Still biting

Discussion in 'Labrador Puppies' started by Holliesmum, Feb 8, 2015.

  1. Holliesmum

    Holliesmum Registered Users

    Aug 30, 2014
    Hollie is nearly 8 months and she is still biting :(

    It's not just when excited she does it when we stroke her. It's mouthing more than anything but it's getting to the point we can't stroke her at all without having to remove our hands from her mouth!!!!

    She has started to 'punch' us in the face and has drawn blood on numerous occasions, how can we stop her doing this please.

    Thanks in advance
  2. Dexter

    Dexter Moderator Forum Supporter

    Apr 10, 2013
    Re: Still biting

    Advice from me would be to completely stop the interaction with her when she does it.persevere and she will learn that if she mouths she doesn't get any attention from sounds like she's learning as she's not biting down hard as you describe it.When you say punch is she doing that thing when they kind of paw at you and she's caught you by mistake?Dexter has never really done this but my friends dog does it ALL the time when you are trying to have a conversation....paws at your leg for attention....if it was a habit I wanted to stop in my dog I'd have just got up and moved and gone about my business,so not rewarding the behaviour....
    If she's catching you and drawing blood with her claws might be time for a little nail clip,dexter had definately had his clipped by 8 months x
  3. Oberon

    Oberon Supporting Member Forum Supporter

    Mar 6, 2013
    Canberra, Australia
    Re: Still biting

    I agree, stop all interaction immediately (like, immediately!) and walk away as soon as there's any teeth on skin. As Angela says she's learned to moderate her bite, which is great, but now the criteria are higher and she can't put her teeth on you at all. Be consistent and she will get it. Give her attention and praise only when her teeth are off you.

    I'd also use a clicker and treats to teach her to enjoy stroking without biting. Give her the briefest of touches and click and treat for not mouthing. Then a slightly longer stroke. Click and treat for no biting. Gradually build up the duration and firmness of strokes and do it on different body parts too. Stop the second there is biting.

    I'm assuming here that she likes stroking and the biting is just a learned behaviour, not an attempt to stop you stroking her. Do you think she enjoys being stroked? What's her body language like?

    Is she pushing you in the face wth her muzzle? Initially I'd try to keep your faces out of muzzle and paw range but also quickly leave if she makes contact with your face.
  4. PaigeEmily

    PaigeEmily Registered Users

    Sep 28, 2014
    Re: Still biting

    Is it when you stroke her along her back and chest, her head or all over? Because some dogs really hate hands going for their heads and will turn their mouths to the offending hand. She could just think that's the way to play with you when that hand comes towards her. I agree with the others. As soon as those teeth come out then withdraw all contact and then keep going back and rewarding each time you're able to touch her until she starts getting used to the tough.

    My girl always has something in her mouth (god forbid that mouth is empty!) and she's nearly 8 months old. She'll gently hold your hand now and again if you're playing with her but when she's really excited she's known for biting my arm hard enough to leave bruises through a thick coat. Turning my back doesn't work because she seems to enjoy jumping up just as much. It's getting a lot better as she matures and I think a lot of the biting is something that constantly needs correcting until adulthood but I understand how stressful it can be!
  5. astyers

    astyers Registered Users

    Jul 17, 2014
    Re: Still biting

    Gabby is 9 months old and does this also but mainly during a walk. She will suddenly jump up and grab my arm, the leash, and jump in my face. I ignore her but it takes a while for her to calm down. I wish I had some advice to give, but I can at least sympathize! Hopefully this stage will pass quickly!
  6. Petrina

    Petrina Registered Users

    Aug 28, 2014
    Re: Still biting

    Bailey is the same age, we used to fold our arms and look away, sometimes the whole family! Which worked until he nipped leg! , then I just put him in kitchen, for 20 secs max and it stopped, as soon as as he did it we would make our "that's not good noise" which is a sort if aaaa aaaa ! My trainer goes oh oh,
    One day it seemed to be the whole day! But has pretty much stopped, now is when he's tired or needs Tk go out to loo! And we haven't realised and stroke his head!
    Hope that helps x
  7. Holliesmum

    Holliesmum Registered Users

    Aug 30, 2014
    Re: Still biting

    Sorry for replying so late I've been at work and meeting my sisters 10 week old gsp who is absolutely gorgeous.

    Hollie loves getting stroked I think it's just still puppy mouthing to be honest we will try all that has been suggested.......

    Thanks again for such invaluable advice


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