors...things like that. Even with the TV on and he is relaxed, he will almost jump up if there is a noise that disturbs him. Do any of you see the same thing?
  2. drjs@5

    drjs@5 Registered Users

    Jun 2, 2012
    Fife, Scotland
    Re: Spooked/nervous/jumpy

    Lilly is similar. She is 4 and a half now. Doesn't like loud noises. Or raised voices.
    She just puts her head down and skulks off to her bed, even when they are raised voices in fun/jest.
    No idea why - she hasn't been shouted at, hit, mistreated, blah-de-blah.
    Will bark when the door bell goes, or someone "strange :eek: " passes the window (not the usual village people or postie, they are allowed ;) )
    Funny old things at times our dogs.
  3. sunsetpines

    sunsetpines Registered Users

    Nov 12, 2014
    Re: Spooked/nervous/jumpy

    I think all baby animals, even 8 month old puppies are prone to being startled....it's part of their fight or flight survival mechanism. We have great laughs when the baby goats get startled the first few times... ;D

    Sounds to me like your Cooper just needs a confidence boost...and ensure that he feels safe. doing some "proofing" of sharp noises might be helpful. for instance...my Bella get's startled by sneezing...catches her off guard every time - me too, honestly 8) but basically I sneeze...she looks startled...and I immediately in a very happy voice say...oh my that's funny....sneezes are funny noises huh? and laugh and coo and offer her a cuddle...she runs over, does indeed think I'm very funny....and that's it. Living on a farm we have all kinds of funny and unexpected noises, and each time I just laugh and reassure her they are ok noises and not to get all worked up... So far at 12 weeks...she hears something, looks to me for my reaction, and gauges her response accordingly.

    I don't want her to IGNORE everything...I want her to notice and be aware, but I want to also make sure that she learns what is a normal and ok sound...versus what she should be concerned about.

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