Sudden accidents?

Discussion in 'Labrador Puppies' started by Zacbrownpup, Feb 14, 2015.

  1. Zacbrownpup

    Zacbrownpup Registered Users

    Nov 20, 2014
    So Zac went to the vet for his last shots (2nd Lymes and Rabies). He was given a pre-med this time, since last time he threw up repeatedly after his shots. They also gave us some all natural calming tablets to use as he has been a bit crazy lately.

    I could have used them on the way to the vet since he was a challenge in the car. It was just me and my 7 yr old daughter. She was in the back in her car seat and he was up front with me. He whined, tried to get in the back, and come back in the front, nudged the shifter in neutral while I was driving and attempted to bolt out the back door (while in the front seat) when we got there... and then he literally stood on the horn as I tried to get out of the car and wrangle him out while we were both in the drivers seat. I am sure it was quite the show...

    Anyway - that evening we gave him one of the tablets. he ate fine and did not seem to be drinking more than usual. However before bed - he peed in the house ALOT... to the point where my husband wasn't sure how he had all of that in him! Up to this point, he has been excellent with house accidents since the first week or two he was home!

    The next morning when I was taking him out he peed on the floor while I was putting my shoes on. Later in the day he jumped on the couch next to me - and tinkled. Later he stood in the kitchen and peed. At this point I called the vet to ask if this was a side effect and they said no. ??? They said I could give him a Benedryl on the off chance it was some kind of allergic reaction, but I didn't want to give him meds for no solid reason if he didn't need it. There more no accidents... until this morning, he pooped on the kitchen floor.. what the heck??

    Sorry this is so long - just wondering if anyone has experienced this. Could it be a regression thing? Coincidence with the vet visit?

    Or just a bump along the lab puppy path of life.. ::)
  2. Boogie

    Boogie Supporting Member Forum Supporter

    Mar 29, 2014
    Re: Sudden accidents?

    Sounds like it could be a reaction to the tablets?

    I would get a dog guard or harness for the car too asap :)
  3. Zacbrownpup

    Zacbrownpup Registered Users

    Nov 20, 2014
    Re: Sudden accidents?

    Yes Boogie! Looking for a car guard for the back of the Subaru today!
  4. Jane Martin

    Jane Martin Registered Users

    Apr 16, 2014
    Re: Sudden accidents?

    I don't know the answer to that but I would research the jabs to see. Just give him a day or two to settle, maybe it upset him and made him feel a little off colour. He sounds a livewire! ;D
  5. Zacbrownpup

    Zacbrownpup Registered Users

    Nov 20, 2014
    Re: Sudden accidents?

    Thanks! Our trainer said the pre-med shot was more likely the issue.

    But yes, indeed, a live wire he is!! In fact, the trainer came today to fit him for the freedom harness to help with the crazy pulling and do a training session. At one point she said "the good news is that he is not mean". Ohhhh boy. She said it's going to be a slow, methodical training for him with the harness. (cha-ching!) then she asked if we would be amenable to her videotaping the training, and in turn not charging us! She thinks it would be a great resource to share with her clients, she likes him because he is fun to train and doesn't want to drain our wallet! So we shall see I guess....
  6. Stacia

    Stacia Registered Users

    May 25, 2011
    Malvern UK
    Re: Sudden accidents?

    Pre meds which are a sedative always caused my dogs to be incontent, they couldn't hold their wee until after the effects wore off.
  7. Zacbrownpup

    Zacbrownpup Registered Users

    Nov 20, 2014
    Re: Sudden accidents?

    Thanks Stacia! We gave Zac another calming tablet last night and no ill effects - so we are certain it was the pre-med.

    That being said - he seems to be going after my 12 year old son quite a bit. Doing the whole biting thing, which has waned for my husband, myself and our 7 yr old daughter. WTH?! I'm not starting another thread, as I am afraid I am becoming a pest!
  8. Stacia

    Stacia Registered Users

    May 25, 2011
    Malvern UK
    Re: Sudden accidents?

    Of course you are not becoming a pest!!! That's what the Labradorsite is for ;D

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