Submissive peeing

Discussion in 'Labrador Behavior' started by Winky, Mar 16, 2019.

  1. Winky

    Winky Registered Users

    Mar 16, 2019
    I have a 10 month old lab crossed with a golden retriever. From being around 4-5 months oldish she began submissive urination when she has food and then more recently, a new toy. Over Christmas, a couple of days apart. At my in-laws: she was fine one day with a toy she loved to death and showed it to everyone and tossed it around the room in pure puppy delight. Then at my parents, where she did the same thing, but peeed when someone spoke to her. The happy, “what you got,” everyone says... (Other than the pee, everything was pretty much the same in the two scenarios.)

    She is confident around people and dogs- kicks other dogs out of the way to get a prime sitting spot in front of the local dog walker when the treat bag is out. It’s just around new things and food. And only people. My brothers dog went near her while she was eating and she actually growled and barked. She never barks.

    I guess I don’t understand why it’s just with these things. And how to stop it. Especially with new toys. They’re the things people are more likely to give her at their houses and I’d rather her not say thank you with a puddle on the carpet.

    (We’ve nearly solved the food. We approach regularly with treats when she has a treat or her dinner and she rarely urinates now. It’s only on the occasion when her treat is something awesome and I stupidly go over and speak to her without bringing food.)

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