Strange new anxious behavior

Discussion in 'Labrador Behavior' started by Priya71, Jun 29, 2018.

  1. Priya71

    Priya71 Registered Users

    Jul 24, 2017
    Hello all,

    Need some advice from all you experienced mommies! My Enya is now a year old and for the last couple of weeks has been acting very strange. She gets very jumpy and anxious when she hears noises and will bark her head off till she sees that it is not a big deal. Yesterday, she barked at my teenage daughter when she came bounding down the stairs in a big hurry. Once Enya realized who it was, she positively looked sheepish. But, I am worried bcoz, when she barks, her hackles are raised and she is intense. Is this a phase that will pass or something more. Do I have an anxious dog?

    Thanks for your input,
  2. Stacia

    Stacia Registered Users

    May 25, 2011
    Malvern UK
    Could she be due in season? Has anything frightened her that you know of or perhaps something you don't know? How is her eyesight? Might be a good idea for her to have a checkup at the vet to see if there is any underlying reason for this behaviour. If she has a clean bill of health, I think it would be a good idea to see a positive behaviourist before this new behaviour becomes entrenched.
  3. Priya71

    Priya71 Registered Users

    Jul 24, 2017
    Enya has been spayed so that is not an issue. She was at the Vet a couple of months ago and got a clean bill of health.

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